Celtic Cross Significator Card: To choose or not to choose

As a beginner in Tarot, I have just begun studying and practicing the Celtic Cross. It seems as I develop my personal reading style I should choose whether or not to use a Significator Card.

What should I think about or consider in making this choice?

Why do some tarot readers choose to use a Signifcator and others choose not to?

If I choose to use one, do I let the seeker choose the card or do I choose it? What do I consider with this course of action.

I am hoping for some enlightening discussion to open my mind as I learn this craft. Thanks!

Linda Moore
I am a student of life, a tarot enthusiast and a professional tarot reader. I have been studying and reading tarot since 2010. I am living and traveling on my sailboat, Troubadour. My husband and I left our corporate careers early to live our dream of a simple life on the sea.

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