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When we miss an opportunity, our hopes and imagination often tell us we have suffered a significant loss. Sometimes, that is just not true.
How we understand our history, character, relationships, and goals has everything to do with how happy and successful we are. When our understanding of self is accurate and kind, we have the proper perspective that leads us to healing and success.
In our busy lives we sometimes forget to make room for rest, creativity and fun. Yet, without those things, we can't thrive.
We are each others' storykeepers. Our personal lore defines, for better or worse. With tarot, we learn to reframe the stories of our past so we can look forward to the future.
The world sometimes makes us feel uninspired. Here is how we remember our magical selves.
This week, inspired by Robert Frost's famous poem, we discuss why boundaries are important.
TV show host and artist Bob Ross gave us the term 'Happy Accident.' This week, we discuss what a gift this is.