Oracle Cards for Psychic Development


This topic is broad enough, and important enough, to fill a book. Yet, this will be simply a short blog post meant to get you thinking, and to get you using your oracle cards in a deeper and more profound way.

First, let me define what I mean by ‘oracle cards’ and which type of oracle cards I am specifically recommending for this process.

Technically, all cards of cartomancy, tarot, Lenormand, Kipper, etc., are oracle cards. All psychic tools are, by definition, oracles. Yet, in the cartomancy community we have begun using the word ‘oracle’ to describe cards designed for cartomancy that are their own unique system, and not tarot, Lenormand or Kipper.

I will use the term ‘oracle’ in this context for the remainder of this post.

We could loosely divide most oracle decks into two categories. One category would be oracle decks designed for a specific purpose. For example, I have oracle decks designed to do past life readings. I have oracle decks designed to communicate with aliens from other planets.

The second category would be oracle decks that are created for more nonspecific purposes, and often used simply for healing, introspection and general divination. It is that second category of deck I would like to address here.

Most of these types of oracle decks, regardless of their title, artist, or author, have some things in common. Typically, each card is a wonderful and inspiring work of art worthy of contemplation. Each card may have a thought-provoking name, and may include a few words for affirmation, explanation and introspection.

These decks usually include booklets which give a more detailed explanation of each card. Most professionals who work with these sorts of decks will memorize the cards and their booklet explanations., As with all cartomancy decks, the reader will discover the ways the cards speak in readings that go beyond what the booklet explains. Each serious oracle deck reader will develop their own understanding of their tool, and their own methods for working with their tool.

Many of us who own oracle decks, however, don’t do that kind of study with them. In fact, one of the things many of us love about oracle decks is that, unlike systems like tarot, Kipper, and Lenormand, oracle decks don’t require serious study and memorization for effective use.

Yet, a problem arises. Very often, when we read oracle cards, we simply read the word or words on the card, and don’t bother to interpret them in the context of the question, the situation, or the individual. That oracle cards, at first glance, are simple and easy to read discourages us from going deeper with them. Yet, it is in that deeper exploration that real wisdom is found, and that psychic awareness is awakened.

For example, I was recently working with a student. I asked her to draw three oracle cards from her deck to answer a specific question and interpret them. The deck she was using had single keywords on each card. The three cards she pulled were ‘New Beginnings’, ‘Balance’, and ‘Emerging’.

She quickly looked at the cards and said, “Yes, this is exactly what we have been talking about, and what I know I need to do. Yawn”.

I was struck by how clearly her reaction to the cards summed up the way many people treat their oracle card readings. It was a wonderful opportunity to show her how to truly process the cards and find deeper personal wisdom in them, and deeper psychic connection as a result.

If you, like my student, find yourself glossing over oracle cards rather than doing the deep dive, here are some things to try.

First, remember that the brow chakra, or third eye, is the reason that cartomancy is so effective. The third eye is responsible for our eyesight, our imagination, and our psychic vision. When we view an image in a cartomancy deck, we use our eyesight, which triggers our imagination, which engages our psychic vision.

When you contemplate an oracle card, or a tarot card, consider this process and take the time to allow this to happen.

When you pull your oracle card, spend time looking at the image with a soft gaze. Allow your imagination to engage your psychic vision to scry into the image, and see what speaks to you, and what comes to you in thoughts and sensations. Consider how what you see and what you feel during this process might supply answers and information.

Then, look at the word or words on the card. How does what is written on the cards apply to the question, or the individual, specifically? How does that connect with what you have experienced in the picture?

If you have pulled more than one card, how do the cards work together? Do they tell a story? Do they offer options?

A huge part of effective divination is to take your time. As you take your time, look deeply, and ask yourself questions about what you are seeing, reading, thinking and experiencing.

This is the process of divination with any tool of random token divination. As we work this process, we naturally tune in to our own psychic awareness.

The truth of psychic development is that it works like a muscle. The more we use it, the more we exercise it, the stronger it gets. I think we often ignore the power our oracle cards have to help us get this exercise.

A next step is to logically consider how what you have experienced with your card or cards relates to your question, your situation, or your querent. Remember that logically consideration is also a huge part of divination. There is a place where logic and psychic insight meet and work together. That place can often be over a deck of cards.

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.

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