Review: Personal Tarot - Reading for Yourself

Whether you are a beginner tarot reader, an advanced professional, or read for your own enjoyment and enlightenment, you should consider taking a webinar presented by Certified Tarot Grandmaster, Christiana Gaudet.  I have had the good fortune to have begun my tarot studies with Christiana, and have just completed her course on Personal Tarot-Reading for Yourself. Self-reading has never come easy for me, as I have always felt I am too close to my own situations to accurately see what the cards are telling me.  Christiana carefully, step by step, covers every aspect of the hesitation we all feel when reading our own cards.

Beginning with our personal birth cards, and how to find what they are, we learn the significance of these cards and what they mean in our personal lives. From there, we learn our astrology cards (our Sun card, our Moon card, and our Rising card), our personal significators (cards we feel represent us), our native significators (court cards that represent us by gender, age, and astrology), our goal cards (cards that represent attributes we want to nurture within ourselves), frequent cards that come up time after time, and our affinity cards (cards we especially like or are drawn to).

She then goes on to explain the  benefit of tarot rituals—that being keeping a journal, drawing a card of the day, using tarot for magick and manifestation, or using a special spread. She tells how to have an actual dialogue with the cards—questions we can ask about ourselves and our situations. How to ask questions that will help guide us, or advise us along our way, such as “what does the universe want me to know”,  or what is my biggest challenge.” 

Reading tarot is a very spiritual event. The cards themselves have several layers of meanings, and we need to pay attention to what happens along our way—perhaps what you thought the card meant in the early morning when it was drawn may turn out to have a different affect on your life by the end of the day. Christiana teaches us that reading tarot is a very spiritual event, but we must also know the art of detachment. We need to be open to the messages of the cards.  We need to go deeper into them if at first we do not understand their meaning. We need to see the cards, and not what we think we want to see.

As Christiana will tell you, tarot is a tool of divination, and a spiritual lesson. And the lessons that she will teach you will give you a broader understanding of those tools that will ultimately make you a better person, and a better tarot reader.


Literal Tarot: What’s in a Name?


Tarot by Christiana Weekly Newsletter February 29, 2012