Why Divination Matters


Why Divination Matters

Most of us probably had our first contact with divination when we were small children. We might have pulled petals, one by one, from a flower, saying, “He loves me, he loves me not.” We might have pulled seeds from a weed and bounced them on our hands to determine the number of children we might have. We might have folded paper “fortune tellers” to use with our friends. Perhaps we twisted an apple stem while reciting the alphabet to discover the first initial of our future spouse.

These childhood games reveal our natural instincts to wonder, to predict, and to use items from the natural world and the artistic world to create tools to help us see further down the road.

Of course, those games from our youth don’t hold much spiritual power or divinatory accuracy.

Spiritual value and helpful knowledge come when we add study, focus and more complex tools to our natural instincts.

Many people, even diviners themselves, sometimes misunderstand the nature and purpose of divination. That is because of the depth and fluidity associated with the process of working to know the unknowable, to understand symbols and to find personal meaning and insight.

We are all curious about the future. We all want to know what might happen next. Divination can sometimes help us prepare for what’s coming. We can also use divination to manifest the future we desire. Divination can help us know what our best options will be. Yet, no one can truly know every aspect of what’s around the corner.

Even more than future prediction, divination matters because it helps us to know ourselves. Divination helps us to understand who we are and where we have been, as well as where we might be going.

Divination helps us understand the nature of Spirit, and how Spirit speaks to us and guides us.

There are many religions who claim to have a clear knowledge of Higher Power and the will of Higher Power. It can be a dangerous endeavor to hold such a limiting belief.

Divination helps us understand that Spirit is vast. We must listen carefully and discern the guidance we receive without hubris.

Many people think divination is simply a means to know the future. While divination can give us those helpful glimpses of what is to come, divination matters because it helps us know ourselves, and helps us hear the guidance of our Higher Power.


Two Special Events This Sunday

I have two great classes happening this Sunday, one in my Palm City office, and the other on YouTube!

Sunday morning at 10:30 am EST, join me on my YouTube channel for a live free tarot webinar, the Four Elements and the Major Arcana.

Sunday afternoon from 3 to 5 pm, join Mary Ellen Collins in my office for Birth Charts and Astrology Basics. You must sign up before Friday at 5 pm and email your birth information to Mary Ellen so she can create your birth chart.

I am excited to begin teaching in live broadcasts on YouTube. I am also excited to bring guest teachers to my new office!


Three Hints for Tarot Divination

Tarot is one of the most helpful tools of divination. Yet, it is also one of the most complex.

There are so many ways to understand and use tarot that we often say there are no real rules for its use. Here, then, instead of rules, are hints to help you make the most of your tarot divination practice.

Hint One: Try not to see any card as always good, or always bad. Each card offers gifts and shadows.

Hint Two: Learn classic interpretations but use intuition to help you tell the story you see in the cards.

Hint Three: Remember that, in any reading, a card can mean more than one thing at the same time.


See Me This Month in Tampa

During the weekend of January 24 through 27 I will be back in the Tampa area and available for house parties, house calls and private readings in my Wesley Chapel location. We will have our tarot meetup at Panera Bread in Lutz on Sunday, January 26 from 3 pm to 5 pm.

Please call or text me at 561-655-1160 to schedule your reading or house party with me!


The Week in Review

After finishing my Twelve Days of Christmas: Tarot Epiphanies series, I wrote a blog post about it. There was a lot to unpack in the twelve cards I received over twelve days, especially because one card appeared three times!

You can find my Three-Card Weekly Reading, and the archive of Global Tarot Circle, on my Facebook Business Page or my YouTube Channel.

From Around the Web

People are turning to tarot cards for their mental health! Actually, this isn’t new news, but it is nice to see people writing about this.

Here is a tarotscope and yearly horoscope for 2020 from Cosmopolitan.

There are more types of divination in the world than you can imagine!


Cards for Your Consideration

This week, as an exercise, consider making your own deck of divination cards. This can be a great way to understand the process of random token divination and the meaning of symbols.

All you need is some index cards and a notebook. You can use a simple pen, or colorful markers. Being artistic and creative as you make your deck can be fun and powerful, but it is not necessary.

Your first step is to sit down with a notebook and make a list of symbols that mean something to you. They could be numbers and letters, peace signs and hearts, runes and glyphs, or any combination thereof. Find as few as six, or as many as you like.

Then, put one symbol on each card. You can use the unruled backs if you like. Again, you can be simply or fancy in the way you do this.

Then, go through each card and think about what aspects of life it could symbolize, and what it might mean in a reading.

Finally, to divine with your deck, simply ask a question a pull a card! You will be surprised at the valuable information you can learn with this exercise!

Upcoming Events and Tours

Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 3 Issue 3
January 15, 2020

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


Reading Tarot Out of Order


What I Learned from Twelve Days of Tarot Epiphanies