Thisclasswill meet four times at Dream Angels.
Each class is a stand-alone presentation; you may take one, some, or all four.
In this four-week class, you will take your tarot knowledge and practice to the next level.
Topics include card interpretation, spreads, reading techniques and psychic development.
Students will have plenty of opportunity for hands-on practice.
Tarot Grandmaster Christiana Gaudet, a tarot professional with 25 years of full-time experience, will be your instructor.
Students should have some basic familiarity with the 78 cards of tarot.
Bring a fully-illustrated tarot deck, or purchase one at the shop.
Week One:
Twenty-Two Cards and Four Elements
Students will learn the deeper spiritual messages of each of the Major Arcana cards, as well as tips for interpreting the cards in a practical tarot reading. The nature and importance of the Four Elements will be a primary topic, including the elemental associations for each of the Major Arcana cards.
Class fee is $75 for all four, or $20 per class.
RSVP and make payment to Dream Angels.
Questions? Call Christiana at 561-655-1160, or Dream Angels at 561-745-9355.