Christiana Gaudet

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Is Fear Fun?

There are cultural traditions everywhere that involve having fun with scary things, as we do during Halloween. A lot of people enjoy scary movies and thrilling carnival rides at any time of year. Horror stories are some of the best-selling books each year. This is proof that many people enjoy being scared. Why is that?

I think people like spooky fun because there are so many truly scary things in life. Horror stories, haunted houses, and scary movies are clearly not real. Allowing ourselves to be scared in a safe environment, by something we know is not real, may give us strength to deal with our real fears, and to process our actual traumas.

Fear is an interesting thing to unpack. We all feel fear that hurts us and holds us back from doing the things we want and need to do. We also feel fear that protects us and helps us stay safe.

These sorts of real fears are not fun at all, and only some of them are necessary.

This Spooky Season is a great opportunity to think about the fear that we have that is not real and does not serve us. There is no better time to release the fear that holds us back, so we can fully step into our personal power.

How Spirit Speaks Through Tarot Workshop

Plan to join us Wednesday, October 26, from 7 pm to 9 pm ET, for this special seasonal class.

You can join us on Zoom or in person in Palm City. This will be our last hybrid tarot class for 2022.

In this two-hour class you will learn how to hear the voice of spirit in a tarot reading, whether reading for yourself or others. You will learn to empower your readings with the presence of divine helpers, each and every time you pull a card.

Visit EventBrite to purchase your ticket.

The class will be available at after November 2nd.

Visit for more information!

The StaarCorner

StaarCon 2023 is January 20-22, with a thirty-day AfterGlow on Accelevents. During the AfterGlow all ticketholders will be able to view and review recordings of StaarCon 2023 presentations, attend scheduled events with StaarCon presenters, shop in the online expo and gather with friends in the StaarCon lounges.

This year I am particularly excited with the wide range of topics we will be covering at StaarCon. Whether you are a professional reader, an aspiring pro, an enthusiast, or a curious beginner, there will be plenty for you to learn, do, and experience. Beyond tarot, we will be exploring Lenormand, astrology, numerology, divination with natural objects, crystals, mediumship, and much more.

You can attend in person in West Palm Beach or online on Accelevents. You can join us for one day, two days, or the whole weekend. We hope to see you there!

Tarot for When We are Afraid

We often do a reading, either for ourselves or with a friend or professional, when we are afraid. Tarot will often be able to tell us if the thing we are afraid of will happen, and whether it will be as bad as we fear. Tarot can also tell us how to handle our anxiety, and, if necessary, how to get through a difficult time. Tarot can help us find meaning in difficulty, just as tarot can help assuage unnecessary fear.

Sometimes it is best not to ask tarot if the thing you fear will come to pass. Rather, it is often better to ask a question such as, “What do I need to do right now to help the situation?” or “How can I find the strength to deal with this?”

If there is a situation that I am unsure of, I often like to do a two-card spread. The first card is, “This is the best this situation can turn out to be”. The second card is “This is the worst this situation can turn out to be.” The cards that appear here can be quite enlightening.

If we are having a tough time, we can turn to the cards for comfort. You can simply ask the cards to give a comforting message and pull a card. See what comfort you can find in the image that appears.

The Week in Review

I shared a short video on my YouTube channel called Processing Our Mortality with Tarot. If you missed last week’s class, Seasonal Tarot Practices, you will enjoy the replay.

Members of my YouTube channel should join us tomorrow evening, Thursday, at 7 pm for our monthly Member’s Only Livestream. This month we are Calling in the Ancestors!

From Around the Web

Ben Libra Does Tarot has created a tarot spread to release the fear of one’s own magic and energy.

If you happen to be in or near Easthampton, Massachusetts on November 5 and 6, check out Bite Size Blends, a Mini Performance Fest at Eastworks!

The New York Post has published an article listing the best tarot deck for each astrological sign. I have never thought about choosing a deck based on astrology, but it is a fun idea!

Guidance on the Journey

Many misinformed people are afraid of tarot, and many people are afraid of specific tarot cards. There are cards that have names and images that can be scary. However, are there any tarot cards that truly advise us to be afraid?

The Fool asks us to take a leap of faith. When reversed, the Fool can be an admonition to be cautious. The Moon and Temperance can both advise caution. The Seven of Swords can warn of treachery.

In context, any card or card combination might warn against a specific action. But do any of these cards speak specifically of fear?

The Eight and Nine of Swords might speak of anxiety and worry. In these cards we can perhaps see fear. Yet very often these cards appear when we need to release anxiety and find a solution to our worry.

From my perspective, there are quite a few cards that speak of caution and patience. There does not seem to be a single card that advises or welcomes fear.

This may be a lesson we can learn from tarot. There are times that faith should outweigh fear. There are times to be careful. There are times to be on our guard. There are times we must confront our own worry. There are certainly things that we need to avoid. In life, the function of fear is to help us avoid things that can hurt us. The voice of tarot, however, does not usually seem to advise fear. Rather, it advises the wise decisions that safely move us forward.

Upcoming Events

See this gallery in the original post

Consider a party where you can practice Social Distancing and still meet with your friends for a virtual tarot party!
Alternatives to meeting in person are available.
Office appointments and house or office parties are again available by appointment.
Please call to discuss the options.

Card and Craft Academy

Classes presented by Christiana are available right now at Card and Craft Academy!

Christiana’s Candle Magick

Christiana’s Eleven-Card Celtic Cross

Finding Meaning in the Minor Arcana

The Major Arcana, Magical and Mundane

Practical Tarot Techniques

Psychic Tarot

Personal Tarot: Reading for Yourself

Sharing Wisdom: Reading for Others

The Meaning and Magic of Tarot Reversals

Journey Through the Major Arcana

Your Journey Through the Minor Arcana: Numbers, Elements and Truth

Tarot Beyond the Veil

Your Journey Through the Tarot Court

Tarot Stories, Trends, and Blends

Tarot Readings for Personalities and Relationships

Clarity in Every Tarot Card

Tarot Flow Workshop

Making Magick with Tarot

Fearless Wisdom Tarot Workshop

Tarot Keywords and Interpretations Workshop

Tarot Spreads Tools and Techniques Workshop

Tarot for Magic and Mediumship

Tarot Communication for Clarity and Depth

Weaving the Tarot Reading Story

The Elemental Major Arcana

Minor Arcana Numbers, Elements, and Truth

Personal Healing with Tarot

Create and Interpret Custom Tarot Spreads

What the Court Cards Want You to Know

Catch up on your missed Zoom webinars and more!

About Christiana Gaudet

Card and Craft, Inc.
Southeastern Tarot Artists and Readers, LLC.

Christiana Gaudet

3559 SW Corporate Parkway
Palm City, Florida 34990-8152

On the web
StaarCon information

Private telephone, Skype, FaceTime, Zoom and in person readings and instruction are available by appointment.

Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida.

Call or text toll free 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
Palm City 772-301-0232
or call or text 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.

Agent inquiries are welcome.

Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 5 Issue 42
October 19, 2022