The Power of Great Need


I had a conversation with a friend this week which got me thinking about the power of prayer and energy work in a specific context I hadn’t before considered.

Many of my friends and colleagues are, like me, energy workers, diviners, and clergy. That is, we are people who have been trained, and who have studied, to work effectively with spiritual energy. We have proven and verifiable results. Many of us have made it our life’s work, and our career, to share and teach this knowledge, and these techniques.

The question that came up in the conversation with my friend is this. Can we assume that the prayers and healing energy of trained mystics are more effective than the prayers and energy of those who are not as trained and experienced?

At first glance, the answer is a resounding yes. As with all things, training and practice makes a difference. This is why it is valuable to study and learn specific techniques and traditions of energy healing, divination, and manifestation.

Yet, there is another factor we must consider, and that the power that is conferred by great need and great love.

What energy is more powerful than a child praying for the well-being of their parents, or parents praying for the protection of their children?

What training can equal the weight of need that comes from a person in a dire situation?

Haven’t we all had at least one desperate experience where we needed an important prayer answered, a bit of luck, a miracle to save us from a great difficulty?

Very often, help comes at the last minute. Very often, that help is sped along to us on the wings of prayer, hope and visualization.

The same is true of the information that comes from divination. I have often seen tarot and other tools give amazing help to beginning students. These seekers were able to tap into helpful information in a time of need, without the benefit of much training or experience.

Training, study, and practice are helpful, and necessary. Seeking help from trained professionals is wise.

Yet, never doubt the miracles that can be available to each one of us in the times of our greatest need. And never doubt that the greater the need is, the greater the power we have to create those miracles.


The StaarCorner

We are excited to add a new presenter to our StaarCon Roster. Micki Klein, the developer of Planetary Lithography, will be joining us!

Micki is an astrology teacher,  Shamanic Astrologer, tarot reader, and crystal healer. Her method of Planetary Lithography combines astrology, crystal reading and sortilege in a unique, effective, and meaningful way.

We are so excited to have Micki as part of the StaarCon family. We hope you will be there to enjoy her presentation. For more information, visit the StaarCon website.

StaarCon Presenter Micki Klein Clairvoyant, Shamanic Astrologer & Crystal Healer

StaarCon Presenter Micki Klein
Clairvoyant, Shamanic Astrologer & Crystal Healer


Join us for a Special Tarot Class on Zoom

Are you a professional tarot reader? Do you aspire to professional reading? Perhaps you would simply like to develop great tarot reading skills to use with your friends and family.

On Wednesday, August 26, 7 pm to 9 pm EDT, I will be presenting a live webinar on Zoom called “Sharing Wisdom: Reading for Others”.

This class is designed to help you have more confidence as a tarot reader.

Reading tarot for others, whether professionally or casually, involves a specific skill set that extends even beyond card interpretations and intuitive connections.

In this class you will learn ways of discovering and developing your own unique reading style. You will learn strategies for handling difficult readings. You will discover ways to make every reading you perform an effective and enlightening experience. Class fee is $37.50. Register now on Zoom.


Three Cards for a Time of Great Need

Do you need a miracle right now?

Here is a three-card spread to help you focus your energy and find your resources.

You can arrange the cards in any pattern that feels good. Use tarot, or any other oracle.

Let Card One give insight into your current problem, need, or situation.

Let Card Two point out an inner resource that you have to help you solve this problem.

Let Card Three give advice on how to work with energy, pray, and manifest a solution.


The Week in Review

Did you catch my live class on YouTube about Three-Card Readings? You can watch it in archive!

This week I blogged about Major Arcana 4, the tarot Emperor. 2020 is the year of the Emperor when we look at tarot numerology. Now that we are eight months into 2020, I thought it would be interesting to look at the way that the Emperor has been manifesting for us this year.

Remember to join us for Global Tarot Circle tonight on my Facebook Business Page.

From Around the Web

I was thrilled to see Business Insider share the story of a professional tarot reader.

This article from 2014 on six true-life miracles is hopeful and heartwarming.

Here is an article about the tarot sevens, and how they speak of waiting for a miracle.

Smith-Waite Centennial Tarot Deck Copyright 2009, US Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT, used with permission

Smith-Waite Centennial Tarot Deck Copyright 2009, US Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT, used with permission

Cards for Your Consideration

One tarot card that often conveys a sense of great need is the Five of Pentacles. Very often this card can indicate a sense of poverty, or a fear of poverty. I often see it as the card of the “missed opportunity”.

Typically, the Five of Pentacles is a card that people prefer would not appear in their readings.

Over the years, though, I have noticed that when it appears, its message is usually not as dismal as one might think.

We often miss opportunities because we don’t see them, or look for them, or recognize them as such.

When I see the Five of Pentacles, it often appears for a client who thinks they have missed the boat. Yet, the reading confirms that there are many opportunities still available to them, if they will only look.

Sometimes they see the opportunities but are afraid to pursue them.

American businessman Henry J. Kaiser famously said that “trouble is only opportunity in work clothes”. 

The next time you see the Five of Pentacles, rather than feeling dismay or worry, see it as the possibility of opportunities coming your way. These opportunities may not be easy to see or to pursue, but are likely to be worthwhile in the end.

Events and Tours


Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 3 Issue 32
August 5, 2020

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.

Tarot Mooshing


Considering the Emperor in 2020