Three Rules for Writers


Recently, my first book, "Fortune Stellar," was chosen as the book of the month on a BlogTalkRadio show. My second book, "Tarot Tour Guide," has received great reviews as well.

I’m not sure that either of those facts makes me a great writer.

One thing I know for sure, I am a better writer now than I used to be, and I plan on improving. My next book will be my best book, I’m sure.

I keep a number of blogs, and publish an ambitious tarot newsletter each week.

Aside from a high school diploma, I am a self-taught writer. I hope that fact isn’t entirely apparent to my readers.

I have received some advice over the years; advice that I credit with my success as a writer so far.

Since I am seemingly successful as a writer in my field, I will share the three pieces of advice that helped me get there.

I won’t tell you which piece of advice came from which person, but here are my three sources. One bit of advice came from my Creative Writing teacher in High School. Another came from a tarot teacher, many years ago. A third came from my editor.

I hope these help you as much as they helped me.

  1. Learn the Rules.

    It doesn’t matter if you are a rebel, or want to be modern, or hip, or whatever. It’s fine to break the rules, and it’s fine to write informally, as long as you have a grasp on formal writing first.


  2. Write for Fifteen Minutes Every Day.

    It doesn’t matter what you write about, or even if what you write is any good. What matters is that you make it your daily habit to write, and that you never, ever say you “don’t have time” to write.



    This one is well-known in online writers’ circles. It stands for “Butt in Chair, Hands on Keyboard.” Much like the second item in this list, a lot of being a good writer comes simply from writing. If you suffer from writer’s block, forcing yourself to sit and write will chip away at the block quite quickly.
    Don’t wait for inspiration. Just write and the inspiration will eventually come.

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.

One, Two, Three, Tarot Stories! Tarot Exercises for Groups and Individuals


Queens of Tarot