Friends of all ages

When we are young, we tend to spend most of our time with people our own age. As adults, we often find comfort with folks of our own generation; those who listened to the same music we did in high school often share our values and tastes.

At the same time, it’s valuable to have friends of all ages, and to spend time with people from many generations.

As kids, we are grouped by age because our focus is development. As adults, we focus more on our interests. 

Then, we may gravitate to those who share our interests, regardless of age. When we share knowledge and fellowship across the generations, we are able to learn new perspectives about the past, and to develop new ideas for the future.

How we see age in tarot

Many times, in readings, issues of age, or generational issues, can show up. Often, we look to the Court cards to determine age. Typically, the Knights and Pages are younger (or youthful) people, the Kings and Queens are older, mature people.

In the Major Arcana, the Fool, the Magician and the Sun may speak of youth, honoring the inner child, or the beginner’s mind. The Hermit, the Wheel of Fortune and Temperance can all speak to the passage of time. The High Priestess may speak of a young woman, but also of timeless wisdom. The Emperor and Empress may speak of parents, or those of the same generation as your own parents.

In the Minor Arcana, the Six of Cups can speak of old friends; the grown-up we knew as kids. The Ten of Pentacles can speak of generations, those who came before, and those who will follow.

When you see these cards in a reading, consider if age, maturity or generational perspectives might be a factor to consider.

Image from Gilded Royale, by Ciro Marchetti.

Your One-Card Weekly Reading

Nine of Cups

Your one-card reading this week is the Nine of Cups. In fortune-telling tradition, the Nine of Cups is the “wish card”, suggesting your wishes will come true.

This card may predict satisfaction and happiness. It may also remind you to count your blessings and be happy with what you have.

The Nine of Cups may ask you to contemplate what makes you happy, and to make a plan to manifest those things.

The Week in Review

This week I posted a comprehensive write-up of TarotCon, complete with many pictures. You can check it out on my Personal Blog.

I also added a special memento from TarotCon to my online scrapbook.

From Around the Web

Jenna Matlin of Queen of Wands Tarot has written a really interesting piece on time and tarot predictions.

Tabitha Dial keeps a blog on Spiral Nature. Make sure you read her seasonal piece, “Bust Inner Ghosts with Tarot”.

Here’s an older post from The Tarot Lady, Theresa Reed, about the uses of tarot.

Song of the Week

I hope you enjoy this new weekly feature. The song I’ve chosen for this week’s theme is Elton John’s “Friends”.

Image from Celtic Lenormand, by Will Worthington and Chloe McCracken

Learning Lenormand

Card 22: Crossroads

Crossroads is a neutral card, offering a decision, or an option to choose your path.

In a health reading, Crossroads can refer to the respiratory or circulatory systems.

A primary key word for this card is “choice”. This card could indicate a painful decision to walk away from something or someone, or a happy decision to share your life with someone or commit to a new career.

Crossroads is associated with the Queen of Diamonds. Therefore, this card could indicate a woman, perhaps one who has access to money.

Next week we will explore Card 23, Mice.

Friendship Tarot Spread

There are plenty of tarot spreads that predict love and romance, or help people understand their intimate relationship. There are fewer times we turn to the cards to help us understand our friends, or our social life in general.

Having friends is vital to having a healthy, happy life, regardless of our age, or the age of our friends.

Here is a five-card spread designed to help you understand and improve your social life.

Card 1: How do I feel about my current social life?

Card 2: How do I honor my need to spend time alone?

Card 3: How do I chose good, supportive friends?

Card 4: How do I honor my friendships?

Card 5: What can I do to bring more balance and happiness to my social life?

Upcoming Events

Monday, October 26, 2 pm
The Fool’s Journey: The Twenty-Two Cards of the Major Arcana
SouthShore Regional Library
15816 Beth Shields Way, Ruskin, FL, 33573

Join me for a free tarot presentation at the library! You’ll learn about the symbols, archetypes and meanings of the “greater secrets” of tarot. Visit the event listing on my site for more information.

Wednesday, November 4, 7 pm
Global Tarot Circle
Free WebEx Webinar Available Exclusively Online

Join with your computer, tablet or smartphone, or simply call in to participate in an hour of tarot learning, fellowship and fun! Find the easy log-in on the event listing on my website calendar.

Save the date!

TarotCon (Florida) 2016 will be in Palm Beach Gardens October 8-9. More information will follow soon!

About Christiana

Christiana Gaudet
Origins Spa and Wellness Center
1537 N Dale Mabry Highway #102
Lutz, FL 33548

Private telephone, Skype and in person readings and instruction are available by appointment.

Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida. 

Call 813-948-4488, toll free 866-99TAROT,
or text or call 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.

Agent inquiries are welcome.

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.

What do You Fear?


Florida TarotCon 2015: Topical, Tropical, and So Much Fun!