Definitions and Stories, the Fool and the Magician


I believe that most of us spend our entire adult life healing from the first twenty years. This is sometimes true even when we have great parents and few tragedies.

Although childhood is often thought of as a time of exploration, wonder and growth, it can also be a time of bewilderment, misunderstanding and loneliness.

Sometimes, as adults, we use the things that hurt us in childhood to define ourselves in adulthood.

Sometimes we let bullies and abusers shape our sense of self-worth.

Sometimes we let negative people define our limitations.

After a while, it is no longer the fault of the abuser or the bully. It is our own fault for allowing ourselves to become victim to it.

We when tell the stories of our past, we can cast ourselves as the victim, or as the survivor.

In the end, it doesn't matter what has happened in the past. What matters is how we let our past define us.

Like the Fool in tarot, we are always on a journey. We are always the star of our own show, the hero of our own story.

To have the most successful journey, and the happiest story, we can't let others define our character. We can let the limited thinking of others limit us.

When we look at the Fool card, we see him merrily ready to begin his journey by stepping off a cliff. It is that sort of bold faith that makes for the very best journeys in life.

How do you define yourself? How do you count your tools, your abilities and your skills?

When we look at the Magician card, we see that the Magician has the ability to channel power from Heaven to Earth and back again. We see that he has on his table all the tools he needs. We see him committed to the task of wielding his tools, and sharpening his skills.

Both the Fool and the Magician display a sort of life-defining confidence; an ability to chart one's course and create one's own destiny.

Each of us has the ability to do the same.

Don't let others define who you are.

Be the survivor, not the victim.

Tell your story in a way that empowers you.

Manifest your destiny.

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.

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