Christiana Gaudet

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When Is Becomes If

One of my favorite poems is “one winter afternoon” by ee cummings. It begins:

“one winter afternoon (at the magical hour when is becomes if)”.

I’ve always thought of that magical afternoon hour as dusk, when the light dims and it becomes harder to see what is solid and what is shadow.

As we come to the close of a strange year, and cautiously inch toward a (hopefully better) new year, I can see midnight on New Year’s Eve as that magical hour.

Just as 2020 was like no year we had known before, this New Year’s Eve feels different for many of us as well.

New Year’s Eve is one of my favorite holidays. To me it is a spiritual and magical event where everyone in the world opens themselves to the possibility of better things ahead. New Year’s Eve is a global exercise in manifestation.

This year we need that manifestation magic more than ever. We need to make room for the wonderous ‘ifs’ that offer possibility. When we can imagine something better than what now is, we open ourselves to real improvement, and a new way forward.

As we enter a new year, let’s consider the possibility of wonderful things for ourselves, our loved ones, and for the planet. Let’s worry less in this moment about what is, and open ourselves to the magic of asking ‘What if’.

The StaarCorner

One of the highlights of my lengthy professional career in tarot was my conversation with Mary K. Greer for this week’s episode of StaarCast. I have often told my tarot students that without Mary’s groundbreaking work, tarot would not be what it is today.

When we first began planning StaarCon, my greatest wish was that Mary would be able to present for our first event. I am delighted that Mary will indeed be presenting this January.

You can watch my interview with Mary on the StaarCast YouTube channel, or download it wherever you get your podcasts.

StaarCon is less than a month away. Get your tickets now!

Have a Reading for the New Year!

The beginning of January is a wonderful time to check in and see what information and insight a tarot reading can offer. I am available during New Year weekend, and throughout January. I can work with you to help you make and keep your resolutions, get a glimpse forward, and manifest the best year possible.

You can call or text 561-655-1160, or schedule directly from my website.

Tarot for the New Year

What is the best way to do a tarot reading for a new year? There are so many techniques, the best thing to do is to try the ones that appeal to you, and see how they feel. Over time you might develop a special new year tarot reading ritual that is perfect for you!

You can try a new year spread, or make one up for yourself.

I like to do a twelve-card spread that is simply one card for each month.

You can also make a list of questions you have for the upcoming year, and pull cards to answer each question.

You can figure out your personal card for the year by adding the digits of your month and day of birth to the digits of the year. Keep adding the digits together until you get a number that is twenty-one or lower. Find the Major Arcana card that corresponds to that number. This is your year card. Consider how the energy of this card might inform your year. Compare your year card to the card of the year overall, which is, this year, the Hierophant. How does the Hierophant work with your personal year card? What can you learn from this?

The Week in Review

In the last week of each year, I usually make some predictions for the upcoming year. This week I discussed how New Year predictions work, and how they don’t. I made some predictions, too.

Read my blogpost, “Should We Even Try to Predict a New Year? Of Course We Should!”

Join me on my Facebook business page, my YouTube channel and the StaarCon Facebook page for regular livestream events.

From Around the Web

Here are some astrology predictions for 2021 from Vogue.

The Guardian spoke with some tarot readers and psychics to get their take on 2021.

Little Red Tarot offers five tarot spreads for new year readings.

Cards for Your Consideration

I love to think about Major Arcana 20, Judgment, as we approach a new year.

In a reading, Judgment can speak of awakenings, spirit communication, a wake-up call, or a final review of a job well done.

One of my favorite ways to look at Judgment is as a card that calls for closure to the past. In this card we can see the kind of healing we get when we process the past and are able to look to the future with hope.

Upcoming Events and Tours

Connecticut and Tampa Tours Resume Fall 2021

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Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 3 Issue 53
December 30, 2020