Tarot News blog has news and information of interest to the tarot community.

Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet

Hello, 2025!

Today, we welcome a New Year.

2025 is written in the sand, as a wave washes away 2024.

2025 is written in the sand, as a wave washes away 2024.

A new year dawns today.

We put a lot of energy into the New Year. We celebrate, predict, manifest, and set goals, intentions, and resolutions.

The New Year seems relatively arbitrary compared to special days in astrology or other, more ancient calendars. Yet, the New Year has power simply because we all agree to honor it.

Some approach the New Year with trepidation, anxious about what might await them. Others approach with optimism, determined to stay hopeful.

Whatever you feel about the onset of 2025, this New Year offers an opportunity to harness some hope, optimism, and celebration and direct that good energy toward your best desires for the year.

A New Year is here. Why not greet it with a hopeful heart?

We wish each other a Happy New Year, sometimes by rote. Let’s wish ourselves a Happy New Year and make it happen.

The StaarCon 5 Imagining of Pixie Arcana. Art and composition by Stacey Williams-Ng, backgrounds by Animix.

The StaarCorner

We will have the final StaarCon 2024 lounge session in Serena Fox’s lounge on Thursday, January 16th, at 5:30 pm. Ticket holders can access the event portal until access ends on January 20th at 9:00 pm.

StaarCon 5 ticketholders can enter the StaarCon 5 event portal on January 17th at 9 am. Get your ticket now and plan your conference!

We are so excited for all the fabulous StaarCon 5 presenters. You can check out the complete list on the StaarCon website.

Presenting for the first time at StaarCon will be Hippy Pippy. Pip comes from the United Kingdom to share an approachable and fun tarot workshop with you, where you will learn more about tarot and yourself!

Get ready for three days of divination and magic and a full year of online study and fellowship!

A photograph of StaarCon 5 presenter Hippy Pippy.

A photograph of StaarCon 5 presenter Hippy Pippy.

A holiday tarot spread with blue candles and crystals in the background.

Greet the New Year with Tarot

Tarot is perfect for the New Year in so many ways. Of course, tarot readings are great entertainment at New Year parties!

Many people like to perform a serious reading at the beginning of each year. Some people like to create a unique spread for the New Year. Others use a traditional spread each year to look to the year ahead. For some, this is as simple as a card for each month.

New Year predictions can be fun, and New Year advice from the cards can prove helpful.

We can also do tarot magic for the New Year! What is it that you would like to have happen this year? Which energies do you need to cultivate?

Figure out which tarot cards embody those things and pull them from your deck. Spend time with them, recreate them in your chosen art form, put them on your altar, or sleep with them under your bed. You can even print out the card images and carry them with you.

Interacting with these images will help you create the year you want.

Psychic Gallery at Banyon Soul Yoga Studio in Stuart, Florida - January 4th at 4 pm.

Psychic Gallery at Banyon Soul Yoga Studio in Stuart, Florida - January 4th at 4 pm.

The Week in Review

Your January TarotScopes have been available to members of my YouTube channel for the past few days and are now available to everyone! Check out your sun, moon, and rising signs to see what awaits you in January. You can also find your TarotScopes on TikTok.

I will perform a Psychic Gallery at Banyan Soul Yoga in Stuart this Saturday. Tickets are limited and available directly from Banyan Soul.

From Around the Web

Daily Tarot Girl Kate has a wonderful tarot spread for 2025 for you to try!

Here are easy instructions to calculate your personal tarot year card for 2025.

2025 is Nine in numerology and therefore associated with the Hermit. Katrina Wynne will guide the StaarCon community through the year of the Hermit. Want to know more about the year of the Hermit? Here is a take from Cathy McClelland.

Colorful question marks.

Colorful question marks.

What Should We Do in 2025?

This is the space where, for the past year, we have been discussing magic and how to use it in our practical lives. The previous year, this was a spot to celebrate and encourage creativity.

Over the years, we have done one-card readings in this spot. We have also explored all seventy-eight cards of the tarot and the thirty-six cards of the Petit Lenormand.

What would you like to see in this spot for 2025? Please send me an email and let me know!

Global Tarot Circle on YouTube Live - January 8th @ 7 pm.

Global Tarot Circle on YouTube Live - January 8th @ 7 pm.

Upcoming Events

Weekly YouTube Events

Monday 9:30 am: Your 3-Card Weekly Reading

Thursday Noon: Tarot Topics Newsletter Recap

Friday Noon: Your Friday Weekly Wrap-up

Saturday 12:30 pm: Saturday Psychic Sampler

Card and Craft Academy

Card and Craft Academy is closed.

Look for Christiana’s new and improved academy soon! Until then, Christiana is offering personal mentorship classes in person and online.

Existing students of Card and Craft Academy will be offered a similar course in the new location as soon as the course becomes available. Students who take advantage of the offer to access the new course will also receive a coupon for a free month of our new all-access subscription when the full site is available.

If you are a Card and Craft Academy student, your invitation will be mailed to the email address you used to log in to the old account. If your address changes, you can contact Christiana to recover your account.

Christiana is waiting for her grandchildren to wake up on Christmas morning.

Christiana is waiting for her grandchildren to wake up on Christmas morning.

About Christiana Gaudet

Card and Craft, Inc.
Southeastern Tarot Artists and Readers, LLC.

Christiana Gaudet

770 SE Indian Street
Stuart, Florida 34997-5604

Locations in Port Saint Lucie, West Palm Beach, and Stuart, Florida!

Email cgaudet@cardandcraft.com
On the web www.christianagaudet.com
Online classes www.cardandcraftacademy.com
StaarCon information www.staarcon.com

YouTube @YourTarotFairyGodmother
Instagram @christianatarot @staarcon

Private telephone, Skype, FaceTime, Zoom, and in-person readings and instruction are available by appointment.

Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida.

Zoom parties and group instruction are available almost everywhere!

Call toll free 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
For business or agent inquiries, call 772-301-0232
For appointments, call or text 561-655-1160

Schedule Appointments, Mentoring Sessions, or Purchase Gift Certificates Online!

Schedule your private reading or mentorship session, or purchase gift certificates at https://christiana-gaudet.as.me.
Agent inquiries are welcome.

Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 8 Issue 1
January 1, 2025

Christiana Gaudet Your Tarot Fairy Godmother banner.

Christiana Gaudet Your Tarot Fairy Godmother banner.

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Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet

In This Moment

What happens when we are present in the moment, rather than focused on the past or future?

Snowflakes on a blue background with the words Wishing you a Wonderful Holiday Season.

Snowflakes on a blue background with the words Wishing you a Wonderful Holiday Season.

It happens every year. About a week before Christmas, random strangers ask me if I’m ready. As the holiday approaches, the questions become more panicked and more insistent.

Long ago, I gave up on holiday stress in favor of holiday presence.

In tarot and divination, there is an enormously popular spread. It’s just three cards, one for Past, one for Present, and one for Future. This can be a helpful way to see where we have been and where we are going.

Yet, we often spend too much time thinking about the past and the future and not enough time just observing and participating in the current moment.

Holidays mark the passage of time. Our traditions remind us of our history and cause us to look to the past. A New Year fills us with anticipation or worry for the future.

Perhaps the most significant present we can give to ourselves this holiday season is the gift of being present without trying to relive the past or plan for the future.

If we can be secure, happy, and grateful in a single moment, right now, I am sure the joy of that can honor and heal the past, and secure the future we want.

The StaarCon 5 Imagining of Pixie Arcana. Art and composition by Stacey Williams-Ng, backgrounds by Animix.

The StaarCorner

StaarCon 5 is just around the corner!

We will have a final StaarCon 2024 Lounge session in Serena Fox’s lounge on Thursday, January 16th, at 5:30 pm. StaarCon 2024 ticket holders can access the StaarCon 2024 event portal until access ends on January 20th at 9:00 pm.

If you have your StaarCon 5 ticket, you can enter the StaarCon 5 event portal on January 17th at 9 am. Ticket holders can sign up for sessions and participate in the early lounge events. Space can be limited for those attending in person, so be sure to sign up for the classes you wish to attend.

Aerik Arkadian is continuing to spotlight StaarCon 5 presenters on his blog. Make sure you catch them all!  Check out Katrina Wynne and others!

Our roster of presenters is complete! We are happy to add a few last-minute arrivals, including Elise Crohn of Juicy Creative Studios, Lake Worth, Florida.

Elise will be leading us in creating a personal oracle deck with SoulCollage®!

You can join as at StaarCon 5 for one day, two days, or all three days. You can participate in person at West Palm Beach or online at Accelevents. If you haven’t already, get your tickets now!

Use code YULESTAAR for 10% off Full Conference or Single Day tickets. Valid until January 1st. Not good for Virtual General Admission tickets.

StaarCon presenter Elise Crohn.

StaarCon presenter Elise Crohn.

A holiday tarot spread.

A holiday tarot spread.

Tarot in the Moment

How do we interpret the “Present” position in the ‘Past, Present, Future’ spread?

What does it mean to pull a card to see what is true at present?

Whether we interpret a card as part of a spread or pull a single card, when we read for the present, we need to see it as valuable wisdom for the moment.

A card for the present may speak of our mood, or our current well-being. It may bring up a worry or concern or may caution us to pay attention to something pressing. A card for the present may turn our attention to something important, or simply let us know that, in this moment, everything is fine.

There is rarely a bad time to ask the cards what we need to know in this present moment.

New Year Predictions Members-only Livestream - December 30th @ 7 pm.

The Week in Review

If you missed our Solstice gathering on YouTube, you can watch the replay and follow along with the exercises.

If you are a member of my YouTube channel, please join me for a session of New Year readings on December 30 at 7 pm ET.

I will be performing a New Year Psychic Gallery at Banyan Soul Yoga in Stuart, Saturday,

Pop culture inspired so January 4, at 4 pm. Visit the Banyan Soul Yoga website for tickets.

From Around the Web

many tarot decks. I wasn’t ready for a Back to the Future Tarot, but here it is!

Verified Market Reports lists the top seven trends in tarot. I was prepared to be amused, but they aren’t wrong about any of it.

Benebell Wen reviewed the Vedic Tarot, an ambitious new deck that connects the West with the East.

Colorful question marks.

Colorful question marks.

What Should We Do in 2025?

This is the space where, for the past year, we have been discussing magic and how to use it in our practical lives. The previous year, this was a spot to celebrate and encourage creativity.

Over the years, we have done one-card readings in this spot. We have also explored all seventy-eight cards of the tarot and the thirty-six cards of the Petit Lenormand.

What would you like to see in this spot for 2025? Please send me an email and let me know!

Psychic Gallery at Banyon Soul Yoga Studio in Stuart, Florida - January 4th at 4 pm.

Psychic Gallery at Banyon Soul Yoga Studio in Stuart, Florida - January 4th at 4 pm.

Upcoming Events

Weekly YouTube Events

Monday 9:30 am: Your 3-Card Weekly Reading

Thursday Noon: Tarot Topics Newsletter Recap

Friday Noon: Your Friday Weekly Wrap-up

Saturday 12:30 pm: Saturday Psychic Sampler [ Not Scheduled for 12/14. Join me at the library! ]

Card and Craft Academy

Card and Craft Academy is closed.

Look for Christiana’s new and improved academy soon! Until then, Christiana is offering personal mentorship classes in person and online.

Existing students of Card and Craft Academy will be offered a similar course in the new location as soon as the course becomes available. Students who take advantage of the offer to access the new course will also receive a coupon for a free month of our new all-access subscription when the full site is available.

If you are a Card and Craft Academy student, your invitation will be mailed to the email address you used to log in to the old account. If your address changes, you can contact Christiana to recover your account.

Christiana Gaudet at Christmas last year.

Christiana Gaudet at Christmas last year.

About Christiana Gaudet

Card and Craft, Inc.
Southeastern Tarot Artists and Readers, LLC.

Christiana Gaudet

770 SE Indian Street
Stuart, Florida 34997-5604

Locations in Port Saint Lucie, West Palm Beach, and Stuart, Florida!

Email cgaudet@cardandcraft.com
On the web www.christianagaudet.com
Online classes www.cardandcraftacademy.com
StaarCon information www.staarcon.com

YouTube @YourTarotFairyGodmother
Instagram @christianatarot @staarcon

Private telephone, Skype, FaceTime, Zoom, and in-person readings and instruction are available by appointment.

Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida.

Zoom parties and group instruction are available almost everywhere!

Call toll free 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
For business or agent inquiries, call 772-301-0232
For appointments, call or text 561-655-1160

Schedule Appointments or Purchase Gift Certificates Online!

Schedule your private reading or mentorship session, or purchase gift certificates at https://christiana-gaudet.as.me.
Agent inquiries are welcome.

Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 7 Issue 52
December 25, 2024

Christiana Gaudet Your Tarot Fairy Godmother banner.

Christiana Gaudet Your Tarot Fairy Godmother banner.

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Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet

Greetings of the Season

Holiday wishes and upcoming events!


Greetings of the Season

However and whatever you celebrate, best wishes to you!

When we first moved to Florida ten years ago, I was a bit confused about what would happen at Christmastime. Growing up in the Northeast, so much of my experience of the holiday season was based on the celebration of winter.

It turns out that we sing “Let it Snow” and wear snowflake jewelry and enjoy the irony. We put lights on palm trees, and even make light patterns on the lawn! Our food traditions are a little different because, here in Florida Christmas is a holiday best celebrated with a barbeque!

What I have learned over the years is that it doesn’t matter where you celebrate, how you celebrate or even what you celebrate – this time of year has a special and sacred energy.

May the blessings of the season be yours!


Book Your Reading or Party in the Tampa Area Now!

I will be in the Tampa Bay Area January 11-13 to start a series of appearances on the west coast of Florida. If you are  in the Tampa Bay Area and interested in a house call or psychic house party this winter, call or text me at 561-655-1160.


Study Tarot This Year

Why not make a resolution to add tarot to your toolbox this year? On January 6 I am teaching a beginner tarot class in my Palm City office. Each month I teach one or two classes in the office. 

In January and February, I am teaching tarot classes at Dream Angels in Tequesta.

If you want to study with me privately, or at a distance, my mentorship program is perfect for you! 

Whether you choose to read for others or to simply use tarot for your own reflection, the study of tarot will deepen your psychic abilities and spiritual connection and offer insight and inspiration to you for the rest of your life. 

Make 2019 the year to embrace tarot!


Upcoming Events

Sunday, January 6, 4 to 6 pm
Tarot Basics and Beyond
Christiana’s Conference Room
1025 SW Martin Down Blvd, Suite 203, Palm City, FL

In this class, tarot beginners will get a basic overview of tarot structure, traditions and techniques, and will be introduced to the twenty-two cards of the Major Arcana.

Experienced tarotists will get not only a refresher, but a new understanding and perspective of both the cards and techniques for reading.

Class fee is $30. You must preregister to attend on Eventbrite or by calling 561-655-1160.


Sunday, January 20, 4 to 6 pm
Tarot for Inspiration, Creativity and Positive Change
Christiana’s Conference Room
1025 SW Martin Downs Blvd, Suite 203, Palm City, FL

In this hands-on workshop you will learn ways that tarot can make a difference in your life. Using the sacred images of tarot, you will discover hidden talents, learn to tap into Universal wisdom, and create your personal roadmap for positive change.

This class is for tarot enthusiasts of all experience levels.

Class fee is $30. You must preregister to attend on Eventbrite or by calling 561-655-1160.


Thursday, January 24, 7 to 9 pm
Major Arcana: Lessons and Interpretations
Dream Angels, 128 Bridge Road, Tequesta, FL

Beginners and experienced readers will enjoy this fascinating exploration of the Major Arcana of the tarot. Learn how to interpret these cards in a reading, and how to embrace their lessons of personal and spiritual growth.

Register with Dream Angels.


Sunday, January 27, 4 to 6 pm
Cards and Conversation Tarot Meetup
Panera Bread, 2894 SW Town Center Way, Palm City, FL

Join us for a free, informal tarot workshop with plenty of opportunity for fellowship! We enjoy food, readings and learning about tarot, ourselves and each other in our monthly meeting. Beginners and long-time enthusiasts are welcome!


Thursday, January 31, 7 to 9 pm
Psychic Gallery with Christiana Gaudet
Dream Angels, 128 Bridge Road, Tequesta, FL

Bring your questions and join us in sacred space for an insightful and entertaining evening! In this small group setting each person attending will receive helpful information and answers. You may even receive a message from a loved one in spirit!

Register with Dream Angels.


Volume 1 Issue 23 - See You Next Year!

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Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet

Tarot by Christiana Weekly Newsletter 12/5/2012


Tarot by Christiana

Weekly Newsletter

December 5, 2012

Holiday Traditions


Whichever holidays you celebrate during the winter months, you probably have particular traditions that make your holidays special. They may be family traditions, cultural traditions or religious traditions. Your traditions may be based on geography. Here in Florida, for instance, many people hold special Christmas barbeque parties. Up north folks don't usually associate barbeque with Christmas!

Our holiday traditions are important to us. Sometimes they unite us as family or community. Sometimes they commemorate history. Always they mark the passage of time. Our holiday traditions are a way of both establishing and preserving identity.

It's fun to learn about the traditions of others, and to share our traditions with our friends. The important part is not about what we each believe, or how we commemorate our holidays. What is important is that for so many of us now is the time of celebration!

Christiana's Holiday Open House Tradition


Over the past eighteen years many of you have had a chance to attend or volunteer for one of my Holiday Open House events.

Last year's Open House at the Harvey Building in West Palm Beach was the biggest ever, featuring twenty-two readers and healers offering services to countless numbers of guests. Together, we raised 600 pounds of food.

In the past eighteen or so years there have only been two years that I have not held at least one Open House during the holiday season. The first was in 2007 as we were preparing to make our move from the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania to South Florida. The second will be this year.

Our move from Palm Beach County to our fixer-upper tiny home in Broward County has been quite involved. We have learned a lot about plumbing and electricity, and we have spent more time in Home Depot and Lowes than we could have ever thought possible.

The joy of living in a tiny home that we are essentially constructing with our own hands is immense.

It takes a lot of planning and preparation to create an Open House event, and so we look forward to starting planning Holiday Open House 2013 early in the New Year.

The Holiday Open House began in the early 1990's with a simple idea. I took a small hotel conference room for an afternoon right before Christmas and invited people to come in for free readings.

When we moved to a large house in Putnam, CT I had my first official reading room.  We held the Open House there and my young children served as hosts.

When I opened my first business location in Putnam I invited other readers and healers to join me, and we asked attendees to bring toys to donate for the less fortunate children in our community.

When I started Tarot Circle in 2000 the Open House became a Tarot Circle event.

Over the years I held the Open House in Plainfield, New London and Niantic, CT and in Mount Pocono and Swiftwater, PA before moving to South Florida and holding it three years in a row in West Palm Beach.

We began collecting food instead of toys simply because the need for food during the holidays is so great.

I have been honored to have so many volunteers at the various Open House events. In Connecticut, Pennsylvania and Florida I have been blessed to know many gifted metaphysical practitioners, as well kind people who have been willing to act as hosts and helpers.

For all of my volunteers in South Florida, be sure that I will call on you to help out in 2013!

For all of you everywhere - please remember those less fortunate than you this holiday season, and make a donation of food, toys or cash with your local relief agency.

I appreciate all of you who have made the Open House tradition so special, and I look forward to continuing it next year.

Your Weekly One-Card Reading


Your one-card reading for the week is the Six of Pentacles. The Six of Pentacles is about giving and receiving. It can refer to an act or attitude of charity. It might suggest that you are successful enough to share with others. It can remind you that if you are in need there will be others who will be able to help you.

Usually, the image in this card features a scale. This is to remind us it is important to give to others, but only to the extent to which we are able. It is to remind us that we should ask for help when necessary, but only to the extent to which we truly need.

This card shows us the true nature of family and of community, and reminds us of the importance of generosity.


An Original Card Spread for You!


You can perform this three-card spread with tarot, or any other divination card deck. I call this the "Checking- In Spread" because it is a quick way to check in on the progress of anything that matter to you; a relationship, a business, a creative project or a healing process, for example.

The shape of the spread is a three-card pyramid, with two card side-by-side on the bottom and one card above, positioned in the middle to make the top of the pyramid.

You can perform this spread for yourself or another person, but you must have a specific topic on which to "check-in."


  • Card 1 Bottom Left: What I have been doing to make this successful
  • Card 2 Bottom Right: What my current focus should be
  • Card 3 Top: The current state of success

The Week in Review


If you want to learn tarot, Christiana has shared the things you need to know. Read Tarot From Scratch: Seven Things you need to do to Learn Tarot on Tarot Trends, Christiana's Personal Blog.


If you are a tarot student, you will enjoy Christiana's post on keeping a tarot journal. Read Five Things to do with your Tarot Journal on Tarot Topics Community Blog.


Have you heard about Earthing? Read Christiana's take on Earthing on the Dark Forest.

Upcoming Events


Wednesday, December 5, 7:30 pm


Join us for a free webinar, Basic Psychic Development. Everyone is psychic! The challenge is to figure out what your gifts are, and to learn to develop them. Professional psychic Christiana Gaudet will share the basics with you. In this exciting webinar you will learn about psychic gifts, psychic tools and simple exercises you can do to strengthen your own psychic abilities. For log-in info, visit the Celebrate Spiritual Growth website.



Monday, December 10, 7:00 pm


Enjoy a beginner/review level premium webinar, An In-Depth Journey into the Major Arcana - Emotional Balance. This online presentation will focus on Major Arcana cards Eight through Fourteen, Strength through Temperance. Christiana will present these cards as the keys to enhancing emotional growth and finding emotional balance.

This class will help tarot beginners develop a solid foundation for their tarot study. Experienced readers will discover new ways to utilize tarot. For registration and log in, visit the Continuing Education website.



Wednesday, December 12, 9 pm


Christiana will be a guest on Internet TV show "It's in the Cards." Tune in to see Christiana talk about her new book and perform readings for the audience. You are welcome to call in to get an on-air reading! Simply visit Para Encounters Network to join the fun!



Thursday, December 13, 6:30 pm


Everyone with an interest in tarot is invited to join Global Tarot Circle for an informal tarot workshop webinar, fun and fellowship. Find details and log in info at the Tarot Circle website.


Sunday, December 30, 4:00 pm


Join us for an hour of free psychic readings with Christiana Gaudet, Tarot Grandmaster and author.

In the on-line meeting room, Christiana will give short readings to all attendees, as time permits. You will enjoy being part of the energy, hearing Christiana's readings and receiving an insightful reading for yourself.

Don't miss this exciting online event! Find details and log in info on the Celebrate Spiritual Growth website.

Special Gifts for Holiday Giving


Remember that gift certificates are available for readings by telephone and Skype, premium webinars, Skype parties and private on-line tarot instruction.

I can mail or email gift certificates to you, or directly to your recipient. I can even surprise your recipient with a telephone call informing them of their gift.

If you prefer, you can design your own gift certificate; just make sure I have the name of the recipient.

All you need to do is call me at 561-655-1160. I can take a credit or debit card right over the phone. I also use PayPal if that is easier for you.

For the tarot enthusiast in your life, my books Fortune Stellar and Tarot Tour Guide make great gifts as well.



TarotByChristiana.com  |  Email: christiana@TarotByChristiana.com | Skype: tarot.radio
For More Information Call Toll Free: 866-998-2768  | Local Phone: 561-655-1160 


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