Christiana Gaudet

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Tarot Translation Group Week One

A Tarot ReadingI am happy to announce a brand-new tarot blogging challenge from the folks at The Jupiter Frequency at Jupiter Gardens Press. It’s called the Tarot Translation Group. Each week, participating tarot bloggers will be given a sample question and some cards, and each will give his or her take on what the reading might mean.

Here is the challenge for this week.


The Question: There’s an opportunity to start a new venture. What are the energies surrounding it?


The Cards: (Note: this is a three card spread, no specific meanings attached to any of the positions. Cards are listed from left to right.) King of Swords, King of Wands reversed, and The Hierophant reversed

Here’s my take. The first thing that strikes me is that all three cards can speak to leadership and authority. Therefore, the energy around starting this venture is one of leadership. You may be excited to be self-employed, or to expand an existing entrepreneurship. The venture may involve community leadership or teaching in some way.

A problem is that two of the three cards are reversed. This could indicate some delays for the project, or warn about some lack of preparedness.

Regardless of the reversal, to get two kings in this situation is encouraging. Perhaps there are investors, business partners or advisors in the picture. If so, listen only to the smart, honest ones (King of Swords) rather than the egotistical and lazy ones (King of Wands RX).

The two kings also give this message. If you want to pursue this, you must act with wisdom, good communication and integrity (King of Swords). There is no time for foolishness (King of Wands RX).

The King of Wands RX could also indicate a lack of willingness to bring creativity to the table, or fear of becoming passionate about the project. This is a clear warning. There are no successful ventures without creativity and passion. Figure out why you are holding back and decide to bring it full-on!

I actually take the Hierophant RX as a positive card. You are ready to act according to your own wisdom and your own ideas, rather than being someone else’s minion. You may have the opportunity to do something a bit outside-the-box. Of course, you must honor good protocol when necessary, and make sure that you are obeying the rules you need to obey. Beyond that, do not limit your thinking.  For you, the sky is the limit, as long as you are willing to do what it takes to make it happen.

What does it take to make it happen?  It takes integrity, intelligence, creativity, leadership and out-of the box thinking. Be prepared and patient. Get the right people on board. Do not succumb to your own fears, laziness or negativity.

While these cards are exactly ideal, nothing in the world ever is. You have enough here to build what you want to build, as long as you are willing to work for it.

See what other tarotists felt about these cards

If you are a tarot blogger, feel free to join us!