Things of Quality Have No Fear of Time


Things of Quality Have No Fear of Time

Some things are worth the wait

This week a friend on Instagram reminded me that I often use this quote. That’s because it makes so much sense to me, on so many levels.

I whisper it to myself when I am running woefully behind on a self-imposed writing deadline. I say it again to myself when I look in the mirror and see the signs of age that seem to emerge almost daily. I say it yet again to justify spending a bit of money on something that is built to last, rather than something cheaper and disposable. I say it to my clients who are impatiently waiting for a good thing that I see coming to them – a new relationship, a new job, or healing of body, mind and spirit.

None can escape the passage of time, and so often we worry that we have missed the boat, that we are running out of time, that we aren’t moving quickly enough. It’s true that time will wait for none of us, and some things do have an expiration date. Yet, there is a blessing that happens when we can gracefully accept that good things are worth the wait and that doing good work is worth the extra time.

Time adds value to some things. We see this with cheese, wine, and lovely antiques. When we allow ourselves to have the perspective that time adds value to our lives, rather than slowly stealing our lives away, our lives become much richer.


Tarot Tour Guide is Available on Amazon!

After much patience, I am happy to announce that the Second Edition of Tarot Tour Guide is now available in paperback on Amazon.

First published in 2012 and out of print since 2016, Tarot Tour Guide is a comprehensive tarot book that offers beginners an understanding of the cards and how to use them. It also offers experiences readers techniques, exercises, spreads and meditations to deepen your tarot practice.

This Second Edition is gently edited and expanded.

The Kindle version of Tarot Tour Guide will be available shortly.

If you have pre-ordered this book through my website or Indiegogo you can expect to receive it shortly, as I plan to receive and ship the books toward the end of this week.

If you prefer a signed copy with a dedication, you can buy the book on line at


Too Late Tarot Reading

Sometimes we wonder if we have let too much time pass. Is it too late to start a business, or go back to school, or fall in love?

I often think that people don’t do what they want to do because the think it’s too late, when it’s really not.

It’s a good practice to check in with tarot, either by reading for yourself or getting a reading with a talented professional, to see if you still have time to make something happen.

If you want to read for yourself, simply shuffle and ask a question like, “Can I make this happen?”

When I have done this for others, I have sometimes been surprised by the answers I’ve received. I have seen that middle-aged people could change their careers, and then I have watched them actually do it successfully. I’ve seen older women become parents. I’ve seen senior citizens finally find the love of their lives.

Sometimes we try to talk ourselves out of trying for something because we believe our time has passed. If we are indeed too late, tarot may suggest something else for us to do.

But sometimes, tarot will encourage us to go for it. In my experience, when that happens, the possibilities for success are much better than we may have thought.


The Week in Review

This week I started something new – Three-card tarot readings on Facebook Live, archived on my YouTube channel. Check out my Three Card Spread in honor of Star Wars Day, and three cards for the week of May 6-12.

For my tarot-reading friends I shared a blogpost about doing readings for yes or no questions.

From Around the Web

Amy Zerner and Monty Farber, our favorite metaphysical couple and creators of the Enchanted Tarot, are offering an inexpensive course called 21 Ways to Tell Your Future.

Here is a wise article on grief. If you, or someone you know, is in a grieving process, you have to read this!

Many of you know how much I love John Mayer. Turns out he has been blogging about candles!


Cards for Your Consideration

This week, I would like you to consider five cards that can often speak of time. The first two are from the Major Arcana. The Hermit, Major Arcana 9, is known as ‘Father Time’. The lantern he carries was originally an hourglass. It became a lantern at a time when candles were used as timekeepers. Therefore, he now carries the light of wisdom that is also a clock. The message here is of the wisdom that is acquired over time, and that it is often wise to be patient.

Three common keywords for Major Arcana 14, Temperance, are art, alchemy and time. Temperance tells us that time is one of the ingredients needed to create the recipe for the perfect blend, the right solution and the correct balance in life.

The next two cards are both Knights, one fast, one slow. The Knight of Pentacles is the slowest of the Knights. He reminds us to take our time and tells us that things may happen slowly. The Knight of Swords is the quickest of the Knights and may tell us that something is coming quickly, or that we need to act with all speed.

Our final card is the Eight of Wands, which is all about fast action. It heralds quick change and fast news. The Eight of Wands advises that you be swift.

Predicting time with tarot can be challenging. These five cards can help us understand our relationship with time. These cards can often let us know whether things will happen quickly, or whether we will be practicing patience as we wait for what comes next.

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Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 2 Issue 19
May 8, 2019

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.

Who Are the Mothers in Tarot?


Are Yes or No Questions a Yes or a No?