
weathervianeFuture predictions should not always be the most important part of a tarot reading, although the merit of a reader is often judged by their ability to accurately predict the future.

I think my experience typical.  Often, in a reading, there seems to be one most likely path for a person – one thing, out of all possible things, that is likely to happen.

Sometimes it is simply logic – as in – your boyfriend who has cheated on you numerous times is likely to cheat on you again.

Sometimes predictions seem really off-the-wall; random events that the client just doesn’t expect.  Sometimes those events are wonderful – better than the client expects.  In those cases, it is nice to be the bearer of good news.

Often, though, people get stuck in their path.  Then, it is impossible to predict the future other than this. “If you keep doing what you are doing right now, the same things will keep happening to you.”

This is where I think a tarot reading should be most helpful, but where clients often find the reading most frustrating.  The reason for the frustration is this.  It makes the responsibility for a great future incumbent upon the individual, rather than on cosmic chance.

To me, there is great power in being able to create one’s own future.  I think my job as a reader is to make people aware of that power, and give them ideas about ways to use it. I want to help them see what is possible for them.

Most times, what causes a person to be stuck is simply a way of thinking.  Often it is fear, guilt or greed.  It is funny that the task that often seems the most daunting is simply to change the way one thinks.

This is the truth.  When we change how we think, we change our lives.

If we can, as a planet, change the way we think, we will change the world.

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.

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