Christiana Gaudet

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When You Feel Lost

“I feel lost” is something people say at the tarot table quite often. A good tarot reading is a great remedy for that unsettling feeling.

When someone says they feel lost I like to probe a bit, with questions and with the cards, to figure out what is going on.

Clearly, the word ‘lost’ is a figurative term for something else. They are not lost in any literal sense.

It is sometimes true that when people say they feel lost what they are feeling is depression, either clinical or situational. Other times, that lost feeling comes from being unsure about what step to take next in life. The feeling may relate to career or relationships. Perhaps we feel spiritually lost, unsure about what we believe, or where to put our faith. We might feel lost in the search for self-understanding. We might feel lost in reaction to a trauma or personal loss.

When someone we care about expresses that feeling of being lost, it is important to help them define what they are truly feeling. Then, they can find a path toward healing and direction.

When we are feeling lost, we need to take the step to first understand the source of that feeling. That is where tarot and other forms of divination can be so helpful.

Sometimes the way forward may include therapy, or other sources of healing work. Sometimes the way forward may include the courage to make a significant change.

There are times we need to feel adrift for a while before we can find a new direction. In that untethered space we can often find creativity and spiritual understanding while we wait for a course correction.

The StaarCorner

Did you know that we will have mermaids at StaarCon 2023? Dame Darcy, creator of the mermaid tarot, is a performing mermaid. Dame Darcy will be a presenter and vendor at StaarCon 2023.

We are also happy to welcome Amy Forman to our list of esteemed presenters of StaarCon 2023. Amy is a performance artist. She works as a dancer, model, and mermaid. Her favorite performance work is tarot reading and lip print reading. Amy will give a workshop at StaarCon for tarot professionals and aspiring professionals about working as a tarot performer at corporate and agency jobs.

If you come to StaarCon 2023 in person in West Palm Beach, you will also get to see Amy as a Mermaid!

StaarCon 2023 is January 20 through 22. Tickets will be available soon!

Mapping The Spiritual Path with Tarot

Very often, when we feel lost, it is because we need new grounding and new focus on a spiritual level. My book, Tarot Tour Guide, includes an original twelve-card spread for mapping the spiritual path.

Positions in this spread ask questions such as “What did I come here to learn?” and “How do those lessons manifest in my life”? The spread goes on to ask questions that give action steps for the way forward.

When you are feeling spiritually lost, this tarot spread, or a spread like it, can be very helpful.

You can create a tarot spread to help you find meaning in your life, and to help you find your spiritual grounding.

When you take the time to work with a larger tarot spread, your divination becomes a time of contemplation, meditation, and communication with spirit.

See Me in the Northeast This Month

I will begin readings, house calls, and psychic house parties in Connecticut on May 26. I will be in the area through June 5. I can travel to Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and New York.

I will be offering private readings at True Bikram Yoga in Madison, CT, by appointment.

Now is the time to reach out and schedule your party, house call or appointment with me! Please call or text me at 561-655-1160.

On Sunday, June 5, at 6:30 pm I will teach a tarot class at True Bikram Yoga in Madison. The class is called “Techniques for Tarot Healing”. If you have an interest in tarot, please plan to join us. Tickets are available directly through True Bikram Yoga, at (203) 350-0343.

The Week in Review

This week we had a wonderful time at Global Tarot Circle on YouTube Live. If you missed it, you can watch the replay, and make sure you join us for the next one!

I have started a new series of prerecorded short videos on YouTube called “Rants from Your Tarot Fairy Godmother”. The first one is about the spiritual power of mirrors.

From Around the Web

Tarot and writing go together! Here is a great article about that on Literary Hub.

Theresa Reed, The Tarot Lady, created this tarot spread for when you feel lost.

Lifehack has some things to remember when you feel lost in life.

Create and Interpret Custom Tarot Spreads Class

On Sunday, May 22, 7 pm to 9 pm, please join me for a hybrid tarot class.  If you are local, you can join in person in Palm City. Or you can join online on Zoom from anywhere in the world.

If you have every asked “Is there a spread for that?” this class is for you. If you have ever wondered about the best way to get answers from a tarot reading, this class is for you.

Whether you read for yourself or others, whether you are a beginner or experienced reader, this class will give you a set of tools that will help you use tarot effectively and efficiently.

In this class you will learn what makes a great tarot spread. You will learn when a custom spread is the best technique. You will learn to quickly create small spreads to answer immediate questions. You will learn to create and interpret elaborate spreads to handle multiple issues in a comprehensive tarot session. You will learn to create and interpret spreads for specific purposes such as healing, relationship-building, mediumship, and dream interpretation.

Get your tickets now on EventBrite!

You can join us in person or online. Every student will receive access to a recording of the class.

You can purchase the recorded class with access to the class literature after May 30th.

Visit for more information!

Guidance on the Journey

Are there specific tarot cards that might express a feeling of being lost in life? I can think of a message about what to do when you feel lost in life for any of the seventy-eight cards. But which cards describe that lost feeling?

I think because the feeling of being lost is so amorphous, and the causes of that feeling can be so varied, it is hard to find a single card that embodies this fully.

The Moon can suggest confusion. The Five of Pentacles can speak of feeling impoverished and without opportunity. The Four of Cups can describe not being happy with any of your options.

When you are feeling lost, a great exercise can be to go through your cards, face up, and pull out of the deck each image that seems to describe how you are feeling. Go through the cards you have selected and look at each one. In that process, hold space for your feelings, and take time to understand exactly what you are experiencing.

Then, from the cards that remain in the deck pull a few at random to give you advice for healing and direction.

Upcoming Events and Tours

See this gallery in the original post

Card and Craft Academy

Classes presented by Christiana are available right now at Card and Craft Academy!

Christiana’s Candle Magick

Christiana’s Eleven-Card Celtic Cross

Finding Meaning in the Minor Arcana

The Major Arcana, Magical and Mundane

Practical Tarot Techniques

Psychic Tarot

Personal Tarot: Reading for Yourself

Sharing Wisdom: Reading for Others

The Meaning and Magic of Tarot Reversals

Journey Through the Major Arcana

Your Journey Through the Minor Arcana: Numbers, Elements and Truth

Tarot Beyond the Veil

Your Journey Through the Tarot Court

Tarot Stories, Trends, and Blends

Tarot Readings for Personalities and Relationships

Clarity in Every Tarot Card

Tarot Flow Workshop

Making Magick with Tarot

Fearless Wisdom Tarot Workshop

Tarot Keywords and Interpretations Workshop

Tarot Spreads Tools and Techniques Workshop

Tarot for Magic and Mediumship

Tarot Communication for Clarity and Depth

Weaving the Tarot Reading Story

The Elemental Major Arcana

Minor Arcana Numbers, Elements, and Truth

Personal Healing with Tarot New!

Catch up on your missed Zoom webinars and more!

About Christiana Gaudet

Card and Craft, Inc.
Southeastern Tarot Artists and Readers, LLC.

Christiana Gaudet

3559 SW Corporate Parkway
Palm City, Florida 34990-8152
On the web
Online classes
StaarCon information
Private telephone, Skype, FaceTime and in person readings and instruction are available by appointment.

Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida. 
Call or text toll free 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
Palm City 772-301-0232 
or call or text 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.

Agent inquiries are welcome.

Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 5 Issue 19
May 11, 2022