The Moon

The Moon lies right ahead, full and bright, my mind is right, my mind is light. The shadows of should, that wish they could, they cloud my mind. In to the darkness , in to the brightness, I am free. I am free from reality. Come and dance with me, come swim with me, throw away your clothes, they are useless here, come to me and you will see that nothing is. That what was, isn't, that what is, won't. So come to me and merry make, like lovers in the sweet silver light. Like madness in the half light, wish the night evermore and if in fright forgive the light, for it's but half bright.

The Moon has amused, bemused and awed me all my life. I am strongly influenced by it and it's beauty intoxicates me. Or rather when it is beautiful and full I find myself prone to intoxication. Of the mind. I brim forth a fountain of fancy some with frills and some with not. All that said it is not my favourite Tarot card. I feel a shiver run down me when I see it appear in a reading. My thoughts jump to illusion, delusion and the ways of Neptune. So with it great clarity and the proverbial fine line that runs between genius and madness. But what of the delusion? Oh no, oh dear , I am seeing what I want to see. I see you as I want to see you and not as you truly are. And what of self? True there too. And so I think dear Tarot an answer you give me, but it's not as I think. Go slowly , go carefully through the narrow path dimly light. Beware the howling dogs, and the lobsters lost.

In the spirit of the true romantic, I go forth into the Gemini new moon with Love on my mind and a whole lot of heart. For my heart is full, ready and waiting, for the taking, for the breaking, for it knows that only Love is real, and the rest, well that's a lack of light. An illusion , a simple trick of the mind.



Tarot Topics Weekly Newsletter 5/28/2014


Tarot and the Woman Alone