Christiana Gaudet

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Who Needs Energetic Protection?

When I first started learning about energy work, tarot, and all things mystical, my teachers told me to visualize myself in a bubble of white light.

I also learned to burn herbs such as sage, dragon’s blood, and copal to clear the energy in my room and create sacred space. I learned to meditate, and to ground and center myself before performing a tarot reading.

Over the years I have developed my own methods for energetic protection and to create sacred space. In performing readings for others, energetic protection has become something I think about a lot. This is not only for me, but for my clients.

Energetic protection is not something that should be reserved for sacred tasks and holy places. Energetic protection is for everyone, everywhere.

Sometimes when my spiritually minded clients are struggling in the workplace or in life in general, I ask what their practice is for energetic protection. What I often discover is that they have the tools of protection, but not the practices.

For example, they may keep a crystal on their desk at work. Or they may have sacred symbols, or a picture of a saint on the wall. These are all good tools for protection. But, without the practice of protection, these tools will do little to protect them.

What, exactly, is energetic protection?

Energetic protection describes practices that keep our own energetic aura free of other people’s energetic residue. Energetic protection keeps our own energy flowing through and around us. This does not mean we are not compassionate or empathetic toward others. And it does not mean that we are protected from all misfortune.

When we engage energetic protection, we are not weighed down by the collected energy of others.

We live on a difficult planet. To be present to help others and bring healing to the world, we must ourselves be as well as we can be in each moment. Part of that wellness is energetic. Energetic protection helps us feel better because it keeps us from carrying the weight of others in ways that do not help them. Energetic protection keeps our own energy as clear as possible,

While the tools of energetic protection, like herbs, crystals, and symbols are helpful, they are not necessary. What is necessary is to use your breath, your visualization, and your concentration to put your energetic shield in place, and keep your own energy flowing, each and every day.

The StaarCorner

We are in the process of finalizing a contract with a new hotel for StaarCon 2023! We should have all the details for you next week. Right now, we can tell you a few important things.

First, StaarCon 2023 will of course be hybrid. We will once again use the Accelevents Events Management Platform.

Those who join us in person will enjoy some great improvements. Some of these include a free airport shuttle, a lakeside pool area with a tiki bar, and a beautiful, large conference center.

Our screens will be digital. This means that remote presenters and in-person presentations which include slide decks or videos will be crystal clear and easy to see.

In 2023 we anticipate that most of our presenters will be in person in West Palm Beach. This is good for in person attendees, and for online attendees. Since we are producing the videos ourselves, we can make sure that each presenter is able to give their presentation without worrying about tech issues.

Building a multi-track hybrid conference can be fraught with challenges. We are excited to bring some amazing solutions to StaarCon 2023.

Tickets will be available soon, so get ready and mark your calendar now for January 20-22, 2023!

Right now, we are ready to welcome volunteers and presenters. Please email me for details! We will have information for vendors and sponsors shortly.

Hybrid Minor Arcana Tarot Class

On Thursday,  March 31 at 7 pm ET I am teaching a hybrid tarot class on the Minor Arcana of tarot. The class is called Minor Arcana Numbers, Elements, and Truth. You can attend in person in Palm City, or online on Zoom.

This class is great for beginners, intermediate readers, and professionals.

In this class you will learn how numerology and the Four Elements can help you find the lessons, stories, and meanings of the forty numbered Minor Arcana cards.

For more information, and to get your ticket, visit the event listing on my website.

Tarot Cards are Energetic Tools

You can use a tarot card to cleanse energy, move energy, and heal energy.

Aces are my favorite cards to use as energetic tools.

Here are some ways to use Aces.

Take the Ace of Swords and wave the card through the air to remove stuck energy from a room.

Hold the Ace of Wands to your solar plexus when you are tired and need new energy and inspiration.

Breathe deeply while holding the Ace of Pentacles in your hand to help you ground and center.

Hold the Ace of Cups to your heart to increase your capacity for compassion and your capacity to feel loved.

Which cards might you want to use as energetic tools? Go through your deck and think about how you might use each card to help you manage your energy, and the energy around you.

Northeastern Spring Tarot Tour

I will be in Connecticut May 26 through June 5. I will be offering private readings at True Bikram Yoga in Madison, Ct. I am available for house calls and psychic house parties throughout Connecticut. I am also able to travel to Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and New York.

As always, my available time will book quickly. Please call or text me at 561-655-1160 to schedule your appointment.

I am so excited to see my northeastern friends this spring!

The Week in Review

Do you catch my free YouTube Tarot Keyword Bootcamp? This fast-paced workshop shared ideas and practices to help all tarotists understand and use keywords effectively. If you missed the class, you can watch the replay.

If you are a member of my YouTube channel and missed the livestream class on Monday, you can watch that replay as well.

From Around the Web

Theresa Reed, the Tarot Lady, has write a fabulous blogpost about inexperienced tarot readers who go pro too soon.

Here is a method for handling yes or no tarot questions.

Ethony has some good thoughts about grounding and protection after a tarot reading.

Guidance on the Journey

There are those who believe that tarot cards themselves are dangerous. They believe that tarot cards can open a ‘portal’ which allows negative energy or entities into the body and mind of the tarot reader, or any who comes into contact with the cards.

It is imperative to understand that this is false. When we speak about the need for energetic protection before, during, and after a tarot reading, we are not speaking about protecting ourselves from the cards.

Psychic work can be energetically draining. Part of psychic protection is to allow the reader to preserve their own energy during the reading.

Beyond that, a tarot reading can bring up emotions as we use tarot to explore and heal past trauma and untrue narratives. Emotions have energy that can cling to us. That clinging energy can cause fatigue and mood issues.

We all need energetic protection. It is important to understand why we need that protection. It is also important to understand the misunderstandings that often surround tarot.

Upcoming Events and Tours

See this gallery in the original post

Card and Craft Academy

Classes presented by Christiana are available right now at Card and Craft Academy!

Christiana’s Candle Magick

Christiana’s Eleven-Card Celtic Cross

Finding Meaning in the Minor Arcana

The Major Arcana, Magical and Mundane

Practical Tarot Techniques

Psychic Tarot

Personal Tarot: Reading for Yourself

Sharing Wisdom: Reading for Others

The Meaning and Magic of Tarot Reversals

Journey Through the Major Arcana

Your Journey Through the Minor Arcana: Numbers, Elements and Truth

Tarot Beyond the Veil

Your Journey Through the Tarot Court

Tarot Stories, Trends, and Blends

Tarot Readings for Personalities and Relationships

Clarity in Every Tarot Card

Tarot Flow Workshop

Making Magick with Tarot

Fearless Wisdom Tarot Workshop

Tarot Keywords and Interpretations Workshop

Tarot Spreads Tools and Techniques Workshop

Tarot for Magic and Mediumship

Tarot Communication for Clarity and Depth

Weaving the Tarot Reading Story

The Elemental Major Arcana New!

Catch up on your missed Zoom webinars and more!

About Christiana Gaudet

Card and Craft, Inc.
Southeastern Tarot Artists and Readers, LLC.

Christiana Gaudet

3559 SW Corporate Parkway
Palm City, Florida 34990-8152

On the web
StaarCon information

Private telephone, Skype, FaceTime and in person readings and instruction are available by appointment.

Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida.

Call or text toll free 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
Palm City 772-301-0232
or call or text 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.

Agent inquiries are welcome.

Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 5 Issue 11
March 16, 2022