Finding Quiet Time

I have only recently delved into the world of Tarot; with unabated enthusiasm might I add.  I grew up in a small coastal town without much knowledge of Tarot or Astrology or anything mystical.  I only knew that I was deeply connected to the spiritual world.  I would often get messages from the other side in the form of gripping gut instincts.  I was able to process this information because my dwellings were in the forest and near the water. Ocean, deep rivers and lakes surrounded me.  It was the ultimate sanctuary of peace and tranquility.  

I currently live in Fort Worth, Texas.  It is the hustle and bustle hub swallowed by pavement, massive housing complexes, electrical wires and heavy machinery. Highways and biways and road construction galore.  It is the mecca of stress.  On top of which I have two children still at home and three dogs.  I can hardly find time to listen to the spirits let alone sit down for an hour, close my eyes enough to relax and concentrate on the cards I must choose that holds the answers I must further meditate on to completely understand the gift the cosmos are entrusting to me.

I am thankful to be moving soon to Missouri.  I have a house nestled in the Ozarks...I can't hear cars or see other houses.  It is surrounded by the water of lakes.  Maybe I will find the quiet I need in those woods that escapes me in this concrete jungle.

I believe tarot requires us to relax, light candles, be uninterrupted and at peace with our surroundings.  

I also believe tarot readers should maintain their health.  Live to a higher standard in mind body and spirit.


Tarot by Christiana Weekly Newsletter June 27, 2012


The Clergy of the Major Arcana