Have You Seen Your Shadow?

Groundhog Day is the modern remnant of the ancient tradition of Imbolc, Brigid, or Candlemas. If the Groundhog can’t see his shadow, the rains have already begun, and spring is on its way.

In Jungian psychology, we all have a shadow. Our shadow is the unknown, dark side of our personality. Our shadow can be a blind spot; something about ourselves that we cannot see, or don’t want to see. Sometimes, parts of our shadow self are positive traits, hidden skills and talents, good things about ourselves that we have yet to identify.

There are many methods to help us become conscious of our shadow self – to bring the shadow to light.

Tarot, meditation and journaling are all really effective ways to reveal your shadow. When you understand and accept the things you hide, even from yourself, you become more well, more integrated, and abler to attract good things into your life.

Bring Light to the Shadow  Tarot Spread

Here is a simple original spread designed to help you bring light to the shadow. Spend time thinking about the cards that you draw here.

Write about them, meditate with them, do magick with them, sleep with them, redesign them. Shadow work is deep, and we tend to resist those deep truths.

Take your time, and allow the message to be revealed.

Arrange the cards in a square, with card one being the upper left hand, card two the upper right, card three the lower right, and card four the lower left.

Card One: What is something positive about me – a gift of which I am not yet aware?

Card Two: What can I do to reveal and accept this gift?

Card Three: What is a flaw, or negative personality trait, that I have been unwilling to acknowledge?

Card Four: How can I heal and transform this flaw?

From My Desk to Yours

Today, Thursday, February 4, is the 2016 Midwinter Tarot Blog Hop! You can start with my entry, and follow the links to see what each participant had to say about awakening the heart.


From Around the Web

Lovely for this time of year, here is an Imbolc Meditation from John Beckett on Patheos.

It’s a new month! Check out your numerological insights for February with Zuri!

My mother would have loved this one. For the knitter in your life, from the New York Times, here are “The Health Benefits of Knitting”.


Song of the Week

Here’s a favorite old deep cut from Jethro Tull’s Benefit album (1970), “Inside”.

Image from Pixie's Astounding Lenormand, by Edmund Zebrowski.

Learning Lenormand


Card 34: Fish

Fish is a positive card that often refers to money, wealth and resources. Whatever the resource is, there is plenty of it. Plenty of fish, get it?

Fish can discuss trade, commerce and entrepreneurial opportunities. In some cases, this card can also refer to good luck in love.

The playing card association for Fish is the King of Diamonds. This could indicate a wealthy man in your life.

Next week we will meet the penultimate card in the Petit Lenormand deck, Anchor. 

Online Resources for Tarot Shadow Work

There are many ways that tarot can help us bring light to the shadow. Major Arcana 15, the Devil, is about exactly that process. The act of illumination is necessary on our journey toward true enlightenment. We must know ourselves before we can know anything outside of ourselves. We must face and embrace the dark, as well as the light. That journey of self-discover is clearly mapped within the tarot.

Here are some articles and ideas for shadow work with the tarot. All three are available freely online.

Christine Jette has written the definitive book on tarot shadow work. She shared this blog post entitled, “The Fullness of Shadow Work” in the Llewellyn Journal.

Here’s a video from The Pure Ritual about “Shadow Work with Oracle and Tarot Cards”.

Here is a podcast featuring Tarot Tidal and Bonnie Cehovet discussing tarot shadow work.

Image from Gilded Royale by Ciro Marchetti.

Your One-Card Weekly Reading


The Lovers

Appropriate for the approaching Valentine’s Day, the Lovers can reflect upon our relationships.

Beyond that, the Lovers asks us to consider how we are integrating and segregating aspects of our lives. Within this card we see a series of choices and opportunities that could present defining moments for us.

The Lovers commands that to you understand yourself, love yourself and respect yourself. Only when you are responsible for your own happiness will you be able to have a romantic relationship that makes you truly happy.

This week, pay attention to your closest relationships, and the way you react to the people you love. How do you integrate with others? How do you communicate with others? What can you learn from this that can help you bring more balance to your relationships?

Upcoming Events


Sunday, February 7, 3:30 pm
Tampa Bay Area Tarot Meetup
Archetype Facets and Shadows
Panera Bread, 23388 State Rd 54, Lutz, FL 33549

Join us for fun, fellowship and food as we explore the tarot archetypes with Brenda. Brenda has just finished teaching a beginner tarot class at Ashes and Alchemy in Lutz, and did an amazing job providing readings at our Holiday Open House.

Bring your cards and a notebook, and expect some deep exploration of the cards, and of yourself.

You can visit this event on my calendar, or RSVP on Meetup.com.

Save the Dates:

 Sunday, March 20, 3:30 - 5:30, Tampa Bay Area Tarot Meetup special class with guest teacher Marcy Currier at Beef O'Brady's.

Sunday, June 5, 10:00 - 4:00, Tampa Bay Area Tarot Meetup Retreat Day at Mitchell's.

About Christiana

Christiana Gaudet
Origins Spa and Wellness Center
1537 N Dale Mabry Highway #102
Lutz, FL 33548

Private telephone, Skype and in person readings and instruction are available by appointment.

Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida. 

Call 813-948-4488, toll free 866-99TAROT,
or text or call 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.

Agent inquiries are welcome.

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


Open Eyes, Open Mind, Open Heart


Awaken the Heart with the Element of Air