Speaking Engagements
I am always pleased to be asked to speak at events large and small. I love to present at symposia, conferences and festivals on Tarot, psychic work, magick and other metaphysical topics. I am also available to speak on a variety of topics at your organization’s monthly meeting. Please call or email for more information. Here is a list of some of my speaking engagements over my career thus far.
Clubs and Organizations
The Ladies Auxiliary of Harrington Hospital, Southbridge, MA
The Brown-Baggers, Sturbridge, MA
The Rotary Club of Southbridge, Southbridge, MA
TOPS (Taking Off Pounds Sensibly) Danielson, CT
BPOE Ladies Group, Danielson, CT
Putnam Rotary Club, Putnam, CT
Senior Psychology Class, Woodstock Academy, Woodstock, CT
Clymer Library, Pocono Pines, PA
East Stroudsburg University Women’s Luncheon, East Stroudsburg, PA
Rotary Club, Stroudsburg, PA
The Soma Center, Lake Worth, FL
Unity Church in the Gardens, Jupiter, FL
Hillsborough County Public Libraries, FL
Festivals, Symposia, Conferences
I have been honored to be a presenter at the following events:
American Tarot Association Regional Convention in Albany, 1999, 2000
Beltaine, A Pagan Odyssey, Oxford, CT, 2005, 2006, 2007
Wisconsin Area Tri-State Tarot Symposium, Watertown, Wisconsin, 2007
Northeastern Naturist Festival, Summerhill, NY, 2008
Pocono Tarot Picnic, Paradise Township, PA (organizer and presenter) 2006, 2007, 2008
Connecticut Tarot Picnic, Lyme, CT (organizer and presenter) 2008
Body Magick, Plant City, FL 2009
Midwinter Naturist Festival, Loxahatchee, FL, 2009, 2010
TarotCon 2015 (Florida)