Christiana Gaudet

Tarot Grandmaster

3559 Southwest Corporate Parkway Palm City, FL, 34990 United States

866-99TAROT 866-998-2768 (Toll Free) 561-655-1160 (Text or Call) 772-207-1852 (Palm City)

Tarot is a book of spiritual wisdom in picture form that tells the story of all human experience.

With tarot, we connect with Spirit to discern wise guidance for the present, develop understanding of the past, and learn ways to work to manifest our goals and possibilities for the future.

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Psychic Development, Magick, and Meditation

Easy Messages from the Universe

Have you ever wished you could use a method of divination without having to actually study or memorize anything? As a teacher of Tarot and student of astrology, I can tell you that memorization and study is essential to the practice of most metaphysical arts. But systems like Tarot, Runes and I Ching are all related to, or based on, a system of divination that anyone can do without practice, study, or prior knowledge.

What method is that? It is a method as old as history itself, shared by most of the world’s cultures, and so simple that you have probably already done it with realizing just what you were doing.

It’s called Bibliomancy. It involves reading random passages of sacred texts and interpreting what you read to hold meaning for your present or future.

Many cultures have used bibliomancy as part of their sacred traditions. Christians use the Bible, and sometimes call the process Bible-Dipping. Hindus use the Vedas, Islamic cultures use the Koran. In the middle ages Europeans use the works of Virgil.

Bibliomancy is easy to do. Simply select a book that you feel holds truth, wisdom, or a special or personal spiritual message. Balance the closed book on its spine, and then let it fall open. Close your eyes, ask Spirit to guide you, and point your finger to a place on the page. Open your eyes, and read the passage you to which you have pointed. Interpret this passage, either literally or figuratively, as offering wisdom for you life or insight into your future. If you like, you can keep a journal of your findings and interpretations.

Because worn books will often open to the owner’s favorite passages, some bibliomancers toss dice or other randomizers to determine the page to be opened.   In China, this practice was formalized into the tossing of sticks or coins to choose passages from the Book of Changes, or I Ching.

As an experiment, I decided to try some bibliomancy for myself using a silly but personally sacred text, Shel Silverstein’s Where the Sidewalk Ends. Shel was a friend of my mother’s, and the book was a special gift to me as a child.

I didn’t concentrate on any particular question or topic. I just opened the book, pointed and read.

The poem I had chosen, or should I say that the universe chose for me, was Poor Angus.

In the poem, we read that Angus has no money, but worries not about hunger or clothing. For him, the love of his lady Catherine makes him rich.

So what message did I take from that? Perhaps I should worry less about material things, and treasure and nurture the wealth of love around me. Indeed, a wonderful message from the universe!

Try bibliomancy for yourself, and see what the universe has to say to you!