Christiana Gaudet

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The Head, the Heart, and Something Else

We often talk about the internal conflict between the head and the heart, or between thinking and feeling.

There are many adages often spoken as advice. That is, things like, “Always follow your heart”. Or “Feel more, think less”.

Sometimes these adages are good advice. In some circumstances, they are the worst advice possible.

Sometimes logic, or what comes from the head, should be our guiding force. Sometimes, we need to follow where our heart leads.

There is a third internal voice, which, when engaged and understood, can help us know when we need act on our logic, and when we need to follow our desires of the heart. That third voice is our intuition.

Very often, people conflate the heart with intuition. That cannot be so, because intuition is not emotion. Intuition is a feeling, but not an emotion. The heart feels feelings, but that doesn’t make the heart the seat of our intuition, or our emotions the keeper of intuition.

Intuition is something different than either thinking or feeling.

Intuition comes from listening to the voice of the universe.

We can feel intuition resonate within our bodies, but it may or may not be in the heart center that we feel it.

One great trick to finding and hearing that third voice is to figure what the truth feels like in your body.

If you can separate out what your logic is telling you, and honestly determine what you are feeling, you are close to finding clarity. Sometimes, the head and the heart won’t be in conflict at all. That alignment feels good when it happens!

We find the guiding voice of our intuition when we breath consciously and listen deeply. We hear that voice when we tell both the heart and the head to be silent for a moment.

The StaarCorner

The countdown to StaarCon 2022 has begun.

StaarCon 2022 will be held January 21 through 23, 2022 as a hybrid conference. That means it will be in-person in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, and online on Accelevents. All classes, both live and virtual, will be recorded and available for thirty days after the event.

We will roll out the new website and ticket sales in April. In the meantime, you can sign up for the StaarCon newsletter and keep an eye on our website countdown.

We are very happy to announce that Rachel Pollack has agreed to be a headlining presenter at StaarCon 2022 in Florida.

Rachel Pollack is the author of 46 books of non-fiction and fiction, including two award-winning novels, and a group of books about Tarot cards known around the world.  Her first book, Seventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom, has been in print continuously for over forty years.  She is also the creator of The Shining Tribe Tarot, and with artist Robert M. Place, The Burning Serpent Oracle and the Raziel Tarot.

We are honored and excited to welcome Rachel to StaarCon!

Did you miss Tarot Readings for Personalities and Relationships?
Take it now in archive at Card and Craft Academy on Teachable!
Includes the class materials and a recording of the live webcast.

Clarity in Every Tarot Card Live on Zoom

Join us for our next premium Zoom tarot class on Thursday, March 25, 7 pm to 9 pm EST!

Whether you are a new tarot enthusiast, a professional reader, or somewhere in-between, you know the struggle. Sometimes the cards show up in clear and poignant ways. Other times they speak in mysteries and give clues rather than clear direction. Whether reading for yourself or others, this can be a discouraging and frustrating for even the most learned seekers.

In this class you will learn to use keywords, context, and intuition to find the truth presented by the cards. These techniques will help you give an amazing tarot reading each and every time you use your cards.

Class fee is $37.50. Register now.

A Three-card Spread to Sort It All Out

We generally know what the head and the heart are telling us. We don’t always know the value we should place on what they are each saying.

We often don’t as easily know what our intuition is saying.

Here is a three-card spread to help you sort out your internal conflict. You can use any tarot or oracle deck.

Let the first card tell you what you need to know about what your head is saying.

Let the second card tell you what you need to know about what your heart is saying.

Let the third card give you information that helps you hear your intuition in this moment.

The Week in Review

This week I shared a review of the new Electric Lenormand.

Over the next few weeks, I will be making some important changes to my YouTube and Facebook presence.

One the things you will notice first is that I will be moving my four weekly Facebook livestreams from my Facebook business page to my YouTube channel.

If you enjoy the Three-Card Weekly Reading, Tarot Topics Newsletter Recap, the Friday Weekly Wrap-up and the Saturday Psychic Sampler you will be able to find them live on my YouTube channel, instead of on Facebook, beginning next week.

To watch, comment, and ask questions, you will need to have a free YouTube account and be logged in.

Watch my Facebook business account for announcements of upcoming events, including these weekly features.

Make sure you subscribe to my YouTube channel, Christiana Gaudet, so you don’t miss a thing.

From Around the Web

Did you see this photographic tarot deck inspired by sleep issues?

I love these tarot exercises from Big Beautiful Breakthrough!

Psychology Today offers insight on resolving inner conflict.

Cards for Your Consideration

I thought about a few tarot cards that relate to our topic. The Two of Swords can speak of the battle between the head and the heart. The High Priestess and the Moon can speak of finding the voice of our intuition.

The card I settled on is the Seven of Cups.

Very often we see this simply as a card of options, and the need to choose something.

Yet, this card goes much deeper than that.

The Seven of Cups can discuss confusion, imagination, anxiety, and fantasy. In this card we may not be clear on what is real, or what we are imagining.

The Seven of Cups asks us to find our center, and to find our truth. We can only do that well by making peace with the head and the heart.  The Seven of Cups can remind us that we need to listen to the inner wisdom of our intuition in order to figure out what is real, and what is best.

Upcoming Events and Tours

Connecticut and Tampa Tours Resume Fall 2021

See this gallery in the original post

Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 4 Issue 10
March 10, 2021