Welcome to my personal blog.
Here you will find my musings, thoughts and observations, all inspired by my experiences as a full-time professional tarot reader.

Personal Blog Christiana Gaudet Personal Blog Christiana Gaudet

Some Business Advice for Aspiring Tarot Professionals


It’s amazing how much misinformation I hear about the legalities of professional tarot reading – from tarot readers.

I am always honored when new tarot professionals seek me out for mentorship and professional advice. I’m happy to share; that’s why I wrote “Fortune Stellar.”

There is one type of question I hear a lot that I am uncomfortable answering. In fact, that an aspiring professional is asking me these questions, or posing them for peer perspective in social media groups, is a clear indication to me that the student might not be ready for professional tarot.

The questions that set off all sorts of red flags for me are about legalities. Is tarot reading legal where I live? Do I have to pay taxes? Do I need some sort of permit? Is an ordination necessary? Should I become an LLC? Do I have to state that readings are for entertainment only?

You would not believe the number of people, from all over the country, who ask me these sorts of questions. I can help those who are in my local area, in that I actually do know something about the local laws. Outside of my geographic area, I am not the right person to give good information on local business law.

One of my rules as a tarot reader is this. Always go to the easiest, best and most trustworthy source for whatever information you seek. Don’t ask a tarot reader if you are pregnant (although I have been the first to see many new lives). If you think you might be pregnant, get a pregnancy test. Then get a tarot reading to discuss what comes next.

The same is true for the legalities of business. If you are going to open a business, speak with a local attorney. Talk with your City Hall, and your local zoning board. These are the people who will give you the solid information you need. If you are afraid to make those phone calls, or unwilling to pay the fees that go with them, you are not ready for professional tarot.

If you believe that another tarot reader is a better source of legal advice than a local attorney, you may not be ready to give helpful guidance to those in need. If you can’t be logical, you aren’t ready to be mystical.

The legalities of tarot reading change from state to state, city to city and county to county. As I discuss in “Fortune Stellar,” there are still places in the US with laws on the books against tarot in specific, or fortune-telling in general. Overall, these laws are seen as archaic, and unable to withstand a challenge in court. If you have such laws near where you live and you feel like being an activist for a good cause, go ahead and get arrested for tarot reading. But please, don’t do this without the guidance of an attorney. If you don’t want to get arrested and worry what your exposure might be, seek clarification with an attorney. If you are worried about civil liability as a tarot reader, again, consult an attorney. Get the facts.

When we read for the public, we stress the importance of referrals. If you need a doctor, see a doctor. If you need an attorney, see an attorney. In our professional practices, let’s follow the same advice we give our clients!

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Personal Blog Christiana Gaudet Personal Blog Christiana Gaudet

Seven Ways to Take Tarot to the Next Level Without Going Pro


This post is directed to a very specific group of tarotists.  If you have taken tarot classes, studied tarot and fallen in love with tarot but don’t want to be a professional reader, this is for you.

Although I am a tarot professional, I often say that the best use of tarot is as a personal tool, rather than a professional one. Why do I say that? Because only a few of us will use tarot as a tool of our trade. However, everyone can benefit from tarot on a personal level.

There is so much to learn about tarot. We will all always be students.  But there is something unique about that fascinating and exciting time when we first learn to read tarot. That moment when we realize the power and wisdom inherent within the cards, that moment when we realize we have come home to tarot, is a moment we always remember.

During that time of initial tarot discovery there are some students who drop away. The students who don’t enjoy or don’t have time for actual study, the students who just don’t resonate with the cards and the students who fail to find the spiritual component of tarot are often the ones who let their cards collect dust on the bookshelf. Some of them come back to tarot when they are ready.

But what happens to the student who has taken enough classes, read enough books and performed enough readings to be truly tarot-literate but doesn’t want to go pro? Many of them find themselves in a bit of a vacuum. They appreciate their connection to tarot but don’t know the next step. They don’t know how to incorporate tarot into their day-to-day lives. Sure, they will go to the cards when they or their friends have a problem to be solved. But tarot is more than a go-to for problem solving. Tarot is a spiritual path.

I wish we had a name for these tarotists. Since they are not professionals it would make sense to call them “amateurs.” But the word “amateur” carries with it a sense of “not good enough to be pro,” and that is not generally the case with these talented tarot enthusiasts.

When I wrote “Fortune Stellar” I spoke of going professional as a logical next step for a talented tarot enthusiast. But not every talented tarot enthusiast wants or needs to go pro.

 If you are a talented tarot enthusiast unsure of your next step, here are seven ways to take tarot to the next level in your life.

  1. Make a spiritual discipline of the COTD. When you were learning tarot perhaps you pulled a Card of the Day as part of your studies. Now you can pull a COTD as part of a spiritual discipline. Some people read scripture every day, some people do yoga every day. Do your COTD with that same sense of spiritual devotion. Let your COTD give you a spiritual message, or a lesson or focus for the day.

  2. Interact with other Tarotists. Your tarot friends are your best friends because you speak the same language. Make an effort to join live tarot groups and online tarot groups. Attend tarot events when possible.

  3. Read advanced Tarot books. You don’t need to read any more “How to Learn Tarot” Books, but there are many tarot books that are written from a spiritual perspective that will help you use tarot as a spiritual tool.

  4. Use tarot to inspire creativity. If you are a writer, use the cards in character development and for plot planning. If you are an artist let tarot inspire your artwork. If you are a chef create tarot-inspired food!

  5. Use tarot in your prayers, magick and manifestation. What is it you want in life? Use tarot images in vision boards, meditation, prayer and ritual to help you manifest what you want and need.

  6. Use tarot in deep personal healing. Work with the tarot images in divination and mediation to help you identify and release your limitations.

  7. Find tarot images and archetypes in your daily life. Tarot speaks to us everywhere we go. Be on the lookout for things around you that remind you of tarot cards, and embrace the cards’ wisdom when you see them.Tarot is a sacred text, as well as a game and a divination tool. Tarot is a way to find solutions and a way to help people. Tarot is also a way to learn the lessons of enlightenment, a way heal and a way to make sense of the world. You don’t need to be a professional reader to make tarot an important part of your life.

Tarot is a sacred text, as well as a game and a divination tool. Tarot is a way to find solutions and a way to help people. Tarot is also a way to learn the lessons of enlightenment, a way heal and a way to make sense of the world. You don’t need to be a professional reader to make tarot an important part of your life.

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