So You Want to Be an Online Tarot Reader


Here’s what you need to know.

More and more people are discovering tarot, and tarot readings. There has perhaps never been a better time to share your tarot reading skills with the world.

Yet, every day I hear from people who are frustrated in their attempts to build an online tarot reading business. And, I hear from others who are doing it successfully.

What are some of the differences? What do you need to know  and  to do to be one of the successful ones?

First, you have to think about what success means to you. Making some extra money every week on Fiverr is not the same as a full-time income. It’s not even the same thing as building a decent side job.

So, are you building a career, a side-hustle, or a hobby that buys your decks, books and classes?

If you want to build a career, you will have an easier time if you have a local presence as well. If it just isn’t possible for you to do in-person readings, your path to success is possible, but will take some serious skill, patience and effort.

The next question you need to tackle is about your actual skills. How do you deliver your best readings? How do you most enjoy working? Do you like to do readings by email or text? Do you prefer delivered videos? Or, do you like to meet with your clients on screen or phone?

If you haven’t done enough readings to know the answer to this question, you aren’t ready to go pro.

The best way to get ready to go pro is to give a lot of readings to strangers online, trying a variety of methods. Many social media tarot groups offer free-reading exchanges, where you can get practice and feedback. The problem is that, in many cases, I hear a lot of complaints that folks give the reading and don’t receive the feedback.

The thing is, if that happens to you, lack of feedback IS your feedback. Clearly, you didn’t excite your client enough to make them feel compelled to say something positive. You will learn that, when you give a great reading, people can’t wait to give you their feedback.

Once you have worked with a number of strangers and gotten great feedback from them, you will be ready to venture into the world of pro online reading.

The next step is to choose your platforms. Will you use a website and social media to arrange clients on Skype, Facetime or email? Will you work for an online psychic service?

Whatever you choose, the way to gain clients is to gain visibility. The way to do that is to be very present, and to provide a lot of free content. Write blogs, make videos and advertise.

Remember, too, that there are many new sorts of platforms being developed. Recently I discovered Instantgo and thought that if I needed a new venue, this would be a good one to try.

Whatever avenue you choose, remember to be present, provide content and spend money on advertising.

As with all business, it takes more than talent to be successful. It takes tenacity, consistency, money and patience. Success comes to those who are willing to put energy into building their practice.

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.

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