Mariah’s Babies Get Names, and a Psychic Reading From Christiana!

Mariah and Nick have announced the names of their babies.  The girl is Monroe, and the boy is Moroccan Scott.

Mariah has always held a special place in my heart.  Her seven-octave range, her tenacity, her stellar bad luck at releasing a weak album on September 11, 2001, and her ability to transition her mature voice into modern R&B have all made her a celebrity worth watching.

Her substantial crazy only serves to make her more fun.  The more of a whack job she is, the more I root for her ultimate success.  There are many unbalanced celebrities I enjoy seeing falter.  I want to see Mariah triumph victoriously.

Her musical comeback, her brilliant performance in the movie “Precious,” and her marriage to Nick Cannon are all indicative of a phenomenal professional and personal comeback.

Now Mariah is a mother.  I’m sure the new album of tear-jerking songs inspired by motherhood is already in the works.  Madonna did it and Celina Dion did it.  No doubt, Mariah will over-do it.

What kind of parents will Nick and Mariah be?  Will they indulge their kids with extravagant toys, like the Beckhams?  Will they put their kids in the spotlight, as Sonny and Cher did with Chaz?  Will we question their sanity, as we do with TomKat and Brangelina?

We ask these questions against the backdrop of the name choices that took five days to announce.  Moroccan is named after the room where Nick and Mariah became engaged.  Monroe is named after Marilyn.  Given the longstanding tradition of outlandish baby names for celebrities, the temptation to give twins extra-cutesy sound-alike names, and the extreme amount of crazy we know Mariah has, I am nothing but relieved.

Yes, Moroccan is an unusual name.  But it has a good sound, and rolls off the tongue.  A songstress like Mariah would appreciate that.  It has numerous possibilities for nicknames, including Mo, Rocco and Rocky.  If he follows in his mother’s footsteps and becomes a musical performer, he can be Mo’ Rockin’ than anyone else.

 Monroe is simply a great name.  It fits in well with the trend of ambi-gender last-name-as-first-name monikers like Taylor and Schuyler.

As twin names, Moroccan and Monroe are terrific.  The names sound great together and have similar phonemes.  But they’re not so much alike that the kids won’t know which one is in trouble when they hear a name being called.

If the choice of baby names is at all predictive of the kind of parents Mariah and Nick will be, I have to say they’ll do just fine. 

When I look at this new family from a psychic perspective, I am encouraged.  I think Mariah will be a practical mom, and will work to instill good values in her kids.  I think Nick will be a loving father, and will dote on his children.

Like most celebrity couples, the prognosis for the Carey-Cannon marriage is poor.  I will be surprised if they are still together five years from now.  That’s not a problem, though.  We got a lot of good music out of Mariah’s other failed relationships.  That should kick in just when Mariah singing about her kids is starting to get old.

Monroe is likely to be a Daddy’s Girl.  She will have a great deal of her mother’s talent and drive.  Moroccan will make a name for himself in his own right.  He will also have talent, and a great head for business.

I believe that both children will grow up knowing that they are loved, and knowing the importance of compassion.  They will be taught to appreciate their good fortune, and to work hard.  And that’s as much as any kid needs.










Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.

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