Tarot News blog has news and information of interest to the tarot community.

Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet

On the Road Again

This week I am on my way to Connecticut!

On the Road Again

I'm in Connecticut for the next two weeks!

I am delighted to be returning to Connecticut for the first Northeastern Tarot Tour of 2019.

That means that I will be available for private readings by appointment at True Bikram Yoga in Madison Connecticut from March 27-April 8. I am also available for house calls and psychic house parties throughout Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island during that time.

Call or text me at 561-655-1160 to schedule your time with me.

Although I am now a Florida resident, I lived in Connecticut for longer than any other state. It was there I started my tarot reading career.

Returning to Connecticut allows me to connect with long-time clients and friends, and also to make new ones.

While I am traveling, I will continue to be available for readings by phone, Skype, FaceTime and Messenger.

I will be available for appointments in my Palm City office beginning April 10.

I hope to see you or speak with you soon!


Tarot Class in Madison

On Sunday, March 31, from 7 to 9 pm, join me for a special tarot class, The Journey of Life: The Major Arcana of Tarot at True Bikram Yoga, 1347 Boston Post Road, Madison, CT

Join me for a fascinating exploration of the Fool’s Journey, the twenty-two cards of the Major Arcana.

Whether you are a tarot enthusiast, a spiritual seeker or simply curious, this workshop will teach you something about tarot, something about life and something about yourself.

In twenty-two images, the Major Arcana expresses the lessons of life that every human experience. Learn what those lessons are, and how these cards might speak to you in a tarot reading.

Tickets are available from True Bikram Yoga.


The Week in Review

If you missed Global Tarot Circle, you can watch it in archive on YouTube.

Joanne Matthew has shared another of her adventures with the Major Arcana. This time, the Major Arcana characters become photographers.

From Around the Web

If you love the Beatles, and love tarot, you will enjoy this blogpost from Tarot Awakenings.

I was happy to meet Andrew Robinson at Northwest Tarot Symposium. Here is his recent blogpost about tarot journaling.

It’s Spring, and so our thoughts turn to gardening, and fresh fruits and vegetables. One decorative plant that is often used for landscaping turns out to be edible! Have you ever eaten hostas? Here’s how!


Cards for Your Consideration

This week I want to talk about the Six of Cups, because it related to my trip to Connecticut.

The image here is from the design of A.E. Waite and the drawings of Pamela Colman Smith; the world’s most popular tarot images.

The Six of Cups is about looking to the past. It can predict a reunion with old friends or revisiting a situation from the past. This card can discuss the history between people. Very often, the Six of Cups talks about a return to the home of one’s past.

This card can indicate a sense of nostalgia, or a connection that seems to have been forged in a prior life.

The Six of Cups stirs up memories, honors history and expresses the joy of reuniting with old friends.


Christiana’s Eleven-Card Celtic Cross Spread Online!

I am very excited to share a new tarot class with you, appropriate for tarotists of all levels of experience. In this class you will learn my eleven-card Celtic Cross tarot spread.

As many of you know, this is by far my favorite tarot spread. If I have every read for you, you’ve seen this powerful spread in action.

This class is designed to teach you to perform this spread, but also to teach you a great deal about working with tarot spreads in general. As you take the class you will perform this spread for yourself. Along the way you will add a number of important tools to your tarot toolbox.

The first one hundred students will receive a $10 discount on the $35 class fee, so sign up now!


Tarot Topics Newsletter Volume 2 Issue 13
March 20, 2019

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Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet

The First Day of Spring

This week Tarot Topics celebrates Spring!


The First Day of Spring

Balance, and Something New

The first day of spring, or vernal equinox, is an important time for many reasons. The spring equinox is the astrological new year, offering new beginnings and a fresh start.

The celebrations of Passover and Easter are keyed to the vernal equinox.

This particular change of season brings in a special energy. Even though I now live in the south, the signs of spring are everywhere. And, even though spring represents the end of our season, rather than the beginning, the flurry of activity feels refreshing and anticipatory.

In colder regions, of course, each sign of spring is met with joy.

In the many years I lived up north I remember a few times it snowed on the first day of spring. Even the irony and disappointment couldn’t mask the happiness I would feel knowing that the calendar said warmer weather was on the way.

Beyond the energy of new beginnings offered by spring is the energy of balance conferred by the equinox itself; the moment when the day and night are of exact equal length.

After that moment, the days become longer, and the nights become shorter. In that moment, there is perfect balance. We can harness and cultivate that energy of balance in our own lives simply by bringing our attention to that planetary energy, now present.

Take a breath, and align yourself with the energy of rebirth, and with that moment of perfect balance.


Join Me Tonight in Fort Lauderdale!

Tonight at 7 pm I will be presenting a psychic gallery at ZeroPointe in Oakland Park. I’ll love to see you there.

In a small group setting and in sacred space, your reading will help you will discover new ways to heal and help those you love. You may even receive a message from a loved one in spirit.


Birth and Balance: A Two-Card Tarot Spread

There is a lot of tradition around performing three-card tarot spreads. Many readers favor reading cards in groups of three. I’m a bit of a fan of two-card tarot spreads. There is power in their simplicity.

Here is a two-card spread to help you take advantage of the available energy generated by the first day of spring. Perform it with tarot or any oracle sometime this week.

Card One: How can I manifest the best right thing in my life at this moment?

Card Two: What can I do to bring balance into my life?


The Week in Review

So many people have asked me to make some new videos for my YouTube channel! Specifically, one person enjoyed my take on the tarot suit of Wands and asked me to cover the other suits. In this quick video I share my thoughts on the suit of Pentacles.

From Around the Web

Maddy Elruna had Pentacles on her mind this week, too!

Have you ever wanted to make your own tarot cards, playing cards, or oracle deck? This company can print them for you!

Here’s a six-card tarot spread for the spring equinox!


Cards for Your Consideration

For me, of all seventy-eight cards, the Aces most closely match the energy we celebrate this time of year. The Aces represent hatching eggs and sprouting seeds. They herald something new. They also speak of the source or essence of something related to their element (Earth, Air, Fire or Water, depending on suit).

I like to associate Aces with specific chakras.  Sometimes they come up in readings that way. An Ace can indicate the need to nurture a specific chakra.

For me, the Ace of Pentacles is the root chakra. The Ace of Cups is the sacral and heart chakras. The Ace of Wands is the Solar Plexus. The Ace of Swords is the throat and brow. My association for the crown chakra is the Magician, the “Ace” of the Major Arcana.

In a reading, Aces can predict something new coming into your life, such as a new idea, a new job, or a new person.

Tarot Class in Palm City This Sunday

This Sunday, March 24, from 4 to 6 pm, I will teach a class called Tarot Keywords and Interpretations in my conference room at 1025 SW Martin Downs Blvd, Suite 203, Palm City.

If a tarot card can mean many different things, how do we know how to interpret the cards in a specific reading? Do we have to memorize card meanings? What if the classic card meaning doesn’t fit in the context of the question?

Whether you are a beginner or advanced tarot reader, chances are you’ve struggled with these questions, and others, as you strive to makes sense of, and find wisdom in, your tarot cards.

I’m excited to teach you some easy-yet-insightful systems for interpreting any combination of cards in any situation. More importantly, I will work to help you learn to find the way your own intuition and spiritual guidance can lead you to find truth in every tarot reading.

Seating for this workshop is limited. Tickets are $37.50. Register online or call 561-655-1160.

Spring Tour Dates for Connecticut and Tampa

I’ll be in Connecticut, doing readings by appointment at True Bikram Yoga in Madison, and offering house calls and parties, from March 27 through April 8. Give me a call or text at 561-655-1160 if you would like to schedule something.

While I am in Connecticut I am teaching two classes, one in each of the True Bikram studios. One is a tarot class, and one is a class about intuition, magic, and essential oils. For more information, or to make a reservation, visit the event listing, or call the studio at 203-350-0343.

After I return to Florida, I’ll be making another trip to the Tampa Bay area, where I will be offering house calls and parties April 26 through April 29. Call or text 561-655-1160 to get on the schedule.

While I am there I will be holding another Tarot Meetup at Panera Bread in Lutz. I hope to see a lot of my West Coast friends there!

Christiana’s Eleven-Card Celtic Cross Spread Online!

I am very excited to share a new tarot class with you, appropriate for tarotists of all levels of experience. In this class you will learn my eleven-card Celtic Cross tarot spread.

As many of you know, this is by far my favorite tarot spread. If I have every read for you, you’ve seen this powerful spread in action.

This class is designed to teach you to perform this spread, but also to teach you a great deal about working with tarot spreads in general. As you take the class you will perform this spread for yourself. Along the way you will add a number of important tools to your tarot toolbox.

The first one hundred students will receive a $10 discount on the $35 class fee, so sign up now!


Tarot Topics Newsletter Volume 2 Issue 12
March 20, 2019

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Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet

When Lightning Strikes

Two tarot spreads for healing, the Fool, the Tower, and more!


When Lightning Strikes

The Only Constant is Change

One of the most startling images in tarot is Major Arcana 16, the Tower, also sometimes call the ‘Falling Tower’, or the ‘Blasted Tower’.

Regardless of the deck, the Tower is almost always depicted the same way. Lightning has struck a building, now on fire and crumbling. Very often the Tower’s interpretation is equally startling. This card often appears at times of great turmoil.

We tarotists refer to traumatic events as ‘Tower moments.’ Tower moments may be health events, sudden changes in relationships, or job loss. It’s that moment when suddenly, everything in life feels changed.

In these moments, we remember that the lightning that strikes the tower down is enlightening. A sudden change may bring about a new opportunity. Something that wasn’t serving us may be swept away. We have the opportunity to prove we have the strength we need to withstand great loss and change.

Lightning has also been used as a metaphor for sudden inspiration. Sometimes the lightning that strikes us is a wonderful idea, or a new understanding. We even use the word ‘lightning’ to describe a strong attraction between people.

Whether a flash of inspiration, or a life-altering event, sudden change happens to everyone. Whether the change is ultimately positive or hurtful, it’s usually stressful. While lightning strikes suddenly, its effects take time to process. Tools like meditation, divination and yoga help us process changes that occur, and keep us ready for whatever might come next.


Tarot Classes in Madison CT and Palm City FL this Month!

I am excited to be teaching two in-person tarot classes this month; one in my Palm City office and the other at True Bikram Yoga in Madison, CT.

On Sunday, March 24, from 4 to 6 pm, I’m teaching Tarot Keywords and Interpretations in my Conference Room, at 1025 SW Martin Downs Blvd, Suite 203, Palm City.

In this exciting workshop, I will teach you some easy-yet-insightful systems for interpreting any combination of cards in any situation. More importantly, you’ll learn to find the way your own intuition and spiritual guidance can lead you to find truth in every tarot reading.

Seating for this workshop is limited. Tickets are $37.50, reserve yours now.

I’ll be traveling to Connecticut on March 26 and staying through April 9. During my time there I am available for private readings, house calls and parties. Call or text 561-655-1160 to reserve your time.

One of the exciting things I will be doing in Connecticut is presenting a class called The Journey of Life: The Major Arcana of Tarot on Sunday, March 31, from 7 to 9 pm at True Bikram Yoga, 1347 Boston Post Road, Madison, CT.

Join me for a fascinating exploration of the Fool’s Journey, the twenty-two cards of the Major Arcana.

Whether you are a tarot enthusiast, a spiritual seeker or simply curious, this workshop will teach you something about tarot, something about life and something about yourself.

In twenty-two images, the Major Arcana expresses the lessons of life that every human experience. Learn what those lessons are, and how these cards might speak to you in a tarot reading.

Tickets are available from True Bikram Yoga.

I hope to see you at a tarot class soon!


Two Tarot Spreads for Healing

This past Sunday, at our monthly ‘Cards and Conversation’ Tarot Meetup at Panera Bread in Palm City, the discussion topic was ‘How Tarot Forces Us to Heal’. In the course of that conversation we created the following two small-yet-powerful tarot spreads.

Healing Triggers Spread

Card One: This is what triggers me, or the source of that trigger.

Card Two: This is how I can heal the wound that is responsible for that trigger.

Three-Card Healing Spread

Card One: What do I need to let go of?

Card Two: Where in my life do I need healing?

Card Three: What can I change that is under my control?


The Week in Review

This week I traveled to Portland, Oregon, for the Northwest Tarot Symposium. I was excited to be an organizer and presenter for a Professional Development Day as an extension of the symposium.

You can read some of my thoughts about NWTS, and see a few pictures, on my personal blog.

From Around the Web

Check out the blogs of my friend, Dominique Tate. She’s an Uber driver, a Reiki master, and an advocate for kindness everywhere.

Learn how to calculate your Tarot Birth Card and understand what it means. Much like your natal chart, your birth card is yours for life.

I’m too much of a Northeasterner at heart to not be excited by the new Philly Tarot Cards!

Cards for Your Consideration

As we contemplate the lightning that brings unexpected change, I want to talk about the Fool and the Tower, and how they might relate to one another.

At first glance, these cards don’t share many common associations. The Fool is Air, the Tower is Fire. The Fool is merry, the Tower is fraught.

Yet, the message of the Fool is to take a leap of faith, even though we can’t see what lies ahead. In the Tower, people are leaping as well. In both cases courage is required.

In a reading, both these cards could convey the message that a change is coming or needed. Both these cards might suggest a quick exit; or prepare you to move forward into uncharted territory.

Of course, each card speaks in an entirely different voice. Yet, we can think of them as part of the same journey, and a similar lesson. We can find the Tower within the Fool, as a warning against poor risks. We can find the Fool within the Tower, as the hope that comes after the dust has settled.


Psychic Gallery at ZeroPointe in Fort Lauderdale

Join me for an exciting event in Fort Lauderdale on the first day of Spring!

On Wednesday, March 20, 7 pm to 9 pm, I will present a psychic gallery at ZeroPointe Healing Foundation, formerly Center for Inner Wisdom, located at 4849 N Dixie Hwy, Suite 2, Oakland Park, FL 33334.

I love doing psychic galleries, because the energy of sacred space, and the energy of a group united for a single purpose, can create the perfect environment in which to receive powerful messages from Spirit.

In a psychic gallery with me, each person receives pertinent information and insight. Group members hold space and support each other, and benefit from hearing and witnessing every message.

The energy of the vernal equinox will add a powerful dimension to the readings on this special evening, bringing the opportunity for each of us to find balance and initiate new beginnings.

Tickets are $30, and seating is limited. Register now!


Global Tarot Circle on Facebook Live

Once a month, tarot friends from around the world gather for a livestream on Facebook. We read for each other, share ideas about the cards, and do a short tarot workshop or exercise.

Our next Global Tarot Circle is on Monday, March 18, 7 pm to 8 pm, EDT.

To join, simply like my business page and look for the live feed at circle time.

You can also ask to join the Global Tarot Circle Facebook group so you always get notice of our next meetings.


Christiana’s Eleven-Card Celtic Cross Spread Online!

I am very excited to share a new tarot class with you, appropriate for tarotists of all levels of experience. In this class you will learn my eleven-card Celtic Cross tarot spread.

As many of you know, this is by far my favorite tarot spread. If I have every read for you, you’ve seen this powerful spread in action.

This class is designed to teach you to perform this spread, but also to teach you a great deal about working with tarot spreads in general. As you take the class you will perform this spread for yourself. Along the way you will add a number of important tools to your tarot toolbox.

The first one hundred students will receive a $10 discount on the $35 class fee, so sign up now!


Tarot Topics Newsletter Volume 2 Issue 11
March 13, 2019

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Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet

Hear Your Calling

Use tarot to find your calling.


We use the word ‘calling’ to describe an internal or spiritual pull we feel toward a particular vocation or career. Some people feel clearly called to public service, or to the arts, or to ministry or medicine. Others discover a calling later in life that may lead to a career change, or a new hobby or path of study.

It’s frustrating to feel the need for a change in life, but not be able to tap into any sense of calling. It’s equally frustrating to feel called to do something that seems impossible or impractical.

How we characterize the source of our calling differs depending on our spiritual belief set. Yet, most people can identify that sense of path and purpose.

If we listened more closely, or checked in more frequently, might we be more often inspired to new things?

Very often, when we talk about finding a calling, it’s a singular experience in life we are talking about. The day you knew what you wanted to be, or what you wanted to do. The day you knew who you were, and who you were going to be.

It occurs to me, though, that we can be called to learn many things, and do many things, throughout life, not all of them career-related.

When we feel that we are living our calling, we feel we are living life with purpose. Arguably, the more we listen for, and respond to, that sense of calling when it appears, the more our lives will be filled with purpose.


Make Your Plans to See Me During My Northeastern Tour!

I will be in Connecticut March 27 through April 8. I am available for parties, groups and house calls in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and New York City.

I am also offering private readings by appointment at True Bikram Yoga in Madison.

To make your appointment, please call or text 561-655-1160.

I will be teaching two workshops while I am there.

In Madison, on Sunday, March 31 at 7 pm I am teaching ‘The Journey of Life: The Major Arcana of Tarot.

In New Haven, on Sunday, April 7 at 7 pm I am teaching ‘Oils, Intuition and Manifestation’. Learn more about these workshops, and register in advance!


Find Your Calling with Tarot

Whether you are looking for a new career, figuring out what you want to be when you grow up or simply looking for your next chapter in life, working with tarot can help you tune in, hear your guidance and find your next calling.

Breathe, ground, and ask for guidance. Remember that the more energy you put into creating the environment for divination, the more likely you will be to receive divine inspiration.

Think about how you want to phrase your question. It could be simple, like ‘What is my calling?’ It could be career-specific, like, ‘What sort of job is best for me?’ It could be related to an area of expertise, like, ‘How am I meant to use my art?’

Once you have your question, ask it, and pull a card.

Take a moment to contemplate the card, and see what answers come to you.

If you like, you may pull another card to give further information.

You can then shuffle all the cards together again and ask a final question. ‘What can I do to move forward on this path?’


The Week in Review

If you are a tarot pro, here is something I wrote for you about how you talk about what you do.

From July, 2013, here is a post I wrote about hearing your calling.

From Around the Web

Benebell Wen has launched a new video series called “Sight-Seeing the Tarot.”

Tarot and mental health are in the news again!

Here’s a rebuttal to John Oliver’s take on psychics.


Cards for Your Consideration

Since we are talking about hearing your calling, let’s focus on Major Arcana 20, Judgment.

Archetypally, Judgment depicts the Judgment Day; the Rapture.

A primary image associated with this card is an angel blowing his horn.

Keywords and meanings for this card include closure, the final analysis, and rebirth.

Because of the prominence of the angel’s horn, we can also see this card as the call to awaken the sleeping hero. Judgment can be a wake-up call. Judgment can indicate mediumship, and communicating with the angels. Judgment can tell us to get the word out about something.

Sometimes, Judgment shows up to discuss hearing one’s calling.

If you are trying to hear your calling and find your guidance, spend some time in meditation with Judgment. Can you discern the voice of the angel’s horn? Where is it calling you?

If Judgment appears in a reading, know that it might be speaking of hearing your calling, or being called to service.


Psychic Gallery at ZeroPointe in Fort Lauderdale

Join me for an exciting event in Fort Lauderdale on the first day of Spring!

On Wednesday, March 20, 7 pm to 9 pm, I will present a psychic gallery at ZeroPointe Healing Foundation, formerly Center for Inner Wisdom, located at 4849 N Dixie Hwy, Suite 2, Oakland Park, FL 33334.

I love doing psychic galleries, because the energy of sacred space, and the energy of a group united for a single purpose, can create the perfect environment in which to receive powerful messages from Spirit.

In a psychic gallery with me, each person receives pertinent information and insight. Group members hold space and support each other, and benefit from hearing and witnessing every message.

The energy of the vernal equinox will add a powerful dimension to the readings on this special evening, bringing the opportunity for each of us to find balance and initiate new beginnings.

Tickets are $30, and seating is limited. Register now!


Tarot Meetup at Panera in Palm City

On Sunday, March 10, from 4 to 6 pm, we will hold our Cards and Conversation Tarot Meetup

Panera Bread, 2894 SW Town Center Way, Palm City, FL.

Tarot enthusiasts of all levels of experience are welcome to join us for readings, conversation, study, exercises and tarot fun! It’s free to attend. Bring a tarot deck or borrow one at the meeting.


New Video Class Available: Christiana’s Eleven-Card Celtic Cross Spread

I am very excited to share a new tarot class with you, appropriate for tarotists of all levels of experience. In this class you will learn my eleven-card Celtic Cross tarot spread.

As many of you know, this is by far my favorite tarot spread. If I have every read for you, you’ve seen this powerful spread in action.

This class is designed to teach you to perform this spread, but also to teach you a great deal about working with tarot spreads in general. As you take the class you will perform this spread for yourself. Along the way you will add a number of important tools to your tarot toolbox.

The first one hundred students will receive a $10 discount on the $35 class fee, so sign up now!


Tarot Topics Newsletter Volume 2 Issue 10
March 6, 2019

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