Tarot by Christiana Weekly Newsletter August 8, 2012


Hello Everyone!

So, have you gotten your copy of Tarot Tour Guide yet? I should have my shipment soon; I will let you know when signed copies are available. In the meanwhile, you can get your print copy or electronic copy of my new book from any book distributor, including the publisher, Jupiter Gardens Press, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Smashwords and others.

Tarot Tour Guide has already received rave reviews. Whether you are a tarot novice, professional or somewhere in between, you will find information that will help you learn, grow and enjoy your tarot journey, and your spiritual journey.

The print version is a large-size book so the many new spreads and charts are easy to read!

I am happy to announce that Tarot Topics, my community blog, is this month's featured blog in The Tarot School's monthly newsletter, Tarot Tips. I am so excited about this great honor!

All tarot enthusiasts are welcome to sign in and post a blog on Tarot Topics. Some of our regular contributors include Joanne Matthew, Kim DeCina and Linda Moore.

This is a busy week! I hope to see and/or hear from you soon!

Upcoming Events for the Week

Thursday, August 9
7:30 pm
Christiana Speaks at the Coast-to-Coast Chat Group
Denny's at Powerline Road
Fort Lauderdale

I will be presenting topics from my new book at this month's Fort Lauderdale Coast-to-Coast Chat group. For more information, please visit their Meetup group.

Sunday, August 12
1 pm Eastern Time
Christiana's Tarot Ethics and Professionalism Class
Live on Tarot Today Radio

Tune in to hear me and Tarot Guild's Dax Carlisle as I present a live class on Tarot Ethics and professionalism on BlogTalkRadio. You can join me here.

Monday, August 13
7 pm Eastern Time
Premium Webinar
An In-Depth Journey into the Major Arcana - The Material World

This is a great on-line workshop for tarot beginners.

In this on-line presentation, students will develop an understanding of The Fool, and the first seven cards of The Major Arcana. These cards hold the secrets of career, relationships and personal mastery.

Students will learn the astrological, numerological and elemental associations for each card. Students will contemplate the Fool’s Journey through these seven cards, and discuss how the lessons of each card apply to common experiences in modern life.

The first seven cards are a map for mastering the material world. Students will learn the invaluable philosophies inherent in these cards.

Armed with a complete understanding of each card, students will have an easy time learning ways of interpreting the cards when reading for themselves and others.

For more information, registration and log-in, visit here.

This Week's One-Card Reading

Your One-Card Reading for this week is The Moon.

Wow. The Moon is a very complex card. Some readers love it, some readers fear it. As a reading for the week, here's what I see.

This week, pay special attention to the spiritual messages in your dreams, both sleeping and waking. Be on the lookout for unseen forces around you. Some of these unseen forces may be helpful; others may be trying to confuse you.

Be clear in your intentions and your direction. Use your intuition to separate fact from fiction. Stay true to your spiritual path. You are the keeper of your own truth. Do not let others manipulate you, or lead you away from your dreams, aspirations or sense of personal power.

I wrote a poem for this card as part of my ongoing 78 Poems Project. You can read it here.

This Week's Special Read

Since Tarot Tips featured the Tarot Topics Community Blog, I think we will make it our special read today. Check out my post on the Five of Pentacles, Linda's post on the Simple Treasures of Tarot, and Joanne's review of my new book, Tarot Tour Guide.


Please remember that I am available for phone readings and Skype readings worldwide, and house calls and parties throughout South Florida. Should you have any questions, comments or want to book a reading or private tarot lesson, please call me at 561-655-1160, or toll free at 866-99TAROT.

Have a great week!


Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


Mushrooms and Tarot Reading


CLIC Tarot Program Note for Wednesday August 8th