Advice for Pro Tarotists: Everyone Wants Tarot Readings!

As I prepare to teach the Professional Development Intensive at TarotCon this year, I find myself thinking of all the particular advices I might have for new tarot professionals.

I know I won’t have a chance to share every little tidbit, especially because I am part of a stellar team, all of whom will have equally delicious tidbits to share.

So, I’m inspired to share a tidbit here, on my Community Blog.

Here it is: When you are looking to attract clients, don’t look for “like-minded people”. That is, don’t limit your perceived client base to only people who think as you do, or believe as you do.

Clearly, we all need like-minded people to become our collaborators, study partners and friends. However, we don’t need to seek them – we will attract them naturally, as our work makes us visible. That’s one of the perks of being visible as a tarot reader – you get to meet a lot of great people.

When it comes to clients, the life-blood of any business, like-minded folk are exactly the people we don’t need to market to. Sure, it’s great to set up at a Pagan festival, but we attract as many, or more, regular clients when we set up at our local flea market.

Many readers have great success at New Age expos. We can also have great success at a local home and business expo.

So, if you live in an area without many Pagan or New Age events, don’t worry. You can still attract clients. Eventually, you can create the community that is lacking, if you choose.

The assumption that everyone who wants a tarot reading or other healing service has a particular mindset, or specific spiritual beliefs or aesthetic tastes is a fallacy.  Sadly, it’s a fallacy held by many tarot readers and healing professionals. As you can imagine, professionals who hold these beliefs often aren’t as busy as they would like to be.

The assumption that folks in rural areas, and “Bible Belt” areas aren’t open to what we do is only half-true. Sue, there are many who don’t approve, but there are many who are quietly open, as well.

A better assumption is this. Most people want a tarot reading, whether they know it or not. Why? Because a tarot reading is all about THEM, and people are always interesting in their own lives.

For a Christian, a tarot reading can help sort out church politics, or can help guide spiritual devotion.

For a business-person, a tarot reading can help with strategy.

There is no kind of person who can’t find value in tarot. Of course, many people don’t understand this.

Perhaps they have heard things about tarot that scare them, or that earn their scorn.

The sales job of the tarot professional is to give not only the opportunity for a reading, but the understanding of why a reading might be helpful and enjoyable.

Selling to like-minded people is easier because we get to short circuit that important step in the sales process. Like-minded people already know that tarot readings are awesome, right?

Many tarot pros may also believe that people who aren’t “into tarot” won’t understand the value of a reading. The thing is, all people understand the value of insight, information, new perspective, ideas and strategy. If they don’t know they can get that from a tarot reading with you, then it’s your job to tell them.

Some of my favorite readings I do are for other pro readers. However, the vast majority of my clients are teachers, nurses, doctors, artists, fire-fighters, police officers, scientists, homemakers, clergy, well, you get the idea.

Tarot readings are for everyone. If you want to be successful, give everyone access to your readings.

Keep an open mind about what you do, and you will have an easier time opening other people’s minds about what you do.

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.

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