Tarot Magick to get a New Job


These days many people are unemployed. It seems like everyone is looking for a job. It also seems like jobs are few and far between, and the competition is stiff.

Why not use tarot to get the edge you need? There are many tarot cards that can help you get a new job or a promotion. There are also cards that can help you be more articulate in an interview or can help you stick in the mind of the interviewer long after the interview is over.

You may meditate with these cards, or keep them on your altar. You may print out these images and hang them on your wall.

Many deck publishers produce miniature decks. These cards are small enough to fit in your wallet, your bra, your purse or your pocket.

Carrying a tarot card, or the printed image of a tarot card, on your person to the actual job interview will help you attract the energy you need.

Choose the card or cards that make sense for your situation, and make them a part of your job-hunting strategy.

Ace of Pentacles: This is the card of the new job. If you want a new job you definitely need this card.

Three of Pentacles: This suggests recognition for your accomplishments. It is good to help with a promotion or achieving a higher-level job in your field.

Eight of Pentacles: If you work in a particular trade this card will help you get the work you desire.

Ace of Swords: This card will help you communicate effectively in your interview. This is a particular boon to shy people.

Magician: The Magician will help you to highlight your tools, skills and abilities and will help others to see them.

The Sun: The Sun will help your interviewer remember you and recognize your best qualities.

There are also cards for specific types of jobs. For instance, the Ten of Pentacles is the "real estate card." If you are a builder, an architect or a real estate agent this is the card for you.

If you are looking for a job in the medical field try the High Priestess and or the Hierophant. They are the traditional nurse and doctor.

If you are looking for a teaching job use the Magician, the Hierophant and/or the Hermit.

A job that includes a great deal of driving or travel is facilitated by the Chariot.

For a job in a casino, try the Wheel of Fortune.

For a restaurant job, use Temperance.

Remember that each tarot card carries a specific energy. If you meditate with the card, keep in on your altar, wall or on your person, the card's energy will become part of your energy.

In magick, we say that "like attracts like." Whatever you are trying to attract will be drawn to an energy similar to itself. If what you are trying to attract is a job, use these cards to give yourself an energetic advantage!

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


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Tarot by Christiana Weekly Newsletter 5/1/2013