Christiana Gaudet

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Six of Cups- A Journey Home

RWS Six of Cups

The Six of Cups is very special card in my life.  It cautioned me to spend time with my mother, even before anyone knew she was dying.  It prepared me to inherit my family home.  It encouraged me to honor my life-long dream of living in Florida.

The Six of Cups is about looking back.  It’s about what we bring from the past to the present.  It’s about honoring the ties of the past.

Recently I had a lucky Facebook reunion with my best friend from Quirk Middle School in Hartford, Connecticut.  It turns out that in our thirty years of absence one from another she had also developed a bit of an interest in tarot.  It was certainly not to the extent that I have, of course.  She has been busy getting a Master’s Degree and being a teacher.  But tarot is arcane enough that I thought it was quite synchronistic that we both would have it in our lives.

As we were discussing our mutual delight in reestablishing our friendship, we both used the Six of Cups to describe our happy renunion.

And so here is my latest addition to the 78 Poems Project

Six of Cups

The journey back home before journey’s end

Memories shared, a reunion of friends.

Honored history and those who have passed

Looking with longing at what didn’t last.

When the sweetness of youth joins the great march of time

Some things will decay, but some things still shine.