Christiana Gaudet

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Tarot Topics Weekly Newsletter 7/9/2014


Tarot Topics

Christiana's Weekly Newsletter



July 9, 2014




View the newsletter online at




In This Issue






In metaphysics and spiritual thought, we often think about “healing” in a holistic way. Our understanding is that the body, mind and spirit are closely related to one another. Therefore, problems in one area can manifest in another quite easily. The good news is the same is true for healing.


The need to heal is part of being human. It is impossible avoid hurt – we all sustain damage at some point.


Through the process of seeking healing of body, mind and spirit, we have the opportunity not only to become healthier, but to learn and grow, and to release and forgive the things that have hurt us.


As much as we all need healing, we are all healers, of ourselves, each other and our planet. Each of us has the ability to make a difference for others, and to bring healing to those who need it.




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Healing Journeys Tarot Spread


Often we can see the story of our healing in the cards. Each suit tells a story, each numeric progression tells a story, just as each group of cards drawn at random can tell a story.


When we study tarot, we learn ways of healing ourselves and others. When we read tarot, we have the opportunity to find clues that help us heal.


Here is a tarot spread that you can use to help you understand your healing journey.



Card one: The source of my injury.
Card two: The nature of my injury.
Card three: What I need to accept to heal.
Card four: What I need to release to heal.
Card five: What helps me on my journey.
Card six: The gift of this journey.



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The Week in Review


This week on my personal blog, Tarot Trends, I wrote about a phenomenon I’ve noticed in my own tarot practice. Cards that typically indicate people do not always indicate gender. How does gender show up in a tarot reading? Read “Gendering Tarot” and see what you think!


On my Tarot Topics Community Blog I answered another question about tarot with a video and blog post.  This time the question is about using oracles in tarot readings.


On my Dark Forest blog, I wrote about a new exercise class I’ve been attending and enjoying. Read “Rolling the Panda.”



From Around the Web


From Carla at Rowan Tarot, and inspired by Jenna at Queen of Wands Tarot, here’s a wonderful post about using the cards to heal. Read “The Dismiss List – Dismissing Resistance to Change.”


From, here are five inspirational books to help you on your healing journey.


From James Wells’ Circle Ways, here is a great tarot exercise for you called “Complete the Sentence, Know the Card” that will quickly and easily help you understand the cards on a deeper level.



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Using the Cards to Heal


We can use tarot as a healing tool in divination, to help us understand the source of our hurt and the ways to release it.


We can also use tarot to heal by studying the most difficult, disturbing tarot images, and finding within these images the clues for our healing.


To begin this exercise, create sacred space and spend some time in meditation. 


When you are ready, go through your tarot deck, and pull out any image that you find disturbing.


Don’t worry about the traditional meaning of the card, just find the images that cause you to react in a negative way.


Once you have a small pile of these difficult images, look at them one at a time.


If you need to, look up the traditional meanings of these cards.


Think about their meanings, and how those things do or do not apply to your life at this time.


Now look at each image, one at a time.


Each card represents a problem, or a situation. As you look at the card, can you think of a solution to the problem?


Write a paragraph about your solution, or act it out in a meditation.


As you find the solutions inherent in the problem cards, you will discover that simply spending time and contemplating the hard cards will help you find the healing that you need.




In This Issue ]



What’s Up at the Psychic Café?


Christiana’s Psychic Café is my weekly webcast. It airs on the Para Encounters Network, each Sunday at 9 pm Eastern. Then the webcasts are archived and available on my YouTube channel.


You can also see the archives cataloged on the Tarot Topics News Site.


For up-to-date information about Christiana’s Psychic Café, visit our Show Info page and like us on Facebook!


At Christiana’s Psychic Café you will enjoy meaningful conversations between interesting people.


Last Sunday, July 6th, we enjoyed an encore presentation of our show featuring The Muse Charmer, Mary Wilson of Jupiter Gardens Press.


Mary is the editor and publisher of both my tarot books. Mary’s work involves not only writing, editing and publishing, but also helping each writer find their own authentic voice.


If you are a writer, or aspiring writer, you definitely want to hear what Mary has to say about finding your muse!


This coming Sunday, July 13th, we will feature a brand-new episode of Christiana’s Psychic Café. My guest will be writer, artist and tarotist Douglas Thornsjo. Doug has created, and is currently crowdfunding, a new tarot deck, the “Tarot of the Zirkus Magi.”


Make sure you join us as we explore the circus theme as a tarot archetype, and discover the journey that has given birth to an unusual new tarot deck.



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Learning Tarot: Five of Cups


In the Rider Waite Smith (RWS) image, we see three cups have spilt. The figure is focused on that loss.


Behind him, two large cups remain standing.


Much like the Four of Cups, the Five of Cups can reference attitude.


Certainly, when the Five of Cups appears, it is possible there has been real loss, or real grief. The Five of Cups inspires a sense of compassion for one who has suffered a loss.


However, the Five of Cups has a specific message. Yes, there has been loss that must be acknowledged. At the same time, the two cups still standing need to be appreciated.


As we grieve our losses, we must also appreciate our blessings.


The suit of Cups, related to the element of Water, is all about our feelings; our emotions.


The number Five is typically about expansion. As we expand our emotional capacity with the Five of Cups, we learn to stay positive and count our blessings, even in the face of loss.


Next week we will continue the journey through the suit of Cups with the Six of Cups.




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28 Days Until Christiana's Trip to Connecticut!

I will be in Connecticut from August 8th to August 24th. 

All the available time for parties has been scheduled, but I am maintaining a waiting list for those still interested in hosting a party just in case I have a cancellation.


At this time I am scheduling house calls and private readings during the day.


If you want to see me while I am in Connecticut and prefer a private session, please let me know soon.


You can call me at 561-655-1160, or send me an email.



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Your One-Card Weekly Reading


Your one-card reading this week is the Chariot.


The Chariot predicts swift and safe travels.


On a more spiritual level, the Chariot is about knowing your will and mastering your skills.


This week, the Chariot asks you to think about where you want to go. That could be about choosing a literal destination for travel, but it could also be about setting goals for your life.


The Chariot reminds you that you are master of your own destiny.


The Chariot gives us a clue about the best way to move forward. The steeds that pull the Chariot are opposites, pulling in union. By combining opposing forces for a common purpose we are able to achieve our goals.


This week, take the opportunity to go on a trip, make a plan or set a goal. 



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Upcoming Events


Saturday, July 12, 1 pm

The Jupiter Frequency on LifeScape Radio


I will be a guest on Jupiter Garden Press’ own radio show! We’ll be talking about my books, “Tarot Tour Guide” and “Fortune Stellar.” Please tune in and join the conversation.



Sunday, July 13, 9 pm

Christiana’s Psychic Café


Join us for a brand-new episode of Christiana’s Psychic Café featuring an interview with Douglas Thornsjo, author of the new deck-in-progress “Tarot of the Zirkus Magi.”


After completing the Majors-only set, Thornsjo is in the process of crowdfunding the project for the complete 78-card deck.


We’ll share the images, the inspiration and the story of “Tarot of the Zirkus Magi.”



Wednesday, July 16, 7 pm

Free Webinar

Global Tarot Circle


Spend an hour with the tarot! Join us for an informal workshop dedicated to tarot readings, exercises, insights and fellowship! You can join on your computer, tablet, smartphone, or you can call in!


For log-in information, visit the event listing on the Tarot Circle website.



Sunday, July 20, 9 pm

Christiana’s Psychic Café


I am excited to announce another brand new episode of Christiana’s Psychic Café featuring a conversation with Brigit Esselmont of Biddy Tarot.


In just a few short years, Biddy has built a phenomenal website chock full of free and valuable tarot information, and has quickly positioned herself as a leading teacher of tarot worldwide.


In this no-holds-barred interview, we’ll learn more about Brigit Esselmont and Biddy Tarot, and learn about some of her great offerings for tarot students.



In This Issue ]


Private readings and instruction are available by appointment.
Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida.
Call 813-948-4488 or toll free 866-99TAROT, or text 561-655-1160 for more information or to schedule your event.
Agent inquiries are welcome.

Toll Free: 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
Phone or Text: 561-655-1160
Tampa Phone: 813-948-4488