Tarot Books for the Next Level


Last week I posted about ways of enhancing your connection with tarot for advanced readers who don't necessarily want to read professionally. One of my suggestions was to read advanced tarot books. A few people asked for a list of advanced tarot books, so here it is.

My definition of an advanced tarot book is one that does not simply focus on basic card interpretations. To me, any book that makes you think deeply about tarot or use tarot in a way other than simply reading a spread is “advanced.” Therefore, some of these books would be appropriate for beginners as well.

First on my list are two from James Ricklef. His new “The Soul’s Journey” is a deep, sacred exploration of the spiritual nature of each tarot card, along with some spreads to help us do readings that are spiritually focused.
The second was originally published as “Tarot Tells the Tale” and is now available as “Tarot Reading Explained.” Here James Ricklef offers sample readings with a special twist. James did actual readings for characters we all know from history and fiction. It is really enlightening to see the way the cards come up in these readings.

“Tarot Games: 45 Playful Ways to Explore Tarot Together” by Cait Johnson is wonderful if you are lucky enough to have tarot friends to play with. Some of these games are fabulous!

Though a beginner book, “Everyday Tarot: A Choice-Centered Book” by Gail Fairfield offers some great perspective on tarot. It was originally published as “Choice-Centered Tarot.”

Christine Jette has written two wonderful books about tarot as a healing tool. There’s “Tarot Shadow Work: Using the Dark Symbols to Heal” and “Tarot for the Healing Heart: Using Inner Wisdom to Heal Body and Mind.”

I was very impressed with “Tarot for Magical Times” by Rachel Pollack and Johannes Fiebig.

“Tarot and the Tree of Life” by Isabel Radow Kliegman is a well-loved study of the Minor Arcana.

Of course, Corrine Kenner’s “Tarot for Writers” is a fabulous book for tarotists who write.

There are many books that teach tarot as a magickal tool. I particularly like “Tarot and Magic” by Donald Michael Kraig.

Cynthia Giles’ “The Tarot: History, Mystery and Lore” gives a great perspective on tarot itself, rather than on ways to use tarot.

We can’t forget Mary Greer’s “Twenty-one Ways to Read a Tarot Card.”

I would also add my second book to this list, “Tarot Tour Guide.”

Bonnie Cehovet has written some not-so-run-of-the-mill books on tarot, including “The World of Tarot,” “Tarot in Review,” “Tarot, Birth Cards and You,” and “Tarot, Rituals and You.”

This is a very short list of the resources available to you. Search on “tarot” on Amazon and you’ll see that there are many more from which to choose.
The important point for all of us, whether professional or not, is that we keep growing, keep learning and keep connecting with tarot wisdom.

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


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