Tarot Topics Blog
Writing is a passion of mine. Each week, I publish a newsletter on my favorite subject, tarot!
This consolidated blog contains my newsletters and other musings I have blogged here over the years.
Find all my posts, newsletters, reviews, and commentaries here.

Magic with the Two of Wands: Strength, High Rank and Wealth Without Shame
For the Spring Equinox Tarot Blog Hop, some magic and musing about wealth, inspired by the season, the Two of Wands and the Picatrix.
At the Intersection of Tarot and Food
For the Tarot Blog Hop, some thoughts about tarot and food.

What May Be
For the Beltane Tarot Blog Hop, we explore the word "may".

Awaken the Heart with the Element of Air
For the Midwinter Tarot Blog Hop, here's how to use the Air cards of tarot to awaken the heart.

What if Waite and Crowley had Social Media?
For the tarot blog hop, some thoughts about Waite and Crowley, and our online interactions.

Pomegranates, Persephone, the High Priestess and Poetry
For the Autumnal Equinox Tarot Blog Hop, a poem about the High Priestess as Persephone.

As Above, So Below
For the Tarot Blog Hop, some thoughts about Hermes, the Magician, and the underlying principle of everything.

The Cosmic Bartender of Art, Time and Alchemy
For the Summer Solstice Tarot Blog Hop 2015, we are writing about the Major Arcana. Here are my thoughts on Temperance.

Shining a Light on the Shadow
For the 2015 May 1 Tarot Blog Hop, I join twenty other tarot bloggers in sharing thoughts about the shadow cards of tarot.

Twenty-First Century Tarot
For the Spring Fling Tarot Blog Hop 2015, some thoughts on the way and how tarot interpretations and images change over time, while archetypes remain constant.

Oracular Anomalies
For the Tarot Blog Hop, a discussion of why tarot readings go rogue, and what to do about it!

The Page of Swords and Holiday Truths

You are Invited to Tea!

The Cards Never Shut Up

Dancing with the Queen of Pentacles

A Joyful Summer Solstice

Beltaine Tarot Blog Hop: A Union of Opposites

A Time for Renewal