Tarot Topics Blog
Writing is a passion of mine. Each week, I publish a newsletter on my favorite subject, tarot!
This consolidated blog contains my newsletters and other musings I have blogged here over the years.
Find all my posts, newsletters, reviews, and commentaries here.

Helpful Tarot Love Readings
Here are helpful best practices to explore when we look to the cards for advice and information about love.

The Angel and the Devil
I took a dive into two Major Arcana cards, the Lovers and the Devil, and the connections between them.

Some Thoughts About the Questions We Ask Tarot
A quick text reading gone somewhat awry led to some questions about questions.

Seeking the Truth with Major Arcana 18, the Moon
A friend asked me to help her understand the dichotomous keywords associated with Major Arcana 18, the Moon.

Skeptical Resistance at the Tarot Table
Client skepticism does not need to affect the reading, nor the reader.

The Importance of Nuance in Tarot and in Life
What happens when we move our thinking from dichotomy to nuance?

Five Things to Help You Find Your Niche as a Tarot Pro
Every tarot pro is unique. Here are five things to consider as you build the business that works for you.

The Hierophant as a Sacred Revealer
The Hierophant points the way to truth, even when he represents a perversion of truth.

Three Ways to Learn a Tarot Card
Here are three ways to expand your tarot practice, and to learn more about the cards.

Pivot from the Anxious Question to Healing
Are you or your clients asking the cards the same anxious question repeatedly? Try this instead.

Tarot Evolves with Our Changing World
Here is evidence of one of the ways that tarot is magical.

How Tarot Brings Us Hope
When is hope helpful, and when does it become toxic? Tarot can help us find the hope that helps and release the hope that doesn't.

Tarot Art Is More Than Pictures
Tarot is art, and inspires art.

Should We Even Try to Predict a New Year? Of Course, We Should!
In difficult times, tarot helps us find a way forward.

The Year of the Hierophant and the Need for Temperance
As a new year advances, I took a deep dive into Major Arcana numerology.

Daily Tarot Devotionals
Here are three exercises to help you on your tarot journey, and on your journey through life.

Three Ways Tarot Helps Us
Tarot is about so much more than simple fortune-telling.

Are There Specific Tarot Cards That Indicate Orientation?
Tarot can help us explore identity and orientation in many ways. Yet, there should be no one card that indicates a particular orientation or identity.

Spiritual Bypassing at the Tarot Table
Tarot readers and clients are at risk for spiritual bypassing. Here's what we need to know, and to do.

Tarot Stamina
Does tarot reading make you tired? Here are some things to try.