Tarot by Christiana Weekly Newsletter 11/14/2012




Tarot by Christiana

Newsletter 11/14/2012







Have you noticed folks on Social Media like Facebook and Twitter doing "Days of Gratitude?" Each day people post something for which they are grateful. As we approach Thanksgiving, the concept of making a daily effort to count your blessings seems timely and appropriate.

In difficult times it is easy to count the things that worry us and upset us. But no matter how difficult things may be, there are always bright spots in every day.

For what are you grateful today?



Gratitude Spread


Gratitude Card Divination Spread


Here is a spread to help get you in the gratitude mindset. You can try this with tarot cards, or with any cards of divination, including Angel cards, Medicine cards or any other deck you might have.

This spread is simply five cards arranged from left to right in a straight line.


Card 1: What is a personal gift, talent or skill that I have of which I may not be aware?


Card 2: What is a wonderful thing that I can anticipate in my near future?


Card 3: What more can I do to manifest wonderful things in my life?


Card 4: What can I do to overcome difficulties in my life?


Card 5: What is something I can do for another person to help them during difficult times?




 How Does Card Divination Work?


There are many types of card oracles. Tarot is probably the most popular and the most complex. With card oracles, cards are pulled at random to offer information, insight and answers.

I believe that random is a spiritual energy. Random allows Spirit to guide our hands and influence which cards we see.

Another important aspect of card divination is the images on the cards. All humans react to images and symbols. The brow chakra, or third eye, is responsible for our eyesight, our psychic ability and our imagination. The imagination is sparked when we see the card images, and that stimulates our psychic ability. During a card reading, psychic energy flows, giving us insights and knowledge beyond the actual card meanings.

Most oracle cards are also helpful tools for meditation and manifestation. As you spend time gazing at a particular image you can bring that image's energy into your life.

Everyone can benefit from working with card oracles, even on a very amateur level. A professional reading with a competent reader can offer perspective and healing that can really make a difference in your life.

Your Weekly One-Card Reading


Your One-Card Weekly reading for this week is the Nine of Cups. This is the tradition "Wish Card." Its appearance in a tarot reading may indicate that your wishes will come true. It is a card of happiness and satisfaction.

Although this is a Cups card - the suit of water and emotions, many people see this as encouraging self-employment. Some call it the "Happy Merchant." In many decks the Nine of Cups is shown as a bartender happily serving his patrons.

The Nine of Cups suggests an optimistic attitude. There is every reason to believe that your dreams, wishes and hopes are being fulfilled.


Holiday Schedule


As always, I will be available for readings via phone and Skype, as well as house parties, corporate events and house calls in South Florida throughout the holiday season. I treasure the opportunity to be a part of your holiday celebrations, to help you with gift ideas, and to help ease holiday stress.

I provide gift certificates for readings, parties, private lessons and premium webinars to make your gift-giving easier. My two published books, Fortune Stellar and Tarot Tour Guide make wonderful presents for the tarot enthusiasts in your life.

Please call me at 561-655-1160 to let me know how I can make your holidays brighter!



Upcoming Events



Monday, November 19, 7:00 pm


Join us for a free tarot webinar The Four Elements and the Major Arcana. This 75 minute webinar will help the tarot student more fully understand the four elements. It will provide a deeper way to comprehend each of the Major Arcana cards. The student will be able to more fully interpret the Major Arcana cards, whether reading for yourself or others. For more information and log-in, visit tarotbychristiana.org.


Sunday, November 25, 5:30 pm


Join us for our monthly Global Tarot Circle. Anyone with an interest in tarot is welcome, from beginner to professional. Together we learn about tarot, practice readings and enjoy fellowship. This is a fun, informal free webinar! Please be a part of it. For log-in info, visit here the Tarot Circle website.


Monday, December 3, 8:00 pm


Join us for a free webinar, The Four Elements and the Minor Arcana. This 75-minute-long webinar is about the Four Elements (Earth, Air, Fire and Water) and the Minor Arcana of the Tarot. This class will cover the powers and properties of the four elements, and how they relate to the four suits in tarot. You will learn ways of interpreting the pip cards and the court cards based on their elemental association. For log-in info, visit the Continuing Education website.


Wednesday, December 5, 7:30 pm


Join us for a free webinar, Basic Psychic Development. Everyone is psychic! The challenge is to figure out what your gifts are, and to learn to develop them. Professional psychic Christiana Gaudet will share the basics with you. In this exciting webinar you will learn about psychic gifts, psychic tools and simple exercises you can do to strengthen your own psychic abilities. For log-in info, visit the Celebrate Spiritual Growth website.



The Week in Review


This week both Christiana and Joanne Matthew participated in Tarot Translation Group.  The question was "What are your thoughts on Major Arcana 18, The Moon?"

Read Christiana's answer on her Tarot Trends Personal Blog, and Joanne's answer on the Tarot Topics Community Blog.

Also on the Tarot Topics Community Blog read Christiana's post Seven Ways to avoid being limited by your Teacher.

On the Tarot Topics Community News site, read about Jeanne Fiorini's Town Hall Style Tarot Webinar, scheduled for Wednesday, November 14th.

Also on the Tarot Topics Community News site, read Christiana's review of the new Sirian Starseed Tarot.

On the Dark Forest site, enjoy Christiana's rant about pop spelling, Stupid Isn't Cute.



Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


Tarot Translation - The Star


A Review of The Sirian Starseed Tarot