Holiday Open House 2011 a Success!

Host Galen with 600 pounds of food!
Host Galen with 600 pounds of food!

Christiana’s Holiday Open House 2011, held on Sunday, December 18, was a huge success.  Monday morning we delivered 600 lbs of food, some cash, and a few bags of toys to Feeding South Florida.  Through our efforts, 396 hungry people will receive a meal.

The Holiday Open House is about more than feeding the hungry.  It is about sharing our skills, building community, and giving of ourselves whole-heartedly. 

It takes a lot of people to put an event like this together, and I am grateful for each and every person who contributed. 

We served many guests throughout the course of the day.  The amazing job we did promoting this event was a true community effort.  To each of you who told a friend, made a Facebook post, sent email invitations or created a Meetup, thank you.  Your efforts worked beautifully.

I am grateful to my landlords, The David Associates, for donating the beautiful suite of rooms on the third floor for the occasion.

I am also grateful to Paris Bakery Café, Palm Beach Café and many individuals of our community for donating trays of delicious food for our snack table.

When guests first arrived to the Harvey Building, they were greeted by our hosts, Galen, Michael, Brenda, Katrina and James.  Our hosts worked to make sure that lines ran smoothly and readers had what they needed.  James and Katrina also took photos to document our event.  I am looking forward to seeing and posting those photos, although no one picture can capture the joy of true openhearted giving as we experienced on Sunday.

We were lucky to have a roster of many gifted healers and readers.  I was also thrilled and surprised to be joined by two practitioners not on the official roster.  Each saw a need and selflessly stepped up to fill it without hesitation.

Elana and her beautiful young daughter filled the Reiki room with love and light, offering healing treatments throughout the afternoon.

Reverend Frank Rambow spent much of his afternoon in the waiting area on the third floor offering in-depth numerology readings to those waiting for services.  Frank is an internationally known numerologist – we were honored to have him with us.

Our roster of practitioners who donated their time and skill, starting with those in the second floor conference room and working their way up, are as follows.

Palmist Blue Evans, with us for the third year in a row, made the following comment as he left.  “I got to read for forty-eight people today!”  Blue truly understands service to others as a privilege in a way that is both humbling and awe-inspiring.

Garnet Starr is a well-known and well-loved tarot reader in South Florida.  We were honored to have her with us both last year and this.  Garnet constantly gives of herself in charity and service, as well as giving amazing readings!

Marisol Zax is a tarot reader, teacher and community leader.  She joined us for the first time this year.  We hope to see her amazing skills often in the future, and expect to have her teach some classes in the Harvey Building in 2012.

Lauren Bressler is an energy reader.  She has volunteered with us every year we have held this event in West Palm Beach.  Her gifts are unique, and her willingness to share them is always appreciated by those who sit with her.

On the third floor, we had well-known tarotist Jo Ann Curry.  Of all the many times I have asked for volunteer readers over the past few years, Jo Ann has never refused to share her gifts.

Lee Efthyvoulou spent the day giving astrology readings.  She had intended to give readings only part of the day.  When she saw how many people wanted her services, she willingly obliged.

Reverend Ruby Hands offered Crystal Healing sessions.  This was Ruby’s first time working with us.  Each person who walked out of her room was in awe of the healing power she shared with them.

Janet Meredith is a yoga instructor, wellness counselor and acupuncturist.   She was with us for the first time.  Guests were pleased and impressed with the healing acupuncture treatment she offered.

Adrienne Percival is a well-known reader in the area, and a veteran of our events.  She is also a regular organizer of charity events throughout Palm Beach County.  Her Daughters of the Moon Tarot readings are empowering, uplifting and enlightening.

Raquel Revuelta is a Reiki practitioner who shared her skills with us for the first time.  She worked many more hours than she had originally intended.  People raved about the flow of healing energy with which she worked.

Lori Tudor did double duty for us.  Last year she volunteered as a host.  This year she worked both a Reiki room and made her debut as an amazing tarot reader.  Her healing skills and her tarot skills were equally appreciated by our guests.

Jamie Day is an emerging talent in South Florida.  She offers tarot readings, crystal healing and wellness counseling.  Her energy, focus and intuition were much appreciated by our guests.

On the sixth floor, in my office, we had oracle readings with Love.  Love is new to our area, and is a gifted reader of a variety of oracle decks.  Those who were able to spend some time with her understood that her name says it all.

Rhoda, Adohr Spirit, offered numerology readings.  She is a regular and willing volunteer with us.  When asked how she was feeling after a reading with Rhoda, one guest replied, “changed.”

Hattie Parker is a numerologist, tarotist and healer.  She brought her aura imaging machine and produced and interpreted aura pictures.  Guests found this service insightful and healing.

Paulette is a Reiki practitioner who offered healing sessions.  Guests remarked at how relaxed and at peace they felt after their time with her.

On the eleventh floor we had Reverend Louise Link, who is a clairvoyant medium and channel.  She has recently returned to the area after some time away.  We are pleased and honored that she was able to share some time with us.

Saxz Stevens has become a well-known reader in the area.  Last year he offered Integrated Divination.  This year he focused on his amazing skills as a runecaster.  Working with the sacred runic alphabet he offered insightful readings to many of our guests.

Joseph divines at many locations in Palm Beach County.  We are often lucky to have his skill and energy at our events.  On Sunday he shared his intuitive divination skills with many of our guests.

Of course, the Holiday Open House could not be a success without the hundreds of guests who took time out of their busy schedules, brought generous gifts of food and spent the afternoon with us, sharing in the energy of selfless giving.

I hold everyone who participated in my heart this holiday season.  Your light shows the world what community is all about.  May you receive all the blessings you so richly deserve in the New Year.

Our Seventeenth Annual Holiday Open House is set for December 16, 2012.  Mark your calendar now!

With love and holiday blessings,

Christiana Gaudet



Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.

West Palm Beach Tarot Grandmaster Christiana Gaudet Makes Predictions for 2012: No, It’s Not the End of the World


Tarot Readers Donate 600 Pounds of Food to the Hungry