Christiana Gaudet

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Tarot Topics 10/15/2014: Intuition


Tarot Topics

Christiana's Weekly Newsletter






October 15, 2014




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Intuition is a natural survival skill. We are all intuitive. Intuition causes us to make decisions that take us in the right direction. 
Sometimes it’s difficult to tune in to the voice of intuition, and to filter out the voices of fear, anxiety and hope. The trick is to breathe and relax, and listen for the quietest voice with the strongest resonance.
Proper diet and rest, along with regular exercise and meditation, are essential to intuitive development.  Working with intuitive tools such as tarot, pendulum, or other oracles, will also help you develop your intuition.
The correct attitude makes a difference, too. In order to fully access the wisdom of your intuition, you must release your own attachments, and trust in the wisdom of the Universe.




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Three Things That Aren't Your Intuition


Sometimes it’s hard to hear and understand your guidance. Sometimes we will interpret other input as spiritual guidance. Here are three examples of situations you might think are your intuition that probably aren’t.
If you believe something is going to happen that you really want, or really don’t want, the voice you hear may be the voice of fear or hope, rather than the voice of intuition.
Your sense that you are destined to spend the rest of your life with the really attractive person you just met may or may not be your intuition. Romantic chemistry can feel a lot like destiny, and only time can tell the difference.
Your overwhelming urge to share a piece of information with a friend may not be divinely inspired. It may be inspired simply by your own desire to communicate your own thoughts and feelings.
So what’s the difference between “intuition” and “thoughts and feelings”?
Simply put, “intuition” is your spiritual guidance. “Thoughts and feelings” are your human experience. Both are important, but it is important to know the difference.




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The Week in Review


This week on my personal blog, Tarot Trends, I posted some more tarot exercises, this time using the sevens, eights and nines. Try these exercises on your own, or with your friends!


On my Dark Forest Blog, I challenged some old relationship wisdom. Read “Does your Relationship have a Future, and Does it Matter?


On my Tarot Topics Community Blog, I shared a tarot aha moment inspired by Rana George’s amazing book about Lenormand!



From Around the Web


From Laura Brown on “Elephant Journal,” here are “Five Things Done Differently in Healthy Relationships.”


Mercury Retrograde continues through October 25th. Here’s what Joanna Ash of Sun Goddess Tarot has to say about blaming things on Mercury Retrograde.


From Gary Karp, here are some smart ideas about affirmations.




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Two Cards for Intuition


There are two Major Arcana cards that very clearly discuss intuition. Each of these cards is related to the element of Water. Each of these cards discusses secrets and mysteries. Each of these cards advises a journey of self- discovery. Each of these cards has Goddess energy, and a connection to the Feminine Divine.
The two cards I’m referring to are the High Priestess and The Moon.
While these two cards have much in common, there are some distinct differences, too. The High Priestess is serene and calm, while the Moon can have a touch of lunacy.
The High Priestess advocates meditation, while the Moon advocates magick.
When you see these two cards in a tarot spread, consider the need for spiritual thought. These cards instruct you to pay attention to your dreams, and to listen to your intuition.
When you wish to develop your intuition, use these two cards in meditation and manifestation.



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What’s Up at the Psychic Café?


Last Sunday we enjoyed learning about Shamanic Astrology as we revisited my conversation with Aliandra Starre. Aliandra’s simple and profound understanding of spirituality is enlightening and refreshing. If you haven’t seen this show, make sure you check it out in archive!


This coming Sunday we will feature an encore presentation of my conversation with Olivia Destrades. Olivia and I celebrated World Tarot Day together as we discussed tarot, Lenormand and fortune-telling.


Olivia is one of the bright new generation of tarot readers. Watch the show on PEN Sunday night, or watch it in archive on my YouTube channel.



Christiana’s Psychic Café is my weekly webcast. It airs on the Para Encounters Network, each Sunday at 9 pm Eastern.


Archived webcasts available on my YouTube channel.


You can also see the archives cataloged on the Tarot Topics News Site.


For up-to-date information about Christiana’s Psychic Café, visit our Show Info page and like us on Facebook!



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Learning Tarot: Five of Swords


In tarot, Five is the number of expansion. We are outside of our comfort zone and pushing the boundaries. While this is a necessary part of growth, it’s not very comfortable.


The Suit of Swords is related to the element of Air. Air governs the powers of the mind. That is, our thoughts, our ideas, our communication, our intelligence and out integrity.


The Five of Swords, then, is the conflict that comes as we push the boundaries on our thinking.


In the image of the Five of Swords we see a battle, with a clear winner and a clear loser.


The Five of Swords may appear in a reading as a call to arms. A time and place to take a stand is coming, and cannot be avoided.


The Five of Swords may refer to an argument, a debate, a battle of wits, a political contest or even an inner conflict.


Some tarotists interpret the Five of Swords as a card that predicts defeat. In my experience, the Five of Sword describes the battle, not the outcome.


The Five of Swords says, “Prepare for battle!” and “Fight to win!”


The Five of Swords advises you to pay attention to strategy and goals.


Next week we will see how logic triumphs over emotion in the Six of Swords.


Tarot card  images from The Gilded Tarot Royale by Ciro Marchetti.

Used with permission.


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Your One-Card Weekly Reading


Your One-Card reading this week is Temperance.
This week, be extra patient with yourself, and with those around you. Accomplish your tasks with focus, and be sure to avoid distraction.
Temperance offers you an opportunity to explore your creativity. It may be time to start an art project, or to manifest something new in your life.  Take the time to plan this new venture carefully, and to bring to it all of your diverse skills and resources.
Pay special attention to keeping a good balance in your life. 
Most importantly, consider that now is the right time to create the life you want!


Tarot card  images from The Gilded Tarot Royale by Ciro Marchetti.

Used with permission.


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Upcoming Events


October 15, 7 pm - Tonight!

Free Webinar

Global Tarot Circle


Spend an hour with the tarot! This month, in honor of Halloween, we will do some seasonal work with tarot. This will include using tarot to communicate with those in spirit, and to manifest abundant harvests in our lives.


You can join on your computer, tablet, laptop or smartphone, or you can call in.


Find the log-in info on the Tarot Circle website.



Saturday, October 18, Noon-3 pm

Homegrown in Hillsborough Festival


The Homegrown in Hillsborough Festival features presentations from artists, scholars, writers and teachers in the Tampa Bay Area.Topics for this event include everything from poetry to yoga.


I am honored to be presenting “The History of the Tarot” at 12:30 and 2 pm. 



Sunday, October 19, 9 pm

Christiana’s Psychic Café


We will enjoy an encore presentation of my May 25th episode featuring an interview with tarotist Olivia Destrades.



Monday, October 20th, 7 pm

Premium Webinar

An In-Depth Journey into the Major Arcana - Emotional Balance


This online presentation will focus on Major Arcana cards Eight through Fourteen, Strength through Temperance. Christiana will present these cards as the keys to enhancing emotional growth and finding emotional balance.


This class will help tarot beginners develop a solid foundation for their tarot study. Experienced readers will discover new ways to utilize tarot.


Christiana’s virtual classroom is accessible using your computer or your telephone.


Students will follow the Fool’s Journey through the world of emotional growth, and develop an understanding of how these cards hold the secrets of emotional healing and personal well-being.


Students will learn the astrological, numerological and elemental associations for each card. Students will contemplate the Fool’s Journey through these seven cards, and discuss how the lessons of each card apply to the challenges of personal growth.


These seven cards plot a journey toward emotional balance and well-being. Students will learn the invaluable philosophies inherent in these cards.


Armed with a complete understanding of each card, students will have an easy time learning ways of interpreting the cards when reading for themselves and others.


For registration information, visit the event listing on the Continuing Education website.




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Private readings and instruction are available by appointment.
Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida.
Call 813-948-4488 or toll free 866-99TAROT, or text 561-655-1160 for more information or to schedule your event.
Agent inquiries are welcome.

Toll Free: 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
Phone or Text: 561-655-1160
Tampa Phone: 813-948-4488