Christiana Gaudet

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Finding the Spirit

The word ‘spirit’ has so many different connotations. It can refer to how we feel about our school. It can speak of our mood, or our character. We use the word ‘spirit’ as another word for ‘soul’, to speak of the part of ourselves that is eternal and non-physical. We also use the word ‘spirit’ to speak of Higher Power. That same word can be used as a synonym for ‘ghost’, to speak of those who have passed on but are still with us.

Much like the concept of what spirit actually is, the meaning of the word can be amorphous.

The thing about spirit is this. You know it if you have it, and you know it if you don’t.

We can think about spirit as enthusiasm, inspiration, and motivation. We can think of it as feeling a connection to something greater than ourselves.

In those moments when we feel uninspired, we seek that sense of connection, and that spark inspiration. Sometimes it is hard to know where to find it.

In normal times, we can often find spirit by gathering with like-minded people. In these times of social distancing, such gatherings are more difficult, yet not impossible.

We can also find the spirit we seek through prayer, meditation, and divination. We can find it through art, music, and other creative endeavors. This is true whether we are doing the creating, or simply appreciating what others have created. We find our spirit through appreciation of nature, and by reading sacred texts.

In those moments when we feel we have lost the spirit, it is important not to despair. That empty feeling can settle within us quickly. Yet, just a quickly, we can find that part of ourselves that senses what is holy and sacred, that is inspired by beauty, and that feels a part of something larger.

To find the spirit, we just have to be willing to look for it, and to allow it to grow within us.

The StaarCorner

Plans for StaarCon 2021, our online tarot conference happening January 22 through 24, are in full swing. You can see the agenda and purchase tickets on the StaarCon website.

Recently I sat down to have a conversation with Michelle Welch about her forthcoming book, and her presentation for StaarCon. You can hear this exciting conversation wherever you get your podcasts, just look for the latest episode of StaarCast. Or you can see it in video form on YouTube.

Join us for Class Tomorrow!

Tomorrow evening, Thursday, December 17, at 7 pm EST, I will be teaching an exciting tarot class on Zoom.

Tarot Stories, Trends and Blends is a class that will help you learn to weave the cards together into a story. No matter how well we know the individual cards, until we know how they work together it is hard to give a comprehensive reading.

This class can be a game-changer in your tarot journey. Class fee is $37.50. Register now!

Messages from Spirit Tarot Spread

Very often when doing gallery-style readings in a group, a popular question is “What does spirit want me to know?”

This is a wonderful, open-hearted way to hear direction from the Universe, via the cards.

Sometimes we need a message from spirit when we are not feeling our own spirit, when we are having a hard time finding our motivation, our inspiration, and our enthusiasm.

Here is a tarot spread to try during such a time. Lay out the cards in any way that feels right.

Begin with a short meditation to clear your mind. Consciously open your heart to the wisdom of spirit as you shuffle your cards.

Card 1. What can I do to access my spiritual strength?

Card 2. What can help me find and feel my spiritual grounding?

Card 3. What can I do to find my enthusiasm and inspiration?

Card 4. What message does spirit have for me?

The Week in Review

My blog post this week is about the Five of Wands. I wrote it because the Five of Wands figured prominently in readings I did Friday on Facebook Live.

My YouTube channel is growing every day. Are you a subscriber?

From Around the Web

Are you looking for a great book for yourself, or as a gift? NPR’s annual Book Concierge will help you find something great.

Tarot cards have made their way to Rolling Stone magazine.

There is a rare and special Jupiter/Saturn conjunction happening on December 21. Here is what that all means.

Cards for Your Consideration

Every single tarot card can speak of a spiritual connection, or lack thereof, in some way. My favorite card for finding that spiritual connection is the Ace of Wands.

I find all the Aces to be very powerful cards, in many ways as powerful as the Major Arcana cards.

The Ace of Wands brings the power of Fire. In a reading, this can discuss a passionate connection, a new creative project, or even something that inspires humor, or anger.

When we are looking for the spark of energy that can help connect us to spirit, or help us find the spirit within ourselves, the Ace of Wands can be a tool to help us manifest that.

In a reading, the Ace of Wands can indicate any new project, or new inspiration. This card can also direct us to the source of our energy, that is, our inner spirit.

Upcoming Events and Tours

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Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 3 Issue 51
December 16, 2020