

Imbolc ©


From the black candle of darkness

We burn the white candle of light

Welcoming the Goddess Brigid

Into our homes on this night.


Fading are the cold days of winter.

Warmer days are soon to come.

Awakening  our sleeping earth,

With the beating of a drum.


In the pastures, slowly turning green

Newborn lambs frolic and play.

Nature debuts all her beauty

More and more each coming day.


The sun shines down upon the land

Signaling when to plant the seeds

Nature's fertile ground is readying

To provide our wants and needs.


Welcome  Imbolc,  welcome Brigid

welcome love and welcome Spring.

Welcome to the seasons change

Bless the earth for all she brings.


© Joanne Matthew (2014)


The Four Elements and the Minor Arcana


Imbolc Spread