Tarot News blog has news and information of interest to the tarot community.
Making the Connection
In divination, as in life, the connections we make matter.
Making the Connection
In divination, as in life, the connections we make matter.
Spiritual work is full of all sorts of connections. That’s why many healers and diviners are very sensitive to the energies of Mercury retrograde. Mercury, of course, is all about connections. In retrograde, those connections need extra attention and care. (The next Mercury retrograde begins March 6.)
Effective divination, whether with tarot or any other tool, requires us to make connections. Let’s use tarot as an example to explore the different connections we make to deliver meaningful messages.
First, we must make a connection with Spirit, Higher Power, or our own higher consciousness. Diviners vary widely in their spiritual beliefs but tend to agree that there is a higher energy we connect with in divination, whether than energy emanates from within us our outside of us.
If we are reading for another person, we must make an energetic connection with that person.
We must connect with the cards we’ve pulled in a number of different ways. We connect with the images; we see how the images make us feel and the things of which we are reminded when we look at the pictures.
Readers who value the wisdom of classic tarot knowledge know that we learn the cards by making connections. Each card has a number of classic keywords that often feel widely divergent. Consider the Ten of Pentacles. The Ten of Pentacles can predict love. The Ten of Pentacles can indicate wealth. This same card can also speak of heritage and legacy. It is also the card of real estate, predicting buying or selling property, home renovations or a career in real estate. The Ten of Pentacles can suggest you love your home and are happy there.
The way we get a handle on the essence of a card’s energy is by finding the thing that connects all those keywords. In the case of the Ten of Pentacles, the connecting point is family. In the Waite-Smith image, the connecting point is the grandfather.
Try this process with each tarot card to stretch and solidify your understanding of the card.
The trickiest connection, and the one that separates mediocre readers from truly talented ones, is the ability to make the connection between classic keywords and card interpretations and what is happening in the querent’s life. There is an intuitive process that allows the reader to extrapolate the card meanings in a way that applies and resonates.
Even in our mundane lives, the connections we make are important. That is especially true of our social connections, our professional networks and our intimate partners. We need to connect with one another.
Often, our points of view and opinions can be a huge disconnect when we don’t see eye to eye. When we look past our differences and focus on our human commonalities, it becomes easier to make important connections with everyone.
What is true in human interaction is also true in divination. When things seem misaligned, the key is in finding where the connection truly is.
Make Your Plans to See Me During My Northeastern Tour!
I will be in Connecticut March 27 through April 8. I am available for parties, groups and house calls in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and New York City.
I am also offering private readings by appointment at True Bikram Yoga in Madison.
To make your appointment, please call or text 561-655-1160.
I will be teaching two workshops while I am there.
In Madison, on Sunday, March 31 at 7 pm I am teaching ‘The Journey of Life: The Major Arcana of Tarot.
In New Haven, on Sunday, April 7 at 7 pm I am teaching ‘Oils, Intuition and Manifestation’. Learn more about these workshops, and register in advance!
Two Tarot Exercises to Help Make Connections
The key to a good tarot reading is flow. Intuition must flow, and the story must flow. Flow is fostered, in part, by the connections we make. Here are two exercises to help you find those connections and find your flow.
Dig into the Cards
Look at each card and speak aloud about it for as long as you can. What are all the things you know about this card? How does this card make you feel? What can this card mean in a reading?
As you are speaking of the card you will notice that your own understanding of it expands and deepens.
The Seventy-Eight-Card Story
Shuffle the cards. Turn over the top card and use it to begin a story. Move quickly on to the next card, letting that card continue the story. Let your story grow as you look at all seventy-eight cards. Let the story be fanciful, silly or outrageous; just let the cards inspire your imagination and your words as the story flows from one card to the next.
The Week in Review
This week I shared a post on my Community Blog called “Group Readings: The Performance Aspect of Tarot”. One of the amazing things about tarot reading is that there are so many different ways we can do it!
From Around the Web
Here’s a new post from Jamie Morris, one of my favorite tarotist writers. If you are also a tarotist writer, you will enjoy this writing prompt.
As I mentioned earlier, Mercury Retrograde is on its way. From Astrostyle, here is a guide on how to survive it!
From Maddy Elruna, some thoughts on when tarot does not work out as expected.
King of Cups from Art of Life Tarot by Charlene Livingstone, Copyright 2012, U.S. Games Systems, Inc.
Cards for Your Consideration
Let’s contemplate the King of Cups. Here we see this image from the Art of Life Tarot, which pairs a work of art with a quotation to illustrate the energy of each card.
I chose this particular illustration because it echoes my own take of the King of Cups.
The King of Cups is often somewhat maligned in a way that almost feels misandrist to me. It’s easy to see him as one who drinks too much, or as a whiner.
Yes, each Court card, when representing a person, can represent one who is demonstrating either positive behaviors or negative ones. There is an up and a down to every card at any moment.
Tarotists so often describe the King of Cups as alcoholic or wussy. Yet, if we break it down to the barest of elements, the King of Cups, as the King of Water, is a man who understands and communicates love; one who makes emotions a priority.
Can the King of Cups represent an undesirable guy? Of course, but for me that is not the baseline interpretation.
I think that all people need to be able to understand and communicate their emotions, and all people need to understand the paramount importance of love in all its forms. That a man is in touch with his emotions should not automatically cause us to think of him as weak. This should be true in life, as well as in the cards.
For me, Kings in tarot are the highest expression of their element. As the king of water, the King of Cups can be one who is a master of understanding love.
We can all embrace our inner King of Cups by working to stay in the high vibration of unconditional love as we interact with the people around us.
When the King of Cups does not represent a person, this card may instruct us to take the lead in a situation in a way that is loving and considerate of the feelings of others.
Psychic Gallery at ZeroPointe in Fort Lauderdale
Join me for an exciting event in Fort Lauderdale on the first day of Spring!
On Wednesday, March 20, 7 pm to 9 pm, I will present a psychic gallery at ZeroPointe Healing Foundation, formerly Center for Inner Wisdom, located at 4849 N Dixie Hwy, Suite 2, Oakland Park, FL 33334.
I love doing psychic galleries, because the energy of sacred space, and the energy of a group united for a single purpose, can create the perfect environment in which to receive powerful messages from Spirit.
In a psychic gallery with me, each person receives pertinent information and insight. Group members hold space and support each other, and benefit from hearing and witnessing every message.
The energy of the vernal equinox will add a powerful dimension to the readings on this special evening, bringing the opportunity for each of us to find balance and initiate new beginnings.
Tickets are $30, and seating is limited. Register now!
Join us for Global Tarot Circle on Facebook Live
On Wednesday, February 20 from7 pm to 8 pm you have the opportunity to join tarot friends from around the world on my free monthly webinar, Global Tarot Circle on Facebook Live.
Each month we gather on Facebook to share readings, conversation and tarot study. You can join in on your smartphone, computer or tablet.
To join, simply like my business page and look for the live feed.
Tarot Topics Newsletter Volume 2 Issue 8
February 20, 2019
Tarot Topics 9/10/2014: Dreamtime
Tarot Topics
Christiana's Weekly Newsletter
September 10, 2014
View the newsletter online at
In This Issue
Three Ways to Harness Your Dreams
Three Tarot Cards That Speak About Dreams
What's Up at the Psychic Café?
Many cultures find spiritual value in the symbols and messages of our sleeping dreams. Some people believe that consciously exploring issues and problems during dreamtime can yield amazing solutions for personal growth and healing.
Some people believe that their spiritual guardians, ancestors and loved ones in spirit can visit with them in their dreams.
Not all dream experiences are pleasant. Sometimes we can learn from unpleasant dreams, and the messages behind them. Sometimes unpleasant dreams help us acknowledge the things that hurt us.
Even if you don’t tend to remember your dreams, there are simple exercises that can help you recall and understanding some of your dreams.
Why not explore the messages and insights your dreams have for you?
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Three Ways to Harness Your Dreams
You can harness the power of dreams simply by setting your intention before you go to sleep. When you wake up, write down all the details from your dreams that you can remember, no matter how silly or insignificant they may seem.
Set your intention simply by taking a moment to breathe, center, ground and focus. Then, clearly state your intention to remember your dreams, and your intention for the nature of your dreams.
1. If you are faced with a problem to solve, or a tough decision to make, set the intention that you will be shown a solution in your dreams.
2. If you are not sure about your path, your purpose or your next step, set the intention to receive spiritual guidance in your dreams.
3. If you would like to connect with a loved one who has passed on, or an ancestor, ask them to communicate with you in your dreams.
Sometimes your dreams will be clear and easy to understand. Other times it may take some effort to interpret them. Don’t be afraid to set the same intention more than once, in order to get a clearer picture.
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The Week in Review
This week I took the theme of dreams to our Tarot Topics Community Blog, with a piece on using tarot to interpret dreams.
While I was traveling over the past few weeks we had a number of guest posts on our community blog. If you haven’t yet read these, please do take a look!
Amanda Lee celebrated the Wheel of the Year with “Lammas Wisdom.”
Jules shared some fabulous poetry about the Tarot Queens.
Amanda Lee wrote a wonderful post called “A Blue Jay’s Peace.”
This week, on my Dark Forest Blog, I wrote about surviving my first Bikram Yoga class.
On my personal blog, Tarot Trends, I shared some tarot exercises to help you learn the Minor Arcana.
From Around the Web
“Witchy Tarot Mum” tried one of my tarot exercises, and wrote about it on her blog! I was thrilled to find “Reading for Your Home.” Maybe you would like to try the same exercise yourself!
From “Tarot Elements,” here is an interesting take on “Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.”
From “Tarot Heritage,” Here is a review of two books of tarot poetry by Stewart S. Warren.
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Three Tarot Cards That Speak About Dreams
Sometimes a tarot reading can indicate the need to pay attention to your dreams, or the need to seek a deeper meaning to your dreams. When a person is troubled by nightmares the cards may reflect the problem. Here are three cards whose interpretations can include information about the querent’s dreams.
1. The Moon The Moon is about dreams and illusions, fantasies and visions, lunacy and treachery, psychism and spirituality. The Moon in a reading may instruct you to find the spiritual significance of your dreams. If you have recently dreamt of a departed loved one and receive the Moon card, it is likely that you dream was a true spiritual experience.
2. The Seven of Cups The Seven of Cups can also refer to dreams, imagination, illusion, fantasy and choices. This card can indicate the need to use your dreams to help make an important decision.
3. The Nine of Swords The Nine of Swords can refer to nightmares and disturbing dreams. The appearance of this card might indicate the need to explore the disturbing dream with tarot.
The next time you see these cards in a reading, consider that they might indicate the need to explore a dream.
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What’s Up at the Psychic Café?
This past week we enjoyed an encore presentation of my conversation with Jordan Hoggard. Jordan is a tarotist, architect and artist. He is the designer of “Tarot from the Land of Mystereum.”
Summer is coming to a close, and it’s time for some brand new episodes of Christiana’s Psychic Café!
This coming Sunday, September 14th, my guest will be tarotist Mary Ellen Collins, but there will be a very special twist! Mary Ellen will be interviewing me! You will be surprised by the things she gets me to say!
Make sure you tune in Sunday night, or enjoy the show in archive on YouTube.
Christiana’s Psychic Café is my weekly webcast. It airs on the Para Encounters Network, each Sunday at 9 pm Eastern.
Archived webcasts available on my YouTube channel.
You can also see the archives cataloged on the Tarot Topics News Site.
For up-to-date information about Christiana’s Psychic Café, visit our Show Info page and like us on Facebook!
[ In This Issue ]
Learning Tarot: King of Cups
The King of Cups is the final card in the suit of Cups. He represents the male, yang expression of the element of Water.
In a reading, the King of Cups might indicate an adult man, perhaps born under a water sign (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces).
The King of Cups might also be a man who is a romantic interest, or a man whose behavior is sensitive, emotional, or romantic.
The King of Cups might indicate anyone, male or female, who is regarded as a leader, teacher or exemplar in matters of love, either romantic, familial or spiritual.
The King of Cups might appear to advise you to take a leadership role in an emotional situation; to realize that other people may be patterning their emotional behavior on yours.
When we tell the story of the suit of Cups, the King may represent the highest expression of the elemental energy of Water. We can also see it as the masculine divine energy that poured life onto the planet at the beginning of the story.
The lesson of the King of Cups may be to teach others how to love by our example.
Next week, we will begin our exploration of the suit of Swords, starting with the Ace.
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Christiana’s Northeastern Tour August 2014
What a wonderful time I had in New England this summer. Thanks to those of you who hosted house parties and had readings while I was there. To those of you I couldn’t fit into the schedule, I apologize.
I am planning a shorter spring trip, and a longer trip in August for 2015. If you know now that you would like to host a party, please email me and let me know, so we can get you on the schedule right away.
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Your One-Card Weekly Reading
Your one-card reading this week is the Lovers!
This is a profoundly deep card that speaks, not only of your relationships with others, but also your relationship with yourself.
This week, spend some time thinking about the different facets of yourself. None of us is just one thing. We all have different pieces that make up the total of who we are. The Lovers can be about how we integrate all those facets.
If you need more balance in your life, the appearance of the Lovers tells you that, by making it a priority, you can find the balance you seek.
The Lovers reminds you that, while you can’t always choose what happens, you can choose how you react to it. The Lovers asks you to be conscious about what motivates your decisions.
Finally, the Lovers can predict a new love relationship, honor an existing relationship, or provide a focus for healing a difficult relationship. The Lovers advises that we build our relationships with logic, communication and good decisions.
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Upcoming Events
Sunday, September 14, 9 pm
Christiana’s Psychic Café
We’ll have a brand new episode of the Psychic Café, with a special twist. Mary Ellen Collins will be interviewing me! You’ll be surprised by the things she gets me to talk about!
Monday, September 15, 7 pm
Free Webinar
Global Tarot Circle
Spend an hour with tarot friends from around the world. In this free, interactive on-line experience you can ask questions, share readings and learn more about tarot.
You can participate from your computer, tablet or smartphone, or you can call in!
For log-in info, visit the event listing on the Tarot Circle website.
Wednesday, September 17th, 7 pm
Premium Webinar
Sharing Wisdom - Reading for Others
Tarot hobbyists, professional readers, and those somewhere in between, all share something in common. We all want to give the best readings possible to clients, family and friends.
In this online presentation, I will guide you through each step of performing a great reading. I will help you discover your personal style as a reader, and discuss some common pitfalls and ways to avoid them. I will give you insight in how to derive the most specific information possible from each reading.
For registration and log-in information, visit the event listing on the Continuing Education website.
Sunday, September 21, 9 pm
Christiana’s Psychic Café
Join us for another brand new episode of Christiana’s psychic café. Jenna Matlin, of Queen of Wands Tarot, has just published an e-book, “Have Tarot will Travel, a Comprehensive Guide to Reading at Festivals as a Tarot professional.”
We’ll discuss some of the ups and downs of reading at fairs and festivals, and share some stories from the tarot trenches. If you are a professional reader you won’t want to miss this show!
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Private readings and instruction are available by appointment.
Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida.
Call 813-948-4488 or toll free 866-99TAROT, or text 561-655-1160 for more information or to schedule your event.
Agent inquiries are welcome.
Toll Free: 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
Phone or Text: 561-655-1160
Tampa Phone: 813-948-4488
Skype: tarot.radio