Christiana Gaudet

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How Art Heals

It takes a specific kind of talent to be any sort of artist on a professional level. Yet, even the most unskilled and untrained amongst us can have a great appreciation for art created by others.

And, within all of us at least a bit of creativity resides. Whether or not we possess the skill of a professional artist, dancer, writer, sculptor, or musician, we can all experience the healing that art brings. This is true in a number of ways.

We experience healing when we enjoy the beauty of art. This is the healing that art brings us in its simplest form.

We experience healing when we work with the utility of art, perhaps wearing a handmade piece of clothing or divining with a lovely oracle.

We experience healing when art inspires us and causes us to find a new perspective or idea.

We experience healing when we can harness our own creativity.

All children draw, dance, and sing, without worrying about whether they are good at it or not. When we can approach creativity with the joy of a child, we find healing.

As adults, it takes courage to play with art. When we can refrain from worrying about whether we are good at art and, instead, think about how art is good for us, we find healing.

The StaarCorner

Here are some great ways you can learn more about StaarCon and support a new annual tarot conference.

Like our Facebook page, and ask to join our Facebook group.

Subscribe to the StaarCast YouTube channel.

Donate to the StaarShine Scholarship Fund.

Email me to become a sponsor of StaarCon.

Check out our planned agenda.

Visit our online psychic fair and exhibition hall; you can shop here and having a reading during the conference!

And, of course, get your ticket now!

Countdown to StaarCon

StaarCon is now less than two weeks away! Since this newsletter is about art, I wanted to share the part of our StaarCon mission statement that speaks of our need to honor our artists.

It reads, “We will shine a light on the artists of tarot and cartomancy. It is through the inspiration and talent of our artists that we are able to connect with Universal wisdom in our divination practices. At StaarCon you will have an opportunity to meet some of our most treasured artists, and to appreciate their creations.”

As the StaarCon 2021 Online agenda has come together, I notice that we have a few tarot performance art pieces as well. The Tarot Show with Kate Mura is a great example of tarot performance art. We will also enjoy Tarot Improv with Mitchell Osborn, and a tarot-reading themed play by David Victor.

It seems that as we set our mission to honor tarot art and artists, we have inspired tarot creativity in multiple ways.  

It’s not too late to get your ticket for StaarCon.

Tarot Poetry and Collage

Would you like to explore your creativity and deepen your understanding of a particular tarot card?

Here are two ways you can do that. One involves words and the other, images.

Tarot poetry is any poetry written about tarot, or a specific tarot card. For this exercise, choose one tarot card. You can do this simply by picking a card at random. If there is a card you are struggling with, you might want to choose that one. Or, if you are going through a particular personal issue and there is a card that speaks to you about that issue, pick that card as the basis for your poem.

Remember that a poem can be any series of words that conveys meaning and feeling. It can have rhyme and meter, or not.

Take the card you have chosen and breathe with it for a few minutes. Then, start writing about it. What does it make you think of? What does it make you feel?

Let those thoughts and words become a poem about the card.

How does that poem help you understand the card?

How does that poem help you understand yourself?

These days, we can do collage the old-fashioned way with scissors, magazines, greeting cards, paper and glue. Or we can use our computers and create digital collage. Either way, this is another fun and creative exercise that will help us understand tarot and understand ourselves.

Pick a card as described above and make a collage to represent that card. Pay attention to how you feel while you are involved in the artistic process.

See how creating this collage expands your understanding of the card. See if this process feels healing, joyful, fun, or even enlightening for you.

In a way, we can all be tarot artists!

The Week in Review

This week my blogpost is also about tarot art. Read “Tarot Art is More than Pictures.”

Join me on my Facebook business page, my YouTube channel and the StaarCon Facebook page for regular livestream events.

From Around the Web

Here are posts from some of our StaarCon presenters.

From Nancy Hendrickson, AKA Nancy SageShadow, When the Wheel of the Year Turns, So Do I. This is particularly apropos for StaarCon since Rose Robinson will be doing a presentation about Tarot and the Wheel of the Year.

Take a look at Benebell Wen’s latest tarot art!

Mary K. Greer writes about the Tarot Fours and the K-Pop group BTS.

Cards for Your Consideration

I seem to ask us to consider Temperance quite often. Perhaps that is because it is one of my favorite cards. Perhaps, thought, it is because Major Arcana 14, Temperance, asks us to blend so many things together to find perfect solutions.

Temperance is associated with the element of Fire. In some decks, it is literally renamed “Art”.

Temperance begs us to be creative in all ways.

So often, when we see Temperance in a reading, we think only of balance. To get the true energy of Temperance we need to see the creativity inherent in the process the card portrays and advises.

Temperance wants us to carefully blend things together to create something wonderful. This may describe a literal process of creating art. Or it may describe the art of living creatively.

Events and Tours

See this gallery in the original post

Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 4 Issue 2
January 13, 2021