Facts, Faith and Fear
Facts, Faith and Fear
We are all having fun saying that 2020 is the year of clarity, truth and clear vision. Beyond the pun created by the number, I think we are tired of the vast amount of disinformation we wade through every day. We are all searching for truth, facts and clarity.
Misinformation is nothing new. It comes from those who want to sell us something or want us to think or behave a certain way. The problem is that the electronic age brings us so much more of it.
I think we also have trouble differentiating between spiritual truth and scientific truth. We may feel truths in our hearts that are valid, essential and personally helpful, but are not shared by all, and are not provable by science. These truths aren’t facts. Rather, they are faith and beliefs. It’s important to have faith and beliefs, but it is also important to know the difference between faith and fact.
Often, we hold beliefs about ourselves and others that simply aren’t true. Sometimes we hold negative beliefs about ourselves that cause us to be less successful in life. Sometimes we hold undeserved positive beliefs about others that cause us to give too much power to other people, while disempowering ourselves.
There is something inherent in the human spirit that causes us to ponder spiritual mysteries, to search for our internal truth. We are also driven toward science, to experiment, invent, learn about our world and improve our lives. These two desires can exist side-by-side. Scientists are often spiritual people, and spiritual people usually appreciate the ways in which science helps us. The problem is that we humans are also often driven to fear. Very often it is fear that causes us to believe and spread untruths.
In the search for truth, both personal and factual, fear creates confusion that keeps us from finding both faith and facts.
Tarot and Astrology Classes in Palm City
During the month of January, we will have two amazing study opportunities in my Palm City office. On Wednesday January 15 from7 to 9pm I will be teaching a class entitled Creating and Using Tarot Spreads. There are so many techniques for reading tarot. This class will introduce you to many of those techniques and empower you to use the ones that will give you the best results.
On Sunday January 19 from 3 to 5 pm Mary Ellen will be teaching a beginner astrology class called Birth Charts and Astrology Basics. You will learn to interpret your own birth chart as you learn foundational astrology basics.
As you can see, we are committed to providing you with great classes here in Palm City. Please plan to join us! Tickets are available on Eventbrite.
Tarot and the Search for Truth
When discussing the search for truth on issues ranging from spiritual to social to strategic, tarot is a tool we often use.
When tarot shows us something, it is important that we vet our findings against a more mundane source. For example, if tarot reveals that you have an aptitude for a particular career, use that information to inspire you to take a class or a test to learn more about it, to see if this is something you want to pursue. Tarot gives us initial possibilities of truth. It’s up to us to investigate further.
There is an old expression, “The cards never lie”. Over my many years, I have found this statement to be one hundred percent correct. Yet, there is a caveat. The cards never lie, but sometimes the reader can get it wrong.
Sometimes the voice of anxiety drowns out the voice of intuition and skews our interpretation. Sometimes we use the cards to discover information that might be best researched through more practical means.
Tarot is a great mirror of our internal truth. We can use the cards to help us understand ourselves, and what is deeply true for us. Often, we can use tarot to help us find our best path, and our personal clarity.
Yet, tarot shouldn’t be the only tool in our toolbox. Along with our metaphysical tools must come practical tools. Divination can never be a substitute for research and practical knowledge. We can, however, use divination as an important guide on the search for truth.
A good tarot reading can provide needed clarity, direction and understanding. Very often, tarot is a first step in our search for truth. Tarot helps us see the truth that, once seen, leads us to create fearless changes in our lives.
See Me This Month in Tampa
During the weekend of January 24 through 27 I will be back in the Tampa area and available for house parties, house calls and private readings in my Wesley Chapel location. We will have our tarot meetup at Panera Bread in Lutz on Sunday, January 26 from 3 pm to 5 pm.
Please call or text me at 561-655-1160 to schedule your reading or house party with me!
The Week in Review
I’ve recently shared two blog posts. Here is a Conversation with Tarot about 2020. Interestingly, the concept of how fear distorts our reality and divides us showed up very clearly in this reading.
I also wrote about Five Ways we Use Intuition in Tarot Reading. Intuition is one of the ways we nurture our faith and our beliefs. Not surprisingly, our intuition often leads us to discover actual facts!
From December 26 through January 6 I celebrated the Twelve Days of Christmas by offering Tarot Epiphanies each day on Facebook Live. Of course, each Monday I also offer Your Three-Card Weekly Reading. You can find these videos in archive on my Facebook Business Page and my YouTube channel. Please hit Like when you visit my Facebook Business Page. That way you will be alerted the next time I am broadcasting live. While on my YouTube channel please subscribe. This year I will be doing monthly free live tarot webinars on my YouTube channel. When you subscribe you will make sure to catch these free tarot learning opportunities.
From Around the Web
This article on Medium address a phenomenon I see in new relationships constantly. Are you mistaking shared trauma for compatibility?
Another great article I found recently discusses poverty and generosity in a really meaningful way.
I love it when I find articles about tarot! Here, from PopSugar, is an article from someone who found tremendous help from tarot.
Cards for Your Consideration
While each card in tarot can reveal something true, discussions of honesty, dishonesty, the things we fear, and the discovery of truth generally center around the suit of Swords.
Typically associated with the element of Air, the suit of Swords speaks of communication, integrity, technology, intelligence and powers of the mind. Some cards within the suit of Swords reveal the hurt that comes from betrayal and mistrust, like the Three, Seven and Ten of Swords.
Some Swords cards can discuss the heartache of fearful thinking, like the Eight and Nine of Swords. Some Swords are a call to action, asking us to find what is true and do what is right, like the Ace and Knight of Swords.
Because some of the Swords images feel particularly disturbing, many tarot students are overly cautious when approaching the Swords cards. Regardless of each depiction, the Swords cards are powerful allies in our search for truth.
Upcoming Events and Tours
Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 3 Issue 2
January 8, 2020