Tarot News blog has news and information of interest to the tarot community.

Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet

Making a List

Free webinars, free readings and other great holiday happenings!

Have you noticed how many lists people make this time of year? There are gift lists and guest lists and wish lists, packing lists, grocery lists and our New Year’s resolutions. There are Santa’s lists that divide us into naughty and nice.

I like lists. They organize our thinking and help us quantify things that may otherwise seem abstract. Lists help us to see things objectively and set priorities. Lists help us remember things.

My grandmother once announced that she had stopped keeping a to-do list. Instead she was making a list at the end of the day of things she had accomplished. She found her “done lists” much more satisfying than her to-do lists had been.

Some spiritual philosophies suggest that we need to make lists of things that we want; qualities that we want in a future mate, for example, or blessings that we want to attract into our lives.

The phrase “count your blessings” came into popular use in the mid-1800s. Even today, we use this as an invitation to make a list of things we are grateful for, rather than list our complaints. The spiritual value of making such a list seems obvious.

There are other sorts of lists that can be spiritually or personally valuable to make. I sometimes ask clients to make a list of their skills and attributes. Other times I ask people to make a list of things they believe to be true about the world, or things that are giving them anxiety.

List-making is helpful in the contemplation of a question. Reading over the written list can often give us a perspective we didn’t have before.

When we make a list of goals, or even New Year’s resolutions, we create an energy that will support us in achieving these goals. When we make a list of things we believe we can often find and remove the false stories we tell ourselves.

During this busy holiday season, you can use lists to keep your celebrations on track. You can also use lists in deeper ways to help make 2019 the year you want it to be.

Jenna and Christiana Talk Tarot Biz, and You’re invited!

On Tuesday, December 11 at 9 pm EST Jenna Matlin and I are going to spend an hour together on Zoom talking about the tarot business, in advance of our day-long program to be held at Northwest Tarot Symposium this year.

If you are a tarot professional, or want to become one, please join us on Zoom for free! You will be able to ask questions and interact with us as we share some stories and ideas about what it is to be a tarot professional.

Below you will find all the information you need to join the conversation!

Topic: Jenna and Christiana Talk Tarot Biz

Time: Dec 11, 2018 9:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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Use Tarot to Find the Perfect Gift

We all have at least one hard-to-buy-for person. There are a few creative ways to incorporate tarot as you make your gift list this year.

First, if you are thinking about a particular gift for someone but aren’t sure they will like it, ask the cards! Simply say, “How will Joe feel about receiving a toaster from me this year?” and pull a card, or a few cards.

If you have no idea what to get someone, try a one-card pull in answer to this question. “What would be a good gift for me to get Mary?” Remember to look at the elements of the card you pull. For example, Swords, or Air, might reference something involving writing or technology.

In this sort of a reading you can also look at the cards quite literally. A Cups card could indicate a bottle of wine or a nice coffee mug, for example. If you see something within the card image that captures your attention, that could also be a clue. Imagine pulling the Queen of Wands and feeling drawn to the cat in the picture. You might then remember that Mary loves cats and would enjoy a cat calendar.

The benefit of these sorts of exercises is twofold. First, you will get some great, creative gift-giving ideas. Second, you will have the opportunity to expand your understanding about the uses and interpretations of tarot!


The Week in Review

This week, I shared a new post about finding the process in a tarot card. For many, this is an entirely new way to experience the message of a tarot card.

You still have a chance to sign up for my LEAP 2019 New Year Tarot Session Special!

From Around the Web

It’s the first week of December, so here are some scopes and new month goodies for you!

Here are  tarotscopes from the Numinous.

If you want to know what the planets are doing in December, here is an overview of astrological aspects and transits.

The December new moon happens this week on December 7. Here are eight meditations especially for this December new moon.


Upcoming Events

Sunday, December 9, 4 to 6 pm
Cards and Conversation
Panera Bread
2894 SW Town Center Way, Palm City, FL

Join our monthly tarot meetup! Anyone with an interest in tarot is welcome. Bring your cards or borrow a deck at the meeting. You can RSVP on the Meetup site or simply meet us at Panera.

Monday, December 10, 7 to 8 pm
Global Tarot Circle on Facebook Live

Join tarot friends around the world for readings, conversation and tarot study. Simply visit my Facebook business page and look for the live stream.

Tuesday, December 11, 9 pm- 10 pm
Jenna and Christiana Talk Tarot Biz

In advance of our Professional Development Day at Northwestern Tarot Symposium, Jenna Matlin and I will be getting together for an informal chat on Zoom about the ins and outs of professional tarot, and you are welcome to join us for free! Find the details to join earlier in this newsletter.

Sunday, December 16, 4 to 6 pm
Magickal Energy: Working with Cards, Colors, Elements and More
Christiana’s Conference Room
1025 SW Martin Downs Blvd, Suite 203, Palm City FL

This hands-on class will teach you to harness energy to bring to your life the things you desire and remove from your life the things you don’t. Seating for this class is limited. You may reserve your seat and pay the $30 class fee using the link available on my website event listing, or you may call me at 561-655-1160 and register with me.

Thursday, December 20, 7 to 9 pm
Winter Solstice Class and Celebration
Dream Angels, 128 Bridge Road, Tequesta

Bring your tarot cards and let’s celebrate the return of the sun together! We will learn a tarot spread to forecast the New Year and enjoy some other seasonal tarot activities. Bring a holiday snack to share if you are able! You may register and pay your class fee with Dream Angels.

Sunday, December 23, 2 to 6 pm
Annual Holiday Open House
Unity of Stuart, 211 SE Central Pkwy, Stuart, FL

Bring some nonperishable food items to be donated to Treasure Coast Food Bank, and a holiday treat for the snack table. Join us for an afternoon of free tarot readings, astrology readings, palmistry, crystal readings and healing sessions, offered to you by our fabulous volunteers. For more information, call me at 561-655-1160.


Volume 1 Issue 20

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Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet

Speak it into Existence

See what we’ve got happening for the holidays!


In the past two days I have heard the phrase “speak it into existence” not only once, but twice. I looked the expression up and discovered that this single phrase transcends culture and religion to express this very important spiritual truth.

The idea of speaking something into existence is Biblical, but it is also the cornerstone of the Law of Attraction, and of metaphysics and magick in general. No matter your background or belief system, there seems to be some reference to tell you that your words have the power to become form.

That’s both good news and bad news. The good news is that we have the power to manifest our dreams and desires simply by speaking them with confidence. The bad news is that the negative words we say can also have the power to beget actual negativity.

That’s not to say that we should worry every time we have a negative thought or say a negative word. We are human, and it’s okay for humans to be sad, angry, hurt and upset. However, if we develop a pattern of speaking negatively about ourselves, our future, our abilities, or our prospects we certainly aren’t doing anything to help our situation. The more we can pay attention to negative patterns of speech the more we can work to make our words and our thoughts more in line with our desires.

What is it that you would like to bring into your life? When you have a goal, a dream or a desire, having the courage to verbalize it is a first step to making it happen. Giving voice to your dreams regularly can help turn those dreams into reality.


LEAP 2019 – A Special New Year Tarot Session

Have you heard about LEAP 2019? This is a brand-new tarot technique I’ve developed to help us begin 2019 ready and able to learn, grow and achieve our goals, while leaving behind the things that don’t serve us.

I will only be performing these special sessions between January 2 and January 31. Because I am so excited about these special sessions, I am offering them at a discounted price; less expensive than a regular hour session with me. The catch is, you must schedule and pay for your reading before December 12.

You can find a full description of LEAP 2019 on my website, along with a link to book and pay online. Or, you can call or text me at 561-655-1160 to book your session directly with me.

However you choose to make this happen, you have to make it happen soon, and you should. This powerful technique harnesses the spiritual energy of the New Year that is filled with hope, a fresh start and new opportunities – the things we all look forward to every year. 

Are you ready to LEAP into 2019 with me? Let’s make it happen!


Speak it to the Universe with Tarot

We can use tarot to help us form our goals by simply asking questions such as “What is my goal?” and pulling a card to reflect that goal. Even if we are clearly aware of our goals, pulling a card in this way can help give us perspective on our goal. Seeing how tarot, and therefore the Universe, views our goal can help us get a clearer understanding of what we want.

Once we are clear on a goal, we can speak it into existence by selecting the tarot cards that match the goal we have chosen. For example, if you want a new home, the Ten of Pentacles is the card of real estate. If you want a new job, the Ace of Pentacles, or the Three of Pentacles, can speak to that. If you want a great new relationship the Two of Cups can speak of perfect love and perfect partnership.

Find a single card, or group of cards, that represent your goal. Place the cards in front of you, one at a time, and say aloud why you have chosen this card, what it represents to you, and how it relates to your goal. 

This is a way to involve tarot in speaking something into existence. By adding the imagery and power of tarot to your intention you create even stronger energetic pathways that will help you turn your words and thoughts into reality.


The Week in Review

This week I am happy to welcome Joanne Matthew back as a guest blogger on my Community Blog. Joanne gives voice to the Major Arcana in a really creative and thoughtful way.

From Around the Web

Are you learning tarot? Labyrinthos has some great cheat sheets you can download for free!

James Ricklef shows us how to do a visualization with the High Priestess card.

Here is a fun article from the Chronicle of Higher Education about using tarot for creativity.


Upcoming Events

Wednesday, November 28, 7 to 9 pm
Tarot, Gratitude and Healing: Using the Tarot to Heal
Christiana’s Conference Room
1025 SW Martin Downs Blvd, Suite 203, Palm City, FL

I have space for a small group of people to participate in a free workshop designed to use tarot to help us heal from past hurts and remove current obstacles.

Some understanding of tarot will help you get the most out of this experience.

Bring your tarot deck and a notebook.

To register, please call or text 561-655-1160.

Sunday, December 9, 4 to 6 pm
Cards and Conversation
Panera Bread
2894 SW Town Center Way, Palm City, FL

Join our monthly tarot meetup! Anyone with an interest in tarot is welcome. Bring your cards or borrow a deck at the meeting. You can RSVPon the Meetup site or simply meet us at Panera.

Sunday, December 16, 4 to 6 pm
Magickal Energy: Working with Cards, Colors, Elements and More
Christiana’s Conference Room
1025 SW Martin Downs Blvd, Suite 203, Palm City FL
Book it Now on Eventbrite!

This hands-on class will teach you to harness energy to bring to your life the things you desire and remove from your life the things you don’t. Seating for this class is limited. You may reserve your seat and pay the $30 class fee using the link available on my website event listing, or you may call me at 561-655-1160 and register with me.

Thursday, December 20, 7 to 9 pm
Winter Solstice Class and Celebration
Dream Angels, 128 Bridge Road, Tequesta

Bring your tarot cards and let’s celebrate the return of the sun together! We will learn a tarot spread to forecast the New Year and enjoy some other seasonal tarot activities. Bring a holiday snack to share if you are able! You may register and pay your class fee with Dream Angels.

Sunday, December 23, 2 to 6 pm
Annual Holiday Open House
Unity of Stuart, 211 SE Central Pkwy, Stuart, FL

Bring some nonperishable food items to be donated to Treasure Coast Food Bank, and a holiday treat for the snack table. Join us for an afternoon of free tarot readings, astrology readings, palmistry, crystal readings and healing sessions, offered to you by our fabulous volunteers. For more information, call me at 561-655-1160.


Volume 1 Issue 19

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Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet

Be Grateful for Gratitude

This week the newsletter shares some tarot thoughts of Thanksgiving.


Be Grateful for Gratitude

The energy of gratitude changes everything!

Like it or not, the holidays are upon us. For some this is a joyous time, for others the holiday season is synonymous with awkward dinners, loneliness, and unnecessary financial burdens.

Whether or not you are celebrating this week, a holiday that is themed around the concept of giving thanks can’t be bad thing, can it?

The problem is that sometimes, when we are caught up in the difficulties of life, or when we are experiencing trauma, it’s hard to get to that place of gratitude.

Yet, gratitude is a powerful energy. Gratitude gives us new perspective and opens the way to new possibilities. Finding the gift that comes along with a disappointment, or the silver lining in the grey cloud is more than a lame cliché – it’s an exercise of spirituality, healing and magic.

Being grateful doesn’t negate the things that hurt us, but it does magnify the things that bless us.

No matter how difficult or dire a situation might be, gratitude, even for something very simple, can make our burdens feel a bit lighter.

This year I am happy to say that the blessings in my life are easy to count. I know that isn’t the same for everyone, though. We all have times in life when our burdens seem greater than our blessings. It’s my contention that those are the times when gratitude is most important! I know that sounds counterintuitive, but if we can summon the energy of gratitude, even in difficult times, our mood will be lighter, and our blessing will increase.

During happy times, we show our gratitude by enjoying life.

During dark times, sometimes all we can do is be grateful for the energy of gratitude – that energy that allows us to find what is good, to accentuate the positive, and to find the blessings in everything.


Join us for our Holiday Open House!

Plans are coming together for our December 23rd annual “psychic food-raiser” Holiday Open House, to be held from 2 to 6 pm. I am happy to say we will have a full roster of tarot readers, astrologers and healers ready to pamper you with mini-sessions in exchange for your donation of nonperishable food items.

Bring your friends, your food donations and a holiday treat for our snack table and join us at Unity Church in Stuart for an unforgettable event.

Some of the well-known talent already signed up for this event include Ruby Hands, Blue Evans, Ambika Devi and Mary Ellen Collins. We also have some incredible new talent, even a few folks who have never shared their skills in this way before!

Our new venue, Unity of Stuart, at 221 SE Central Parkway, Stuart, FL, 34994, is spacious and convenient, so make sure you don’t miss this special day!

If you have questions or would like to volunteer, please call me at 561-655-1160.


One Card for Gratitude

This week I am including some links to a few great Thanksgiving tarot spreads. To add to your tarot gratitude practice, here’s a single card tarot exercise to help you generate the energy of gratitude, no matter what is going on in your life.

Simply ask the question “What can I be grateful for?” and pull a card. The exercise is in interpreting the card, and then meditating with it to raise your grateful energy.

If you get a card you just don’t understand in this context, pull a second card to answer this question, “How can I possibly be grateful for this?”


The Week in Review

This week I am happy to announce my special offer for January 2019 called LEAP 2019. You can learn about this opportunity, and sign up to participate, on my website.

I also shared a post about the ways our tarot practice can become unhealthy.

From Around the Web

I’ve found a cornucopia of tarot spreads and exercises for Thanksgiving. Grab your cards and enjoy a tarot-inspired holiday with these exciting ideas.

From Gothic Bite, a Tarot and Gratitude Spread.

From US Games, The Path to Thanksgiving.

From Cher Green, A Thanksgiving Tarot Spread.


Upcoming Events

Monday, November 26, 7 to 8 pm
Global Tarot Circle on Facebook Live

Join me on my Facebook business page for an hour of readings, study and fellowship with tarot enthusiasts from around the world. Simply visit my page and look for the live feed!

Wednesday, November 28, 7 to 9 pm
Tarot, Gratitude and Healing: Using the Tarot to Heal
Christiana’s Conference Room
1025 SW Martin Downs Blvd, Suite 203, Palm City, FL

I have space for a small group of people to participate in a free workshop designed to use tarot to help us heal from past hurts and remove current obstacles.

Some understanding of tarot will help you get the most out of this experience.

Bring your tarot deck and a notebook.

To register, please call or text 561-655-1160.

Sunday, December 9, 4 to 6 pm
Cards and Conversation
Panera Bread
2894 SW Town Center Way, Palm City, FL

Join our monthly tarot meetup! Anyone with an interest in tarot is welcome. Bring your cards or borrow a deck at the meeting. You can RSVP on the Meetup site or simply meet us at Panera.



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Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet

The Magic We All Do

This week we focus on the power of Creative Visualization.


This week I was saddened to learn of the passing of two of my cultural heroes, Stan Lee of Marvel Comics, and Shakti Gawain, author of Creative Visualization and Living in the Light.

Creative Visualization was my gateway into understanding and teaching the practice that is now known as “The Secret”, and “The Law of Attraction”.

Stan Lee’s characters, especially the original X-men, were formative for both my kids and me. Their stories captured my imagination as they taught lessons of acceptance and teamwork; lessons I still rely on today.

Most people are familiar with the concepts presented in Shakti Gawain’s most popular book, Creative Visualization. Its universal idea was first presented to me when a young Jesse Jackson came to speak at my inner-city school in Hartford, CT, in the mid-1970s. He asked us to chant a series of phrases with him, starting with “I am somebody”, and ending with “If I can believe it, I can achieve it”.

Years later, I learned this same concept from Gawain’s book, and then again as I studied spiritual craft more earnestly.

It’s true. If we can see something, and believe something, we can often manifest something.

Sometimes we manifest unwanted things unintentionally, through our anxious visualization of exactly what we don’t want.

I know that the Law of Attraction, the power of Creative Visualization, is not the only energy in play when we work to manifest our desires. If it were, we would all be healthy, wealthy and satisfied. My mother used to say that God answers all prayers, but sometimes the answer is “no”.

Regardless of how we might visualize, pray and work to manifest, we will each only achieve some of what we want. Sometimes there are other plans for us, or other lessons we must learn. Yet, why limit our possibilities?

Every person, no matter how studied or naïve, how spiritually focused or not, has had the experience of thinking, wishing, praying and visualizing something into being. It’s a simple magic we all do by dreaming and imagining. It’s not the same fantastic sorcery that we see in Marvel comics, but it’s still quite powerful.

The trick is to be able to see yourself living the life you want, and to hold that vision in your mind as if it is happening now, while at the same time working to make it happen through your mundane activities. This is part of what is meant by the expression “As above, so below”. The spiritual energy we raise through prayer and vision must match the mundane energy we expend toward that same goal.

Rest in Peace, Stan and Shakti, and dance amongst the stars. Thank you both for making the impossible possible, each in your own way.


Holiday Open House 2018

I am very excited to announce that we will continue our Holiday Open House tradition this year in a new venue, the Unity Church of Stuart.

On Sunday, December 23 from 2-6 pm we will assemble some of the area’s best known and up-and-coming psychic talent to offer you free mini sessions on a first come, first served basis in exchange for your donations of non-perishable food items to be donated to the Treasure Coast Food Bank.

If you are a reader or healer and would like to donate your time, please call or text 561-655-1160.

Otherwise, please mark your calendars and be prepared to take a break from holiday stress and join us for some pampering while you help those in our community who are food insecure.

Check out these links to see pictures from some past Holiday Open House events.

Holiday Open House 2010 at the Harvey Building in downtown West Palm Beach.

Holiday Open House 2015 at Beef O’Brady’s in Lutz.

Holiday Open House 2016 at the Palm City Professional Building.

Holiday Open House 2017 at the Palm City Professional Building.


Five Tarot Cards for Manifestation

Often a tarot reading will advise us to dream and imagine, and to use that energy to manifest the things we want and need in life. We can also cognitively choose tarot cards to meditate and focus on to help achieve our goals.

Want to know when tarot is telling you to work at manifestation and use your creative visualization skills? Very often these five cards will bear that message.

The Magician

The Magician can speak of education, and the development of tools, skills and abilities. It can also tell you to use your personal power to manifest your needs and desires.


A keyword for Temperance is “alchemy”. This card can advise patience, balance and caution, but can also tell you to create your own magical blend in life.

The Moon

While the Moon can speak of trickery and treachery, it also reminds you of your own magical and spiritual power and implores you to use those gifts.

The Two of Wands

This card specifically speaks of dreams and goals, on both a mundane and magical level.

The Seven of Cups

This card can warn against dark imaginings and fantasy, but it also reminds you of your ability to use your thoughts to manifest your reality.


The Week in Review

This week I was inspired to share the story of a time, many years ago, when I participated in a firewalk.

In keeping with our theme this week, here are some posts from my blogs regarding the Law of Attraction and Creative Visualization.

From September, 2011, Does the Law of Attraction Have a Statute of Limitations?

From November, 2013, The Rolling Stones and the Law of Attraction.

Finally, from May 2013, here is a tarot spread to help you use creative visualization to manifest your desires.

From Around the Web

I made it to the Hit List! Check out Theresa Reed’s monthly missive for November.

Are you planning to attend at least one tarot convention in 2019? Here are some reasons why you should.

Shakti Gawain may have left this earth, but her wisdom is still available to us. Check out her website.


Upcoming Events

Wednesday, November 14, 7 to 9 pm
Special Class: Elemental Magick
Christiana’s Conference Room
1025 SW Martin Downs Blvd, Suite 203, Palm City, FL

In this class you will learn the metaphysical properties of Earth, Air, Fire and Water, and how to harness these energies for healing, divination and manifestation.

Class fee is $30. Visit the event listing on my website to register!

Sunday, November 18, 4 to 6 pm
Special Class: Explore the Tarot Court Cards
Christiana’s Conference Room
1025 SW Martin Downs Blvd, Suite 203, Palm City, FL

Join us as we delve into the sixteen tarot cards that often confuse us most! The Court cards help us understand ourselves and each other and offer critical information in our readings. This class will clear the confusion and help you get the most out of your tarot readings.

Class fee is $30. Visit the event listing on my website to register.

Monday, November 26, 7 to 8 pm
Global Tarot Circle on Facebook Live

Join me on my Facebook business page for an hour of readings, study and fellowship with tarot enthusiasts from around the world. Simply visit my page and look for the live feed!

Wednesday, November 28, 7-9 pm
Tarot, Gratitude and Healing: Using the Tarot to Heal
Christiana’s Conference Room
1025 SW Martin Downs Blvd, Suite 203, Palm City, FL

I have space for a small group of people to participate in a free workshop designed to use tarot to help us heal from past hurts and remove current obstacles.

Some understanding of tarot will help you get the most out of this experience.

Bring your tarot deck and a notebook.

To register, please call or text 561-655-1160. You must register to attend this workshop!



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