Christiana Gaudet

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Answers to Your Questions about Tarot: Why wouldn’t you want to do a reading?

This question is from Katie, who wondered why she was reticent to perform a specific tarot spread about a new child in her life.

The spread was called “A Child is Born”, and had a very predictive tone to it.

I believe there are times when all things are possible, and predictions just aren’t helpful. The energy wrapped up in a brand new baby is like that – why try to limit the possibilities with predictions?

At these sorts of times, it might be best to ask different questions of the cards, such has, “How can I help this new person?” or “What do I need to know about this new person?”

Often, when we are reticent to go to the cards, it’s really the questions we are asking, or the spread we are using, that create the problem.

Enjoy the video!