Answers to Your Questions about Tarot: Tarot Slavery


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Today we have another question from Matteo. He writes, in part:

Today I would like to ask you another question that is bugging me. In your opinion, when may a person be considered a "tarot slave"? And how would you deal with him or her? I like to read for my friends, but I've noticed that some of them have become totally unable to make their own decision without asking my deck's advice, often over and over. Now, I think tarot is a great tool for self-discovery, and it’s priceless when it comes to giving useful insights, even on the future. But isn't it dangerous to rely solely on tarot reading? In other words, doesn't it defeat the purpose of a tarot reading? I would love to know your opinion on the subject.

That’s a great question, Matteo. I’ve never used the term “tarot slave,” but I know what you mean. I might call it a tarot addict, or a psychic junkie.

With this question you touch on the very heart of something that is both a blessing and a curse with tarot. Whether or not we like it, whether or not we focus on it, and whether or not we can explain it, tarot can work in a predictive way. When get hung up on the idea that tarot might give us a glimpse of the future that we desire, or the future that we fear, we can become a psychic junkie, or a tarot slave.

The real work of tarot is, as you say, self-discovery and introspection. But that is not the part that people become addicted to. People are sometimes motivated by their anxiety to seek readings to confirm or assuage fears about the future.

Beyond their own concerns and anxieties, when some people they have a profound experience with a predictive reading they assume they have found an inside track on the Universe. They have, but not in the way they think, because they are thinking too small! They aren’t taking the time to contemplate the subtleties of fate, karma, destiny and free will.

Most addictions are born of laziness; the search for easy answers. Psychic junkies want to use the cards, and readings, to get easy answers, without ever using the cards to contemplate the really important questions.

Another type of tarot slavery is born of folks who have found tarot to be helpful to the point that they don’t trust their own decisions, and want to consult the cards about even the most trivial matters. To me that’s like killing a mosquito with a machine gun.  You can do it, but why would you?

Often the folks who become tarot slaves in this way have some core self-esteem issues. When they learn to trust themselves they won’t feel the need to use the cards in such an anxious way.

It’s important to remember, and to remind these folks, that a good tarot reading aligns with reality and common sense. The truth you see in the cards will be reflected in life – the cards are not the only source for that truth.  The more we see truth in the cards the more we learn to simply see truth around us.

On a professional level, there are some unscrupulous readers who take advantage of these kinds of clients. There are other readers who, when they identify this type of client, will “fire” the client so as not to contribute to the addiction.

Each reader needs to be aware that they will encounter these “tarot slaves,” or psychic junkies. Each reader needs to have plans and policies in place for handling these situations.

One thing I keep in mind is that sometimes people go through phases where they may have a lot of readings.  If they are using the readings to help process a difficult situation, sort out emotions and stay focused on positivity during a difficult time, I am happy to read for them, no matter how frequently. When they get the closure they need they will no longer seek out readings so frequently.

I also think a person becomes a “tarot slave” because of an imbalance in their own thinking. Call it anxiety, call it fear, call it lack of faith; people put inordinate faith in something outside of themselves at times when they really need to have faith in themselves and in their Higher Power.

Often when the client is barraging you with anxiety-laden questions you have the opportunity to refocus the reading onto the real problem, which is the client’s anxiety, fear, and lack of faith.

Be ready to ask questions of the cards such as:

What is the real problem here?

What does the client need to do in order to feel better?

Why does this situation upset the client so much?

What can the client learn from this?

This technique will also work for us tarot readers when we find ourselves anxiously consulting the cards again and again, rather than listening to their counsel. We must change our line of questioning from the anxious rephrasing of the same question to questions that help us get a handle on why we are so upset and how we can using the situation as an opportunity for growth.

Divination, cartomancy and psychic work can give us guidance, support and inspiration most of the time. They can give us a glimpse of the future when it’s appropriate. Psychic junkies are looking for the predictive fix, the assurance that they will get what they want.

Tarot slaves are often best served if we use the reading to help them understand their attachments and anxieties. Sometimes we have the opportunity to turn a tarot slave into an empowered tarotist.

Enjoy the video!

Christiana Answers a Question about Tarot Slavery

Video of Christiana Answers a Question about Tarot Slavery

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.

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