Divination and Psychic Development

Theories of Psychic Development

  • Everyone is psychic. As with any other skill, or any other sense, the more we work to develop our psychic abilities, the more psychic we will be.

  • Our intuitive sense is a natural survival sense, just as are our other senses.

  • Tools of divination may be used to help us receive messages, and to help us become more psychic.

  • Psychic work uses the body as well as the mind.

  • There are many types of psychic ability.

  • We all receive symbols, signs, guidance and omens from the Universe and our Spirit Guides.

Practices of Psychic Development

  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle

  • Conscious breathing

  • Connect with the natural world

  • Understand your symbols

  • Understand your psychic skills

  • Ask for guidance

  • Implement protection

  • Chakra work

  • Meditation

  • Observation

  • Detachment

  • Dreamwork

  • Journaling

Some Types of Divination

  • Random Token, includes Tarot, Runes, Oracle Cards

  • Scrying, includes mirror, crystal ball, fire, water

  • Dowsing, includes pendulum, rods

  • Bibliomancy, including “bible-dipping,” I Ching

  • Imaging, including Tea leaf reading, coffee ground reading, Candle wax reading

  • Chieromancy

The Seven Chakras

Root Chakra-The first chakra is located near the base of the spine, at the perineum. Its functions include our sense of grounding, financial stability and our survival instinct. The color of the Root chakra is red.

Sacral Chakra-The second chakra is located just below the naval. The Sacral chakra can relate to fertility issues, emotional issues and sexual issues either physical or emotional. Its color is orange.

Solar Plexus Chakra-The third chakra is located at the diaphragm, just below the sternum. Our sense of identity and our ability to manifest our desires is seated here. Its color is yellow.

Heart Chakra-The fourth chakra is located at the heart, and governs our ability to give and receive love.   The color of the Heart chakra is green.

Throat Chakra-The fifth Chakra is located at the throat, and governs our ability to express ourselves, especially to express our will and our creativity. The color of the Throat chakra is blue.

Brow Chakra-The sixth chakra is located at the forehead, and is the “Third Eye.” This is the area of psychic development, both physical and spiritual vision, perception, imagination and intuition. The color of the Brow chakra is indigo.

Crown Chakra-The seventh chakra is located at the crown of the skull, at the very area that was our “soft spot” when we were born. Through the Crown Chakra we connect to each other, and to spirit. The color of the Crown chakra is violet.