Help with the "Quiet Querrent"

I am looking for guidance here. Recently I did a Celtic Cross reading. I went through the reading and created a general story for my querrent because she did not have a specific question. During the reading I would pause and ask if anything I was saying had meaning for her, or if I was helping her to think differently about any situations in her life. Although, she said it did, she wouldn't elaborate and was quiet during much of the reading.

I wondered if I should be doing something differently to pull out more conversation from the querrent to help her get more from the reading. Should I ask closed ended questions, different types of questions? Or, are some querrents just quiet? 

Thanks, Linda

Linda Moore
I am a student of life, a tarot enthusiast and a professional tarot reader. I have been studying and reading tarot since 2010. I am living and traveling on my sailboat, Troubadour. My husband and I left our corporate careers early to live our dream of a simple life on the sea.

Tarot by Christiana Weekly Newsletter February 15, 2012


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