Announcing CLIC Tarot Radio Show


CLIC Tarot radio show is broacasting live every Wednesday afternoon at 3pm EST on internet radio!

CLIC stands for clarity, insight, and confidence, important qualities of Tarot work and a facet of each and every installment of the CLIC Tarot radio show.

Featuring on-air readings, fascinating guests, and inspiring Tarot talk, CLIC Tarot offers quality information, conversation, and guidance to its listening audience. Archived versions of CLIC Tarot are also available on the TarotWorks site:

I'll be posting each show's guest information here every Tuesday so that you'll be up- to-date about what's scheduled for each Wednesday's broadcast.
For now, here's the link to information about CLIC Tarot:

... here's how to listen in to the show:
visit and you're there!

... and here's how to reach CLIC Tarot at broadcast times, with your questions. comments, or for your on-air reading:

Skype: w4wnradio 
or telephone 561-422-4365

CLIC Tarot is fun, informative, and inspiring! Check it out this Wednesday at 3pm EST, you'll be glad you did!


The Simple Treasures of Tarot


Tarot by Christiana Weekly Newsletter August 1, 2012